Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 53, № 10 (2017)

Section 1. Mass and Charge Transfer

Application of the dissipation theorem to turbulent flow and mass transfer in a pipe

Newman J.


The dissipation theorem is applied to turbulent pipe flow. The eddy-viscosity profiles can be made to agree with some in the literature in the sense that the eddy viscosity starts at zero on the solid pipe wall, rises to a maximum, and declines again toward the center line. A relationship between the volumetric dissipation and the eddy viscosity is derived by means of an energy balance on a core of fluid of radius r. The question of what exponent to use on the radius in another governing equation is clarified, thereby giving better agreement with experimental data than other values tried. Negative values of the eddy viscosity can be obtained in some regions of the flow field, such as near the center line, and it is suggested that these can be eliminated by slight modification of the decay term. Better agreement with the shapes of friction-factor and mass-transfer curves could be achieved by further (empirical) modification of the stress dependence of parameters in the model.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1061-1075
pages 1061-1075 views

Statistical theory of turbulent mass transfer in electrochemical systems

Martemianov S.


The paper presents an overview of the statistical theory of turbulent mass transfer in electrochemical systems and some new results which generalize the previously obtained relations for the flows of complex geometry. The developed theory does not use traditional semi-empirical hypotheses and analogies, but directly addresses to the solving of the critical for turbulent transfer the closure problem. The mathematical procedure for solving of the closure problem makes use of new equations for the correlations between concentration and velocity fluctuations in different space points and at different time moments; the dumping of turbulent pulsations in the viscous sublayer allows to neglect high order moments and obtain a closed equation for the turbulent mass flux. In general, the relation between the turbulent mass flux and the mean concentration gradient is non-local. Using available experimental information, the non-local equation for the turbulent mass flux is reduced to the traditional local one and the functional form of the turbulent diffusion coefficient is obtained. It is demonstrated that Reynolds analogy cannot been used for the prediction of the turbulent diffusivity. Applications of the developed theory to chemical engineering and to electrochemical flow diagnostics (prediction of flow characteristics using limiting diffusion current measurements) are discussed.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1076-1086
pages 1076-1086 views

Estimating parameters from rotating ring disc electrode measurements

Santhanagopalan S., White R.


Rotating ring disc electrode (RRDE) experiments are a classic tool for investigating kinetics of electrochemical reactions. Several standardized methods exist for extracting transport parameters and reaction rate constants using RRDE measurements. In this work, we compare some approximate solutions to the convective diffusion used popularly in the literature to a rigorous numerical solution of the Nernst–Planck equations coupled to the three dimensional flow problem. In light of these computational advancements, we explore design aspects of the RRDE that will help improve sensitivity of our parameter estimation procedure to experimental data. We use the oxygen reduction in acidic media involving three charge transfer reactions and a chemical reaction as an example, and identify ways to isolate reaction currents for the individual processes in order to accurately estimate the exchange current densities.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1087-1099
pages 1087-1099 views

Generalized Nernst layer model for convective-diffusion transport. Numerical solution for bromide ion electroreduction on inactive rotating disk electrode under steady state conditions

Antipov A., Vorotyntsev M.


The process of electroreduction of bromate anion BrO3- from aqueous solutions on catalytically inactive (e.g., carbon) electrodes is theoretically described in the framework of the generalized Nernst layer model in which the Nernst-layer thickness is chosen independently for each system’s component according to the Levich formula. For this system, the numerical algorithm is developed for solving the system diffusion- kinetic equations for the case of excessive content of protons in solution and one-dimensional transport (corresponding to RDE) under stationary conditions. The results are compared with conclusions of the approximate analytical theory proposed for the same system in our recent study (J. Electroanal. Chem., 2016, vol. 779, p. 146). The closeness of the numerical and analytical data makes it possible to conclude that both approaches can be used for solving this problem. Deviations are observed only when the approximations lying in the basis of the corresponding analytical relationships are violated.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1100-1108
pages 1100-1108 views

Pseudotransient method for modeling of electrochemical machining

Volgin V., Davydov A.


