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Volume 54, Nº 6 (2018)


Structure and Transport Properties of Zirconia-Based Solid Solution Crystals Co-Doped with Scandium and Cerium Oxides

Agarkov D., Borik M., Bredikhin S., Kulebyakin A., Kuritsyna I., Lomonova E., Milovich F., Myzina V., Osiko V., Agarkova E., Tabachkova N.


The crystals of (ZrO2)1–x(Sc2O3)x(СeO2)0.01 solid solutions (x = 0.08–0.10) were obtained by directional crystallization. The crystals of the grown composites were semitransparent, opalescent, and without cracks and had varying microstructure in the bulk. In the range of compositions under study, it was impossible to obtain optically homogeneous, fully transparent crystals. The crystals grown at a growth rate of 10 mm/h had a nonuniform distribution of ceria along the length of the ingot. The introduction of ceria in an amount of 1 mol % increased the conductivity of the crystals, but the increase in the specific electric conductivity depended on the Sc2O3 content and the phase composition of the crystals. The highest conductivity was inherent in the (ZrO2)0.89(Sc2O3)0.10(CeO2)0.01 crystals.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):459-463
pages 459-463 views

Stabilized Zirconia-Based Nanostructured Powders for Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells

Sokolov P., Karpyuk P., Dosovitskiy G., Volkov P., Lyskov N., Slyusar′ I., Dosovitskiy A.


High-purity uniform powders of zirconia-based solid electrolytes stabilized with yttria (4 and 8 mol %) are synthesized by co-precipitation with subsequent annealing at different temperatures. The obtained powders were studied using X-ray analysis and transmission electron microscopy; the specific surface area was measured by nitrogen adsorption. The stabilized zirconia powder sintering was studied over temperature range from 1000 to 1600°C. The ionic conductivity of samples containing 8 mol % of yttria was 0.06–0.07 S/сm, that is comparable with that obtained with commercial solid electrolytes.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):464-470
pages 464-470 views

The Effect of Chromium Oxide on the Conductivity of Ce0.9Gd0.1O2, a Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell Electrolyte

Konysheva E.


To study the effect of chromium oxide on the electric properties of Ce0.9Gd0.1O2, a solid-oxide fuel cell electrolyte, two approaches were used: (a) the studying of electrochemical properties of the Ce0.9Gd0.1O2- electrolyte after the spontaneous adsorption of chromium-containing molecules from a gas phase and (b) the analyzing of transport properties of the Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-based chromium-containing compositions obtained by the mixing of solid-oxide electrolyte with chromium(III) oxide. It was found that the chromium reduction at the electrolyte surface dominates when chromium is adsorbed from gas phase. Both approaches allow concluding that the chromium presence in Ce0.9Gd0.1O2 deteriorates the electrolyte transport properties at temperatures above 735°С. This is caused by the chromium incorporation into the electrolyte’s fluorite structure, as well as surface microheterogeneity induced by the chromium presence at the Ce0.9Gd0.1O2 surface and the cerium and gadolinium cation redistribution between the grains’ bulk and surface. At intermediate temperatures (below 735°С) the electric conductivity of the Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-based chromium-containing composition exceeds that of the initial solid-oxide electrolyte, which can be due to changes in transport properties of the chromium-containing phases formed at the Ce0.9Gd0.1O2 surface and grain boundaries.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):471-480
pages 471-480 views

Electrotransport Characteristics of Ceramic and Single Crystal Materials with the (ZrO2)0.89(Sc2O3)0.10(Y2O3)0.01 Composition

Kuritsyna I., Bredikhin S., Agarkov D., Borik M., Kulebyakin A., Milovich F., Lomonova E., Myzina V., Tabachkova N.


