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卷 52, 编号 3 (2016)


Simultaneous determination of hydroquinone and catechol based on three-dimensionally ordered macroporous polycysteine film modified electrode

Wang J., Shi Z., Jing J., Tan Y., Zhang S., Tian D.


A three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) polycysteine (PCE) film was electropolymerized on the glassy carbon electrode (GCE) using polystyrene spheres as template. The electrochemical behaviors of hydroquinone (HQ) and catechol (CC) were studied, and two independent oxidation peaks were observed. Compared with the bare GCE and GCE modified with PCE without using template, this electrode displays larger peak currents which may be attributed to the structure of PCE and the large surface area of the nanopore array structure. As a result, a novel electrochemical method was developed for the simultaneous determination of HQ and CC. Under the optimized conditions, the peak currents were linear to concentrations in the wider ranges of 9 to 700 μM for HQ and from 3 to 700 μM for CC. The method was successfully applied to the simultaneous determination of HQ and CC in spiked water samples, and the results are satisfactory.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):283-289
pages 283-289 views

Nonplatinum cathodic catalysts for fuel cells with alkaline electrolyte (Review)

Tarasevich M., Davydova E.


The review is devoted to the analysis of the state-of-the-art in the development of highly dispersed non-platinum catalysts of О2 electroreduction and their use in cathodes of alkaline fuel cell. Attention is focused on the development of catalysts for fuel cells with anion-exchange membrane. The range of catalytic materials under consideration includes complex oxides, unmodified carbon materials and also carbon materials doped with a transition metal and/or nitrogen. The main synthetic methods for nanodispersed catalysts are considered, particularly those used for synthesizing new types of N-doped carbon materials. A comparative description of peculiarities of О2 reduction on different groups of catalysts is carried out. The possible nature of catalytically active centers is discussed. The problems of further studies on the development of nonplatinum catalysts for fuel-cells cathodes with anion-exchange membranes are formulated.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):193-219
pages 193-219 views

The fractal theory of electrochemical diffusion noise: Correlations of the third and fourth order

Grafov B.


Based on the Langevin linear stochastic equation, the correlations of the 3rd and 4th order for thermal fluctuations of the electrode potential are studied in an electrochemical ac circuit involving an electric double layer capacitance, a resistance of steady-state diffusion, and a Warburg impedance. The presence of the noisy Warburg impedance in the ac circuit makes the Langevin linear stochastic equation fractal. The analogy with the steady-state diffusion noise and with the noise of the barrierless-activationless slow discharge is used. Equations for bispectrum and trispectrum of electrode-potential activation are shown. It is demonstrated that the intensity of bispectrum and trispectrum is determined exclusively by the noise of the steady-state diffusion resistance if one of frequency arguments in the polyspectrum is zero. It is found that in an electrochemical ac circuit containing the noisy Warburg impedance, the asymptotics of establishment of equilibrium values of asymmetry and excess of electrode-potential fluctuations (thermalization) obeys the power law rather than the exponential law. Furthermore, the excess thermalization proceeds faster as compared with asymmetry thermalization. The performed theoretical analysis of correlations of the 3rd and 4th order of the fractal noise of electrochemical diffusion is of practical interest. For instance, the concepts of the fractal electrochemical noise can be used in the noise diagnostics of devices of electrochemical power engineering and in the noise methods for studying corrosion systems.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):220-225
pages 220-225 views

Electrodeposited three dimensional tin nano wire anode for thin film Li-Ion micro batteries

Balaji S., Ananda Kumar M., Manichandran T., Mutharasu D.


The tin wire grown over anodic aluminium oxide template is used as anode for Li ion batteries. This work entails porous template formation through double step electrochemical oxidation method optimized by design of experiment and Tafel polarization. The X-ray diffraction results of different anodized specimens show amorphous alumina layer formation. The pores in alumina matrix and the filamentous outward projection of Sn wires are observed from micrographs. The initial discharge capacity of Sn wire and Sn planar thin film is observed to be around 850 and 531 mA h/g respectively. The 50th cycle capacity of Sn wire is observed to be around 494 mA h/g which is very high when compared to theoretical capacity of graphite anodes.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):226-232
pages 226-232 views

Investigation of electrocatalytic and analytical ability of Pt nanoparticles supported on active carbon modified electrode to analytical determination of glucose

Zhou X., Zheng X.


The electrocatalytic and analytical ability to glucose on a highly dispersed Pt nanoparticles supported on active carbon (Pt/C) modified electrode was investigated. The Pt/C nanocomposite was synthesized using a microwave method. The structural characterization and surface morphology of the prepared Pt/C nanocomposite was examined using X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive X-ray, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results show that the Pt nanoparticles with 3–10 nm in diameter are well dispersed on the surface of active carbon. The electrocatalytic and analytical ability of Pt nanoparticles supported on active carbon modified electrode (Pt/C/GCE) was studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperommetry. The Pt/C/GCE exhibits strong electrocatalytic activity to the glucose oxidation. Under optimal conditions, the Pt/C/GCE performed a current response towards glucose oxidation at a broad concentration range from 0.05 to 11.95 mM. Two linear regions could be observed at 0.05 to 3.5 mM with a sensitivity of 1.29 μA mM–1 cm–2 and at 3.5 to 11.95 mM with a sensitivity of 0.85 μA mM–1 cm–2, respectively. The Pt/C/GCE exhibits sufficient sensitivity and abilities of anti-interference.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):233-238
pages 233-238 views

A novel electrochemical biosensor for detection of cholesterol

Xu L., Hou Y., Zhang M., Yang X., Jenkins G., Huang W., Yao C., Wu Q.