The electrochemical machining is aimed at the fabrication of parts of prescribed shape and dimensions by the anodic metal dissolution using tool-electrodes of various types. The task of the theory of electrochemical machining is to calculate the shape and dimensions of the workpiece depending on the shape of tool-electrode and operation conditions. In this work, a pseudotransient method of modeling, which is new for the steady-state electrochemical machining, is developed. In this method, first, the initial approximation of workpiece surface is prescribed; in the course of modeling, it shifts in the normal direction at a rate proportional to the residual of steady-state condition. The proposed method requires substantially lower computational cost than the non-steady-state method and can be used for the tool-electrodes of arbitrary shape.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1109-1121
pages 1109-1121 views

Effect of electroconvection and its use in intensifying the mass transfer in electrodialysis (Review)

Nikonenko V., Mareev S., Pis’menskaya N., Uzdenova A., Kovalenko A., Urtenov M., Pourcelly G.


The modern concepts on the origin of electroconvection (EC) are surveyed briefly and the known mechanisms of this phenomenon are classified. Factors that influence the EC character and intensity at the surface of ion-exchange membranes are analyzed, such as electrical and geometrical heterogeneity of the membrane surface, its degree of hydrophobicity, and the surface charge. The EC mechanism is shown also to depend on the applied potential difference and the rate of solution flow between membranes. The mechanism of the EC-induced gain in the mass transfer is elucidated, the possible gain in the mass transfer is estimated, and the prospects for using the EC for reducing the membrane fouling caused by sedimentation and formation of organic deposits are assessed.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1122-1144
pages 1122-1144 views

A phenomenological description of charge transfer within polaron-containing films with unramified polymer chains

Malev V.


According to the existing modified electrode theory, both radical-cations (polarons) and reduced quasi-particles of conducting polymer films include the same number of repeat units of polymer chains. As opposed to such supposition, any reduced repeat unit of polymer chains is assumed to be a separate quasiparticle in scope of the recently proposed approach to treating the conductance of polaron-containing films. To say nothing of the obtained new results of such approach, it is necessary to indicate that its applications have been restricted so far to the cases of either a homogeneous polaron population, which means the absence of any polaron transformations (for example, into bipolarons), or the presence of such transformations proceeding in equilibrium conditions. The main purpose of the presented communication is to derive charge carrier fluxes and material balance equations valid for non-equilibrium conditions and accounting for the above transformations and translocations of quasi-particles along polymer chains. Consecutive acts of any type of the indicated processes are treated as sequences of similar reactions proceeding in the film interior. This allows one to apply the Brönsted rule of linear correlation between activation energies of such reactions and their generalized heat effects, in order to express the reaction rate as a function of the local electric field. Using a lattice model of films formed by unramified polymer chains, non-stationary flux and material balance equations have been obtained. A comparison between the derived results and those conformed to the existing theory shows their significant difference. Some other inferences from the description carried out and possible prospects of its development are discussed.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1145-1159
pages 1145-1159 views

Section 2. Physicochemical Mechanics

Interpretation of the frequency transients accompanying the submersion of a polymer coated QCM quartz crystal in water

Yoo H., Bruckenstein S., Pater E.


10 MHz QCM quartz crystals, uncoated or coated with films of PMMA and/or PEO, were rapidly submerged into aqueous medium. The changes in these crystals’ resonance frequencies were recorded. In all cases after a few seconds crystal’s resonant frequency became constant at a value that depended upon whether the crystal was polished or etched and whether it was coated or uncoated with a polymer film. A blended polymer film composed of PMMA and PEO, when coated on a QCM crystal and then submerged in water showed a rapid frequency increase corresponding to the removal (leaching) of PEO from the film and creating a porous PMMA film whose pores were filled with water. The porosity of the leached film was determined.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1160-1164
pages 1160-1164 views

“One dimensional” double layer. The effect of size asymmetry of cations and anions on charge-storage in ultranarrow nanopores—an Ising model theory

Rochester C., Sartor A., Pruessner G., Kornyshev A.


We develop a statistical mechanical theory of charge storage in quasi-single-file ionophilic nanopores with pure room temperature ionic liquid cations and anions of different size. The theory is mapped to an extension of the Ising model exploited earlier for the case of cations and anions of the same size. We calculate the differential capacitance and the stored energy density per unit surface area of the pore. Both show asymmetry in the dependence on electrode potential with respect to the potential of zero charge, related to the difference in the size of the ions, which will be interesting to investigate experimentally. It also approves the increase of charge storage capacity via obstructed charging, which in these systems emerges for charging nanopores with smaller ions.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1165-1170
pages 1165-1170 views

Oxidation and lateral diffusion of styryl dyes on the surface of a bilayer lipid membrane

Sokolov V., Shcherbakov A., Tashkin V., Gavril’chik A., Chizmadzhev Y., Pohl P.