The comparative analysis of electrotransport characteristics and structure of ceramic and single crystal solid electrolytes with the (ZrO2)0.89(Sc2O3)0.10(Y2O3)0.01 composition is carried out before and after their life tests. It is shown that before the life tests, the specific conductivities of single-crystal and ceramic materials virtually coincide. During the 3000 h life tests, the specific ionic conductivity decreases for both single crystal and ceramic samples down to about 0.1 S cm–1 but the degradation of conductivity in single crystal proceeds more slowly as compared with the ceramic material. The reason for degradation of electrotransport characteristics in the single crystal is associated with the transition of its bulk structure from the t′′ phase to a phase with the higher degree of tetragonality, whereas in the ceramic material, in addition to the latter process, a rhombohedral phase appears presumably along grain boundaries.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):481-485
pages 481-485 views

Oxygen Nonstoichiometry and Transport Properties of Mixed-Conducting Ce0.6–xLa0.4PrxO2–δ

Ivanov A., Kolotygin V., Patrakeev M., Markov A., Bredikhin S., Kharton V.


The oxygen nonstoichiometry and electrical conductivity of fluorite-type solid solutions Ce0.6‒xLa0.4PrxO2–δ (x = 0.1–0.2) were studied in the oxygen partial pressure range 10–19–0.35 atm at 1023–1223 K. It was confirmed that the Pr4+/3+ and Ce4+/3+ redox pairs, which determine the concentration of p- and n-type electron charge carriers, play the dominant roles under oxidizing and reducing conditions, respectively. The conductivity vs. charge carrier concentration dependencies in these conditions are almost linear. Increasing praseodymium content leads to a substantially higher hole conductivity and an expanded range of the oxygen nonstoichiometry variations at high oxygen partial pressures. Under reducing conditions when praseodymium cations become trivalent opposite trends are observed on doping.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):486-492
pages 486-492 views

Anodic Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells Based on Pt/Ti1–xRuxO2

Belmesov A., Baranov A., Levchenko A.


The electrocatalytic activity of materials in the 10% Pt/Ti1–xRuxO2–δ system, where x = 0–0.3 (0 ≤ Ru ≤ 30 mol %), in the reactions of hydrogen electrooxidation in the presence of CO is studied in the liquid three-electrode cell and a model of fuel cell. It is shown that the tolerance of the electrocatalysts towards CO is determined by the crystal structure of the support: the support with the rutile structure provides a higher rate of CO desorption than the support with the anatase structure. The potential of the onset of CO oxidation decreases with increasing concentration of dopant in the support from 650 mV for 10% Pt/TiO2 to 480 mV (NHE) for 10% Pt/Ti0.91Ru0.09O2–δ (rutile). The use of these materials as the anodic catalysts of fuel cell operating with hydrogen containing 30 ppm CO enabled us to obtain a current density by 7 times higher as compared with the 20% PtRu/C E-Tec catalysts.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):493-499
pages 493-499 views

Pore-Forming Agents for the Supporting Ni-Based SOFC Anode

Pavzderin N., Nikonov A., Paranin S., Kuterbekov K., Bekmyrza K.


The effect of the type (semolina, starch, and ashless filter paper) and amount (5 and 10 wt %) of pore-forming agents on the structure of supporting Ni-cermet anodes and characteristics of solid-oxide fuel cells on their basis has been studied. It has been found that the use of paper fibers as the pore-forming agent doubles the open porosity of the anode as compared with equal amounts of semolina or starch. It has been shown that the long cylindrical pores formed by fibers allow fast transport of gases through the anode bulk, which has a positive effect on the fuel cell characteristics.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):500-505
pages 500-505 views

Redox Behavior and Transport Properties of Composites Based on (Fe,Ni)3O4 ± δ for Anodes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Kolotygin V., Noskova V., Bredikhin S., Kharton V.


