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Том 55, № 8 (2019)


Oxygen Mobility in the Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Catalytic Membranes (Review)

Sadykov V., Sadovskaya E., Eremeev N., Skriabin P., Krasnov A., Bespalko Y., Pavlova S., Fedorova Y., Pikalova E., Shlyakhtina A.


Oxygen transport (including oxygen mobility and surface reactivity) is one of the important factors governing electrochemical activity of solid oxide fuel cells electrodes as well as oxygen and hydrogen separation membranes based on materials with mixed oxide-ionic and electronic conductivity. In this work, oxygen mobility data obtained for a series of materials destined for such devices using modern techniques of oxygen isotope heteroexchange are summarized. Series of solid oxide fuel cells’ and membranes’ materials were studied by isotope exchange of their oxygen with 18O2 and C18O2 in isothermal and temperature-programmed modes using closed and flow reactors and data analysis based on developed model of oxygen diffusion and exchange. For solid electrolytes’ materials (Sc- and Ce-doped zirconia) as well as for proton-conducting materials [Ln5.5(Mo,W)O11.25], the effect of composition heterogeneity on the oxygen mobility was demonstrated. For Ln6 – xWO12 – δ, a strong effect of structure on the oxygen mobility was demonstrated. For oxides with asymmetric structure, where oxygen migration proceeds via cooperative mechanisms [La2(Mo,W)2O9, (Ln,Ca)2NiO4], the doping hampers the cooperative migration, resulting in oxygen mobility deterioration and sometimes forming additional slow diffusion channels. In the PrNi0.5Co0.5O3–Ce0.9Y0.1O2 nanocomposites that are materials of the solid oxide fuel cells’ cathode and functional layer of the oxygen separation membranes, two diffusion channels were observed, where more mobile oxygen corresponds to the fluorite phase and interfaces; less mobile, to the perovskite phase. This is due to special features of cations redistribution between the phases.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):701-718
pages 701-718 views

LiFePO4-Based Composite Electrode Material: Synthetic Approaches, Peculiarities of the Structure, and Regularities of Ionic Transport Processes

Ivanishchev A., Ivanishcheva I., Dixit A.


This article discusses approaches to the synthesis of composite cathode materials based on lithium-intercalated transition metal phosphates (by the example of iron–lithium phosphate). Among various methods and approaches to the synthesis, solid-state synthesis with a preliminary mechanochemical treatment of a mixture of starting materials was chosen as a variant of the compromising of simplicity and processability. In a series of experiments, different factors were sequentially varied in order to identify their influence on the properties of the final product. The article further presents the results of a systematic study of the electrochemical properties of LiFePO4-based material using a set of electrochemical methods: galvanostatic and potentiostatic intermittent titration and cyclic voltammetry. An original approach to graphical presentation of the potential–lithium ion concentration dependence in the LiFePO4 electrode was developed: for LixFePO4 solid solutions, the dependence was plotted against the lithium ion concentration; in the case of Li1 – xFePO4 solid solutions, against the lithium vacancies’ concentration. This approach allowed correctly calculating and introducing the correction parameter z into the modified Randles–Ševčik equation, in order to determine the diffusion coefficient according to the cyclic voltammetry method. Analysis of the galvanostatic and potentiostatic intermittent titration transients was carried out in terms of the developed models that allow describing lithium transport in the diffusion layer with a permeable inner boundary (a mathematical model of heterogeneous system with two phases in equilibrium and an interphase boundary). A good agreement has been found between theoretically calculated and experimental current and potential transients. When varying the composition of the electrode with respect to lithium, kinetic parameters of lithium intercalation were determined: the lithium diffusion coefficient and the phase transition constant.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):719-737
pages 719-737 views

Thermal Polymerization of Styrene Sorbed from the Gas Phase into Polymer Films as a Method for Synthesizing Precursors of Ion-Exchange Membranes

Ponomarev A., Kritskaya D., Abdrashitov E., Bokun V., Sanginov E., Novikova K., Dobrovol’skii Y.


Abstract—The thermal polymerization of styrene sorbed from the gas-phase into polymer films of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is carried out at 110°С. By this method, the “matrix‑polystyrene” composites containing up to 70 wt % polystyrene (PS), which serve as precursors of ion-exchange membranes, are synthesized. Sulfonation of grafted PS produces ion-exchange membranes with the exchange capacitance of 1–2.7 mmol/g and the protonic conductivity reaching 20–200 mS/cm when saturated with water at 25°С. The conductivity values indicate that the nonuniformity of PS distribution over film-matrix cross-section usually encountered when monomer sorbed from the gas phase is polymerized does not exert any noticeable effect on the conduction properties of sulfonated composites. The developed method of preparing composites “polymer matrix‑grafted polystyrene” substantially simplifies the synthesis of the precursor of ion-exchange membranes, decreases the necessary amount of reagents, and considerably enhances the safety of synthesis.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):738-744
pages 738-744 views

The Effect of Supports of Glassy–Carbon and Activated Graphite Foil on the Electrochemical Behavior of Composite Coatings Based on Polyaniline and Its N-Substituted Derivatives

Abalyaeva V., Nikolaeva G., Kabachkov E., Efimov O.


Abstract—Hybrid polymer nanomaterials are synthesized based on polyaniline (PAni) and its N-substituted derivative poly-3,6-dianiline-2,5-dichloro-1,4-benzoquinone (PDADCB) in combination with graphene oxide (GO). The electrochemical properties of electrodes formed by a composite polymer coatings based on PAni or PDADCB (combined with GO) and supported by glassy carbon and activated graphite foil (AGF) are studied. It is shown that the electron-conducting nanocomposite structure formed on the AGF foil has the electrochemical capacitance higher than 100 F/g and exhibits stable capacitance characteristics in a substantially extended potential interval in a protonic (1 М H2SO4) electrolyte.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):745-755
pages 745-755 views

Effect of the Halogen Dopant (F, Cl) on the Transport Properties of Proton Conductors Based on Ba4In2Zr2O11

Tarasova N., Galisheva A., Animitsa I.