The mechanism of action of photosensitizers used in the photodynamic tumor therapy is studied by using bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) which adequately simulate the plasma membranes of cells. The formation of singlet oxygen upon photoexcitation of photosensitizer (tetrasulfonated alumophthalocyanine) is revealed by the photosensitizer-induced decomposition of styryl dyes di-4-ANEPPS or RH-421 the adsorption of which on BLM gives rise to changes in the dipole potential at the membrane interface. This potential decreases upon illumination of the membrane covered with adsorbed phthalocyanine and dye molecules as a result of the dye oxidation by singlet oxygen and is recovered upon interruption of illumination as a result of adsorption of new dye molecules from the solution. The changes in the potential are observed both when the dye molecules are adsorbed on the same (cis) membrane side as the photosensitizer molecules and also when they are adsorbed on the opposite (trans) membrane side. When the dye molecules are adsorbed on the trans side, the kinetics of potential variations in the light and its subsequent recovery in the dark depends on the membrane size. This dependence is explained within the framework of a model which assumes that dye molecules can get into the lipid bilayer not only from the aqueous solution but also as a result of lateral diffusion from the bilayer-surrounding circular reservoir containing a lipid solution in decane. The quantitative description of experimental data in terms of this model allows the coefficient of lateral diffusion of di-4- ANEPPS molecules in the lipid bilayer to be assessed as 10–7–10–6 cm2/s. The oxidation rate of dye molecules on the cis side is shown to be lower, which is explained by inhibition of the formation of singlet oxygen by dye molecules.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1171-1181
pages 1171-1181 views

Section 3. Electron Transfer Kinetics and Electrochemical Processes

Adiabatic and non-adiabatic electrochemical electron transfer in terms of Green’s function theory

Schmickler W.


We present a model Hamiltonian for electrochemical electron transfer, and use Green’s functions as the starting point for three different approaches to the calculation of rate constants: first order perturbation theory, which is equivalent to the Levich and Dogonadze theory, the calculation of adiabatic free energy surfaces, and propagation in time. We discuss the similarities and differences between these methods.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1182-1188
pages 1182-1188 views

Electrochemistry in ionic liquids: Case study of a manganese corrole

McNicholas B., Blumenfeld C., Kramer W., Grubbs R., Winkler J., Gray H.


Voltammetry of [5,10,15-tris(pentafluorophenylcorrole)]Mn(III) was investigated in four different ionic liquids (ILs): 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (BMIm-TFSI); 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate (EMIm-EtOSO3); 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium triflate (EMIm-OTf); and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetracyanoborate (EMIm-TCB). We found that MnIV/III E1/2 values depend on IL counter anion: OTf–< EtOSO3 < TFSI < TCB. In EMIm-TCB and BMIm- TFSI, reversible, diffusion-controlled MnIV/III reactions occurred, as evidenced in each case by the ratio of anodic to cathodic diffusion coefficients over a range of scan rates. Axial coordination was evidenced by a cathodic to anodic diffusion coefficient ratio greater than one, an increasing cathodic to anodic peak current ratio with increasing scan rate, and a split Soret band in the UV-vis spectrum of the complex.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1189-1193
pages 1189-1193 views

Rotating ring-disk voltammetry: Diagnosis of catalytic activity of metallic copper catalysts toward CO2 electroreduction

Wadas A., Rutkowska I., Bartel M., Zoladek S., Rajeshwar K., Kulesza P.