The Fe–Ni–O system designed for producing bimetal-containing composite anodes of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) was studied. The solubility of nickel in the structure of spinel (Fe,Ni)3O4 ± δ at atmospheric oxygen pressure is ~1/3. Moderate reduction at 1023 K and p(O2) ≈ 10–20 atm leads to partial decomposition of spinels, forming an electron-conducting phase (Fe,Ni)1–yO and submicron bimetallic Fe–Ni particles on the oxide surface, which have potentially high catalytic activity. The electron conductivity has a thermally activated character and increases substantially during the reduction. In the anode conditions of SOFCs, the electric conductivity reaches 30–100 S/cm, while the thermal expansion coefficients are ~12 × 10–6 K–1, which ensures compatibility with solid electrolytes. At the same time, significant volume changes during the redox cycling (up to ~1% on the linear scale) necessitate the introduction of additional components such as yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ). The polarization resistance of the model composite anode of reduced Fe2NiO4 ± δ and YSZ deposited on the YSZ solid electrolyte membrane was ~1.8 Ohm cm2 at 923 K in a 4% H2–Ar–H2O atmosphere.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):506-513
pages 506-513 views

Transport and Electrochemical Properties of SrFe(Al,Mo)O3–δ

Kolotygin V., Tsipis E., Markov A., Patrakeev M., Waerenborgh J., Shaula A., Kharton V.


In this work, effects of molybdenum doping on the crystal structure, stability, electrical conductivity, oxygen permeability and thermomechanical properties of Sr(Fe,Al)O3–δ-based perovskites, were studied. The electrochemical performance of model anodes of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), made of SrFe0.7Mo0.3O3–δ, was assessed. Whilst the introduction of Mo cations improves structural stability with respect to the oxygen vacancy ordering processes, excessive molybdenum content leads to a worse phase and mechanical stability under oxidizing conditions. Mo-doping was shown to decrease the thermal and chemical expansivity, to reduce p-type electronic conductivity and to increase n-type electronic conduction. The oxygen permeation fluxes through gas-tight Sr0.97Fe0.75Al0.2Mo0.05O3–δ membranes are determined by both the bulk oxygen diffusion and surface exchange kinetics. The role of the latter factor increases on decreasing temperature and reducing oxygen partial pressure. Due to a relatively high electrical conductivity and moderate thermal expansion coefficients in reducing conditions, SrFe0.7Mo0.3O3–δ-based anodes show a substantially high electrochemical activity.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):514-526
pages 514-526 views

Electrochemical Properties of Composite Cathode Materials Pr1.95La0.05CuO4–Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Lyskov N., Galin M., Kostretsova N., Eliseeva G., Kolchina L., Mazo G.


The electrochemical properties are studied for composite electrodes Pr1.95La0.05CuO4(PLCO)–xCe0.9Gd0.1O1.95(GDC), where x = 20, 30, 40, and 50 wt % GDC with the aim of finding the composition with the best electrochemical efficiency in the oxygen reduction reaction. Varying the temperature of sintering of the PLCO–xGDC electrode layer to the surface of GDC solid electrolyte shows that the minimum polarization resistance (Rη) is reached at the temperature of 850°C. For the PLCO–xGDC composition containing 40 wt % GDC, in the temperature range of 600–750°C, the maximum electrochemical activity in oxygen reduction reaction is observed as indicated by 10-fold decrease in Rη as compared with single-phase PLCO (from 0.87 (x = 0) to 0.08 Ω cm2 (x = 40) at 700°C in air). According to the data obtained, the PLCO–40GDC composite can be considered as a promising cathode material for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):527-532
pages 527-532 views

Electrical Conductivity, Thermal Expansion and Electrochemical Properties of Perovskites PrBaFe2–xNixO5 + δ

Ivanov A., Kolotygin V., Tsipis E., Bredikhin S., Kharton V.