The effect of F and Cl doping on the transport properties of the proton conductor Ba4In2Zr2O11 was analyzed. The halogen-substituted phases were found to be capable of water intercalation and proton transfer. The introduction of halide ions in low concentrations led to an increase in oxygen-ion and proton conductivity.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):756-761
pages 756-761 views

Modeling of Ionic Conductivity in Inorganic Compounds with Multivalent Cations

Morkhova E., Kabanov A., Blatov V.


This work is dedicated to search for promising ion-conducting crystals by using of high-throughput computer screening of the ICSD database of inorganic structures and quantum-mechanical modeling of ion transport. As a result, 246 magnesium-, calcium-, or strontium–oxygen-containing compounds are selected with 1D, 2D, 3D-migration maps of divalent ions that have not yet been studied as to the presence of ion conductivity. For ten structures with the simplest migration channel systems, including such well-known cation conductors, as Mg0.5Ti2(PO4)3, CaAl2O4, Sr0.5Al11O17, quantum-chemical DFT calculations are carried out and cation migration energies are obtained. Among the studied compounds, the structures of Mg3Nb6O11 and Mg3V2(SiO4)3 are characterized by the lowest migration energies of magnesium ions and small band gaps and can be considered as promising cation conductors for application in magnesium batteries.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):762-777
pages 762-777 views

Composite Solid Electrolytes Based on W-Doped Barium Indate

Alyabysheva I., Kochetova N., Matveev E., Animitsa I.


The composites based on the oxygen-ion and proton conductor Ba2In1.7W0.3O5.45 with a 30 mol % Ba2InNbO6 addition were studied. The processing of the compact samples of the composite electrolyte at 1430°C gave ceramics with a density of 95%. The total electric conductivity of the composite in dry and humid atmospheres decreases by ~0.5 order of magnitude compared with the conductivity of the matrix.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):778-784
pages 778-784 views

Sulfide-Conducting Ionic Conductors with the CaFe2O4 and Yb3S4 Structure Doped with Zirconium Disulfide

Pentin M., Ananchenko B., Kalinina L., Kosheleva E., Ushakova Y., Murin I.


Abstract—Sulfide-conducting ionic salts: calcium thioyttrate and thioytterbate and barium thiosamarate with the citrate-nitrate prehistory and also a semiconducting dopant, zirconium disulfide, are synthesized. The conditions are selected for preparation of heterogeneous mixtures CaY2S4–ZrS2 (I), BaSm2S4–ZrS2 (II), and CaYb2S4–ZrS2 (III). Attestation of samples by XRD and SEM methods revealed the formation of new compounds Y2ZrS5 and BaZrS3 in heterogeneous systems (I) and (II), respectively, and the formation of a solid solution based of calcium thioytterbate in system (III) containing up to 10 mol % ZrS2. TGM and DTA studies attest of thermal stability of all these systems in air. The temperature and concentration dependences of the electrical conductivity of heterogeneous mixtures are studied. Substantial increase in conductivity of heterogeneous mixtures (I) and (II) in the composition region from 20 to 40 mol % ZrS2 and the decrease in conductivity upon addition of 2–40 mol % ZrS2 into calcium thioytterbate (system III) are observed.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):785-795
pages 785-795 views

Influence of Solvent on the Proprieties of Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Film Fabricated by One-Step Electrodeposition

Azmi S., Khoumri E., Pezzato L., Dabala M.


This paper concentrates on the electrodeposition of CZTS kesterite thin films on ITO coated glass. The main objective of the article is to compare the electrodeposition from an ionic liquid electrolyte, which is choline–urea, and from an aqueous electrolyte, that is the citrate buffer solution. The electrochemical behaviour of the citrate buffer shown a remarkable evolution of the hydrogen, which was less in the choline chloride–urea electrolyte. The XRD pattern of the films provided from the two electrolytes confirms the presence of the kesterite form of Cu2ZnSnS4. The surface morphology of the samples was examined using scanning electron microscopy and showed that electrodeposition from the citrate buffer electrolyte leads to have CZTS thin films with less porous morphology.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):796-801
pages 796-801 views

Short Communications

Electrochemical Parameters of Supercapacitors on a Neutral Aqueous Electrolyte with Various Electrode Materials

Berezhnaya A., Chernyavina V., Sinyavin A.


Activated carbon Norit Supra DLS 30 and carbon fabrics L-03 and T-040 were studied as electrode materials for supercapacitors with aqueous sodium sulfate. The use of the T-040 fabric led to higher specific capacity than in the case of carbon tape L-03. The decrease in the capacity when cycling the capacitors with electrode materials of both fabrics was almost the same. The introduction of benzotriazole in the electrolyte or electrode material increased the operating voltage and specific characteristics of the supercapacitor.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):802-806
pages 802-806 views

Electrochemical Properties of N-Methyl- and N-Phenyl-2,4,6-Triphenylpyridium Perchlorate

Dolganov A., Tanaseichuk B., Tarasova O., Chernyaeva O., Selivanova Y., Yudina A., Grigor’yan K., Balandina A., Yurova V.


The electrochemical properties of N-methyl- and N-phenyl-2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium perchlorates were studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The substituent at the nitrogen atom strongly affects the potentials of salt reduction and the electrochemical reversibility of the transfer of the second electron.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(8):807-812
pages 807-812 views

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