Using the rotating ring (platinum)—disk (glassy carbon) electrode methodology, electrocatalytic activity of the microstructured copper centers (imbedded within the polyvinylpyrrolidone polymer matrix and deposited onto the glassy carbon disk electrode) has been monitored during electroreduction of carbon dioxide both in acid (HClO4) and neutral (KHCO3) media as well as diagnosed (at Pt ring) with respect to formation of the electroactive products. Combination of the stripping-type and rotating ring-disk voltammetric approaches has led to the observation that, regardless the overlapping reduction phenomena, the reduction of carbon dioxide at copper catalyst is, indeed, operative and coexists with hydrogen evolution reaction. Using the fundamental concepts of surface electrochemistry and analytical voltammetry, the reaction products (thrown onto the platinum ring electrode) could be considered and identified as adsorbates (on Pt) under conditions of the stripping-type oxidation experiment. Judging from the potentials at which the stripping voltammetric peaks appear in neutral CO2-saturated KHCO3 (pH 6.8), formic acid or carbon monoxide seem to be the most likely reaction products or intermediates. The proposed methodology also permits correlation between the CO2 electroreduction products and the potentials applied to the disk electrode. By performing the comparative stripping-type voltammetric experiments in acid medium (HClO4 at pH 1) with the adsorbates of formic acid, ethanol and acetaldehyde (on Pt ring), it can be rationalized that, although C2H5OH or CH3CHO are very likely CO2-reduction electroactive products, formation of some HCOOH, CH3OH or even CO cannot be excluded.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1194-1203
pages 1194-1203 views

Long-range interfacial electron transfer and electrocatalysis of molecular scale Prussian Blue nanoparticles linked to Au(111)-electrode surfaces by different chemical contacting groups

Zhu N., Ulstrup J., Chi Q.


We have explored interfacial electrochemical electron transfer (ET) and electrocatalysis of 5–6 nm Prussian Blue nanoparticles (PBNPs) immobilized on Au(111)-electrode surfaces via molecular wiring with variable-length, and differently functionalized thiol-based self-assembled molecular monolayers (SAMs). The SAMs contain positively (−NH3+) or negatively charged (–COO–) terminal group, as well an electrostatically neutral hydrophobic terminal group (–CH3). The surface microscopic structures of the immobilized PBNPs were characterized by high-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) directly in aqueous electrolyte solution under the same conditions as for electrochemical measurements. The PBNPs displayed fast and reversible interfacial ET on all the surfaces, notably in multi-ET steps as reflected in narrow voltammetric peaks. The ET kinetics can be controlled by adjusting the length of the SAM forming linker molecules. The interfacial ET rate constants were found to depend exponentially on the ET distance for distances longer than a few methylene groups in the chain, with decay factors (β) of 0.9, 1.1, and 1.3 per CH2, for SAMs terminated by −NH3+,–COO–, and–CH3, respectively. This feature suggests, first that the interfacial ET processes follow a tunneling mechanism, resembling that of metalloproteins in a similar assembly. Secondly, the electronic contact of the SAM terminal groups that anchor non-covalently the PBNP are crucial as reported for other types of molecular junctions. Highly efficient PBNP electrocatalysis of H2O2 reduction was also observed for the three linker groups, and the electrocatalytic mechanisms analyzed.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1204-1221
pages 1204-1221 views

Theoretical models of X–H bonds breaking (X = C, O, and H) over metal surfaces: Used for simulation of catalytic methane steam reforming

German E.


A short review of the works where theoretical models for describing kinetics of catalytic X–H bonds breaking reactions (X = C, O, and H) over metal surfaces were developed on the basis of concepts of the Dogonadze–Kuznetsov–Levich quantum mechanical theory of chemical processes. Numerical values of the rate constants of these reactions over (111) surfaces of nickel, platinum and rhodium, which are considered as steps of a complex catalytic process of methane steam reforming (MSR) are calculated and compared with experimental data. These rate constants are used for simulations of microkinetic models of the MSR reactions on the catalysts. Effects of external parameters on the MSR rates and on isotope effects are described.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1222-1231
pages 1222-1231 views

Monte Carlo simulations of heterogeneous electron transfer: New challenges

Berezin A., Nazmutdinov R.


We report results of MC simulations of electron transfer across a metal electrode/electrolyte solution interface. The model presumes the Landau–Zener theory and a random walk on a two-dimensional lattice formed by crossing parabolic reaction free energy surfaces along the solvent coordinate. Emphasis is put on investigating the activationless discharge regime; the bridge-assisted electron transfer is also partially addressed. We have calculated effective electronic transmission coefficient as a function of the electrode overpotential and temperature in a wide range of orbital overlap. The dependence of the transmission coefficient on the electronic density of states is analyzed as well.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(10):1232-1238
pages 1232-1238 views

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