In order to evaluate applicability of mixed-conducting PrBaFe2–xNixО5 + δ perovskites for cathodes of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), their crystal structure, thermal and chemical expansion, electrical conductivity and electrochemical behavior were studied. The solubility limit of nickel in PrBaFe2O5 + δ corresponds to x = 0.8. At x > 0.2, the disordered cubic phase transformed into the tetragonal phase. The maximum level of conductivity (50–120 S/cm) at the operating temperatures of SOFC was found for the composition with the maximum nickel content, PrBaFe1.2Ni0.8О5 + δ. This material is also characterized by moderate thermal and chemical expansion relative to other ferrite-nickelates. The polarization resistance of a porous PrBaFe1.2Ni0.8О5 + δ cathode in a cell with a protective Ce0.6La0.4O2–δ layer and a solid electrolyte (La0.9Sr0.1)0.98Ga0.8Mg0.2O3–δ was ~0.9 Ohm cm2 at a temperature of 1073 K, atmospheric oxygen pressure, and current density of–120 mA cm–2.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):533-540
pages 533-540 views

Single SOFC with Supporting Ni-YSZ Anode, Bilayer YSZ/GDC Film Electrolyte, and La2NiO4 + δ Cathode

Koval’chuk A., Kuz’min A., Osinkin D., Farlenkov A., Solov’ev A., Shipilova A., Ionov I., Bogdanovich N., Beresnev S.


Characteristics of fuel cells with supporting Ni-YSZ anode, bilayer YSZ/GDC electrolyte with the thickness of 10 μm, and La2NiO4 + δ cathode are studied. It is shown that when humid (3% water) hydrogen is supplied to the anode and air is supplied to the cathode, the maximum values of cell’s power density are 1.05 and 0.75 W/cm2 at 900 and 800°С, respectively. After the introduction of praseodymium oxide and ceria into the cathode and the anode, respectively, the power density is ca. 1 W/cm2 at 700°С. It is found that the power density of a cell with impregnated electrodes weakly increases with the increase in temperature to ca. 1.4 W/cm2 at 900°С. The analysis of impedance spectra by the distribution of relaxation times shows that such behavior is associated with the gas-diffusion resistance of the SOFC anode. The latter is explained by the low porosity of the anode and the high rate of fuel consumption.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):541-546
pages 541-546 views

Fabrication of Microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Film Compaction and Co-Sintering

Nikonov A., Spirin A., Lipilin A., Khrustov V., Paranin S.


The microtubular design of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), which are promising electrochemical power sources, has a number of significant advantages over traditional planar and tubular designs: increased resistance to the cell (stack) heating rate and packing density of cells in a stack. The paper presents results on the development of a microtubular SOFC (MT-SOFC) fabrication method based on compaction and co-sintering a set of films. The formation of an anode-supported MT-SOFC having a Ni-cermet collector (support) and functional layers of about 300 and 50 μm thick, respectively; a Zr0.84Y0.16O2–δ solid electrolyte layer (40 μm); and a cathode based on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3–δ has been developed. The outer diameter and length of the MT-SOFC were 3.9 and 12 mm, respectively. The maximum specific power generated by the MT-SOFC at 850°C was 0.21 W/cm2.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):547-553
pages 547-553 views

Electrochemical Noise Measurement of Polymer Membrane Fuel Cell under Load

Astaf’ev E.


Electrochemical noise of a polymer membrane hydrogen–air fuel cell under different currents is measured. Frequency and amplitude dependences of the current-noise power spectral density are calculated. In the frequency interval from 10 to 200 Hz a linear segment of the frequency characteristic has a slope of ‒2. The current-noise power spectral density is found to be proportional to the 4th power of the fuel cell loading DC current. Thus found frequency dependence of the fuel cell electrochemical noise was shown to differ markedly from that of the electrochemical impedance real component.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):554-560
pages 554-560 views

PtIr/C Catalysts Synthesized by Electrochemical Dispersion Method for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

Kuriganova A., Leont’ev I., Smirnova N.


PtIr/C electrocatalyst with the metal phase uniformly distributed over the carbon support surface and the average size of PtIr nanoparticles of 5.9 nm is synthesized by electrochemical dispersion of Pt90Ir10 alloy under the action of alternating pulse current. It is shown that the presence of iridium within the composition of a Pt/C catalyst lowers down the overpotential of CO oxidation and increases catalyst’s specific activity with respect to electrochemical oxidation of ethanol.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2018;54(6):561-565
pages 561-565 views

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