We report on a highly sensitive electrochemical biosensor for determination of cholesterol. The biosensor was fabricated by co-immobilizing bi-enzymes, cholesterol oxidase (ChOx), and horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Voltammetric technique such as cyclic voltammetry and impedance experiment were used to study the characterization of modified electrode step by step. The developed sensor is cheap, disposable, portable and exhibits higher sensitivity. The biosensor expressed a wide linear range up to 300 mg dL–1 in a physiological condition (pH 7.0), with a correlation coefficient of 0.9969. A sensitivity of 13.28 μA mg–1 dL cm−2 which makes it very promising for the clinical determination of cholesterol.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):239-244
pages 239-244 views

Electrochemical study of single wall carbon nanotubes/graphene/ferritin composite for biofuel cell applications

Inamuddin ., Beenish ., Ahmed A., Naushad M.


A single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs)/graphene/ferritin/GOx layer on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) acting as a biofuel cell anode was fabricated using a SWNTs/graphene/ferritin composite as an electron transfer mediator from the enzyme to the electrode. In the presence of glucose, the SWNTs/graphene/ferritin/GOx composite showed a higher current response than SWNTs/graphene/GOx composite and the electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose on the anode increased linearly with increasing concentration of glucose. The highly distributed SWNTs/graphene/ferritin composite acts as a platform for enzyme immobilization resulted in an enhanced electrocatalytic activity towards glucose. The SWNTs/graphene/ferritin composite showed an enhanced electron transfer from enzyme to the electrode; therefore, SWNTs/graphene/ferritin/GOx composite can be used as an anode in biofuel cells.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):245-250
pages 245-250 views

Use of electrolysis under pressure for destructive oxidation of phenol and azo dyes

Kharlamova T., Aliev Z.


Trends in the development of electrochemical methods for solving environmental problems were considered. Modern tendencies in research on the electrochemical destruction of toxic organic substances resistant to oxidation were analyzed. The use of three-dimensional (3D) electrodes and combined methods (electro-Fenton process combined with ultrasound, UV irradiation, etc.) increases the efficiency of destruction. Special attention was paid to studies at increased pressures. Increased pressure initially created with an inert gas did not substantially affect the kinetics of the anodic process. Increased pressure initially created with an electrochemically active gas (oxygen) accelerated the anodic oxidation of organic compounds (phenol and azo dyes (direct black 2S and stable disperse yellow 4K). The organic substances under study inhibit the cathodic reduction of oxygen, and the positive role of increased pressure is proven.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):251-259
pages 251-259 views

Comparative electrochemical study of self-assembly of octanethiol from aqueous and aqueous ethanol solutions on a gold electrode

Ovchinnikova S.


The self-assembly of octanethiol (OT) on the surface of a polycrystalline gold electrode in aqueous and aqueous ethanol thiol-containing (1 × 10–4 М) 0.1 М NaClO4 solutions was studied. The blocking properties and electrochemical stability of monolayer OT films were studied by chronopotentiometry during OT adsorption under the open circuit conditions (chronoamperometry at a fixed potential) combined with cyclic voltammetry for modified Au/OT electrodes. It was found from the change in the rate of electrochemical reactions in the range of monolayer stability potentials that in aqueous media, compact insulating OT monolayer films formed at a open circuit potential within ~100 s, and the shift of the adsorption potential toward negative values (to–0.6 V) allowed a considerable decrease in the monolayer self-assembly time. The potential shift toward higher negative values (–0.9 V) leads to a removal of OT from the electrode surface during the reductive desorption, with a multipeak current signal recorded on the voltammograms. A transition from aqueous to aqueous ethanol solutions accelerated the formation of an insulating OT monolayer (≈6 s) and led to a change in the shape of the desorption current peak, whose value was almost independent of the ОТ accumulation time and potential.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):260-267
pages 260-267 views

Determination of corrosion current density by the rate of cathodic depolarizer consumption

Rybalka K., Beketaeva L., Davydov A.


The method of determination of metal corrosion rate, which does not require polarization of test specimen by an external power source, is described. The method involves the measurement of H+ ions consumption rate in the cathodic reactions at a constant pH value of solution, which is maintained by the compensating acid additives. The method application is demonstrated by two examples: the corrosion of iron in the weakly acidic sulfate and chloride solutions. Thus obtained results are compared with the data, which were determined by the methods of Tafel extrapolation and analysis of pre-Tafel portion of polarization curve.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):268-272
pages 268-272 views

Reasons for the effect of the amount of electrolyte on the performance of lithium–sulfur cells

Kolosnitsyn V., Karaseva E., Kuzmina E., Ivanov A.


As is known, the depth of the electrochemical reduction of sulfur and lithium polysulfides, the reduction rate, and the cycle life of lithium–sulfur cells decrease with the electrolyte content. The present paper studies the reasons for the effect of the amount of electrolyte on the depth of sulfur reduction and the cycle life of lithium–sulfur cells. The main reason for the effect of the amount of electrolyte on the depth of the electrochemical reduction of sulfur was shown to be the generation of solvate complexes of lithium polysulfides. The minimum amount of electrolyte required for complete reduction of sulfur during the discharge of lithium–sulfur cells is determined by the composition of the generated solvate complexes of lithium polysulfides. The solvate numbers of the lithium ion in the solvate complexes of lithium polysulfides generted in sulfolane electrolyte systems were evaluated from the experimental data. An analysis of the results shows that the minimum solvate number of lithium ions in the solvate complexes of lithium polysulfides with sulfolane is 1.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(3):273-282
pages 273-282 views