
The relationship between activity and stability of deposited platinum-carbon electrocatalysts
Guterman V., Belenov S., Alekseenko A., Tabachkova N., Volochaev V.
Characteristics of Pt Electrode Activated by Tb1 − xCexO2 − α Films in Contact with ZrO2 + 10 mol % Y2O3 Electrolyte
Kovrova A., Gorelov V.
Adsorption of Serine Anion on Smooth and Platinized Platinum
Kuleshova N., Vvedenskii A., Bobrinskaya E.
Pt- and Ir-based disperse catalysts synthesized in a magnetron for water electrolyzers with a solid polymer electrolyte
Nefedkin S., Klimova M., Kolomeitseva E., Klochnev M., Levin E., Petrii O.
Nanostructured Platinum Catalyst Supported by Titanium Dioxide
Bayan E., Guterman V., Volochaev V., Novomlinskii I.
Methanol Electrooxidation on PtM/C (M = Ni, Co) and Pt/(SnO2/C) Catalysts
Menshchikov V., Belenov S., Guterman V., Novomlinskiy I., Nevel’skaya A., Nikulin A.
Investigating interfacial parameters with platinum single crystal electrodes
Martínez-Hincapié R., Sebastián-Pascual P., Climent V., Feliu J.
Anodic Processes at Smooth Platinum Electrode in Concentrated Solution of Methanesulfonic Acid
Akhmedov M., Khidirov S.
PtIr/C Catalysts Synthesized by Electrochemical Dispersion Method for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Kuriganova A., Leont’ev I., Smirnova N.
Platinum electrochemical corrosion and protection in concentrated alkali metal chloride solutions investigated by potentiodynamic nanogravimetry
Chulkin P., Ragoisha G., Streltsov E.
Acceleration of Processes on Positive Electrode of Lithium–Oxygen Battery: Electrocatalyst or Redox Mediator?
Korchagin O., Bogdanovskaya V., Tripachev O., Sinenko G., Emets V.
Comparative Study of Special Features of the Oxygen Reaction (Molecular Oxygen Ionization and Evolution) in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Electrolyte Solutions (a Review)
Tarasevich M., Korchagin O., Tripachev O.
Activation of oxygen reaction by praseodymium oxide film on platinum electrode in contact with YSZ electrolyte
Vshivkova A., Gorelov V.
Synthesis of PtCu/С Electrocatalysts with Different Structures and Study of Their Functional Characteristics
Belenov S., Guterman V., Tabachkova N., Moguchikh E., Alekseenko A., Volochaev V., Novikovskiy N.
Electrochemical oxidation of formic acid at carbon supported Pt coated rotating disk electrodes
Sayadi A., Pickup P.
Electrochemical Interactions upon Contact of Erythrocytes with Platinum
Tsivadze A., Goroncharovskaya I., Evseev A., Andreev V., Batishchev O., Gol’din M.
Nanostructured Cobalt-Containing Carbon Supports for New Platinum Catalysts
Skibina L., Mauer D., Volochaev V., Guterman V.
Effect of the Composition and Structure of Pt(Cu)/C Electrocatalysts on Their Stability under Different Stress Test Conditions
Moguchikh E., Alekseenko A., Guterman V., Novikovsky N., Tabachkova N., Menshchikov V.
Films of certain oxides of rare-earth elements as the activators of platinum electrode on ZrO2 + 10 mol % Y2O3 electrolyte
Kovrova A., Gorelov V.
Electrocatalytic Properties of Rh/C and Pt-Rh/C Catalysts Fabricated by the Method of Electrochemical Dispersion
Faddeev N., Kuriganova A., Leont′ev I., Smirnova N.
Morphology and Transport Properties of Hybrid Materials Based on Perfluorinated Membranes, Polyaniline, and Platinum
Falina I., Popova D., Kononenko N.
Methylviologen-mediated electrochemical synthesis of platinum nanoparticles in solution bulk
Yanilkin V., Nastapova N., Nasretdinova G., Fazleeva R., Fedorenko S., Mustafina A., Osin Y.
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