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Vol 53, No 1 (2017)

Special Issue: X International Frumkin Symposium on Electrochemistry (Moscow, October 21–23, 2015), Part 2

Platinum electrochemical corrosion and protection in concentrated alkali metal chloride solutions investigated by potentiodynamic nanogravimetry

Chulkin P.V., Ragoisha G.A., Streltsov E.A.


Platinum nanogravimetry potentiodynamic profiles in cyclic scans have shown significant dependence on alkali metal chloride concentration and effect of cations. Pt EQCM electrode mass drift in consecutive cyclic scans in 0.5 M LiCl, NaCl and CsCl was negative, similarly to the mass drift in aqueous solutions of H2SO4 with HCl additive, and this was due to electrochemical corrosion of platinum. The mass loss was prevented and inverted in 3 M solutions in the negative part of the scan, and the effect was attributed to shells of ion pairs firmly attached to the electrode surface via nonequilibrated Pt surface sites generated in the anodic scan. The increase in mass correlated with the increase in the Butterworth–van Dyke model resistance of quartz crystal resonator.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):1-7
pages 1-7 views

Quinone based conducting redox polymers for electrical energy storage

Emanuelsson R., Karlsson C., Huang H., Kosgei C., Strømme M., Sjödin M.


Conducting redox polymers (CRPs) constitute a promising class of materials for the development of organic matter based batteries with the potential to overcome the main limitations connected to this type of rechargeable battery systems including low conductivity and dissolution problems. In this report we show that the potential of quinones can be effectively tuned into the conducting region of polypyrrole (PPy), both in water based solutions and in acetonitrile, which is a prerequisite for profitable combination of the two units. We also present a device where both anode and cathode are made from PPy substituted with different quinone pendant groups and where good rate performance is achieved without any conductivity additives thus providing support for the hypothesized synergetic effect of a conducting polymer backbone and a covalently attached redox active pendant group. This device constitutes, to the best of our knowledge, the first all-CRP based battery reported to date.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):8-15
pages 8-15 views

Kinetics of electroreduction of S2O82− anions on mechanically renewable silver electrode

Safonov V.A., Choba M.A.


The kinetics of electroreduction of peroxodisulfate anions on a mechanically renewed silver electrode is studied by voltammetric and impedance methods. Impedance diagrams obtained in the region of negatively charged metal surface are successfully modeled by the equivalent circuit formed by the solution resistance and also the reaction resistance connected in parallel with the constant-phase element substituted for the double layer capacitance. The analysis of experimental data carried out in terms of this circuit and their comparison with the literature data makes it possible to assume that the reduction kinetics of S2O82− anions on this electrode can be adequately described in the framework of the phenomenological theory of slow discharge. The reasons for deviation of the literature data on the kinetics of this reaction on polycrystalline Ag electrode from the relationships following from the slow discharge theory are put forward and substantiated.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):16-24
pages 16-24 views

Methylviologen-mediated electrochemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles via the reduction of AgCl nanospheres stabilized by cetyltrimethylammonium chloride

Nasretdinova G.R., Fazleeva R.R., Osin Y.N., Gubaidullin A.T., Yanilkin V.V.


Efficient synthesis of silver nanoparticles stabilized by cetyltrimethylammonium cations (Ag@CTA+) is carried out in aqueous medium by methylviologen-mediated electroreduction of silver chloride nanospheres stabilized by surface-active CTA+ cations (AgCl@CTA+, diameter ~330 nm), on a glassy carbon electrode at potentials of the MV2+/MV•+ redox couple. The nanospheres AgCl@CTA+ can be reduced immediately on the electrode at a low rate and the resulting metal is deposited on the electrode. In the mediated reduction, the metal is not deposited on the cathode but the quantitative reduction of AgCl to Ag@CTA+ nanoparticles proceeds completely in solution volume at the theoretical charge. In aqueous solution, the nanoparticles are positively charged (electrokinetic (zeta) potential is +74.6 mV), their characteristic absorption maximum is at 423 nm and the average hydrodynamic diameter is 77 nm. Isolated Ag@CTACl nanoparticles have the size of 39 ± 15 nm. The preferential form of metal nanoparticles is sphere with the diameter of 34 ± 24 nm; nanorods are also obtained in small amounts (4%); the average size of metal grains is 8–16 nm.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):25-38
pages 25-38 views

Electrochemically reactive matrices based on electron-ion conducting and adsorption-active tissues

Tsivadze A.Y., Fridman A.Y., Voloshchuk A.M., Morozova E.M., Sokolova N.P., Bardyshev I.I., Gorbunov A.M., Novikov A.K., Petukhova G.A., Polyakova I.Y., Titova V.I., Yavich A.A.


A review of methods for the synthesis of new composite materials—electroactive and adsorption-active tissues, their electrochemical properties, and potential applications is presented. These are cellulose or asbestos fibers with porous layers linked to their surface, which consist of cyclam derivatives of PVC filled with active carbon, providing electric conductivity. The H+ or OH ion conductivity is provided by the H2SO4 or NaOH aqua complexes with aza-crown groups in the pore walls. The high rate of ion transport was demonstrated in air, hexane, benzene, and their vapors. When the current is passed, H2 or O2 is evoluted, or redox transformations of the adsorbed substances occur on the carbon particles. The dependence of the characteristics of the material on its composition and adsorption equilibrium conditions was analyzed. The mechanism of its functioning was suggested. The material was shown to be promising for use in the production of H2 or O2 and acid–base or redox transformations of substances adsorbed from gaseous media or nonaqueous solutions.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):39-48
pages 39-48 views

Synthesis of palladium–polypyrrole nanocomposite and its electrocatalytic properties in the oxidation of formaldehyde

Gor’kov K.V., Zolotukhina E.V., Mustafina E.R., Vorotyntsev M.A.


Three alternative methods were developed for the synthesis of modifying palladium–polypyrrole layers on the surface of an inert electrode. Their electrocatalytic activity toward formaldehyde under inert atmosphere was checked. All the suggested methods are one-stage and allow synthesis of a film on the electrode surface from a solution containing a palladium salt and pyrrole in the absence of other active reagents. The electrochemical methods (potentiodynamic and double cathodic and anodic pulses techniques) in an aqueous medium give films with poorly reproducible electrocatalytic properties, while the chemical redox synthesis affords films with reproducibly high electroactivity toward methylene glycolate.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):49-57
pages 49-57 views

Asymmetrical nanopores in track membranes: Fabrication, the effect of nanopore shape and electric charge of pore walls, promising applications

Apel P.Y., Blonskaya I.V., Lizunov N.E., Olejniczak K., Orelovitch O.L., Sartowska B.A., Dmitriev S.N.


The properties of asymmetrical nanopores prepared by chemical etching of tracks of accelerated heavy ions are studied. Procedures are developed for controlling the size and shape of pores within wide limits. The presence of charged functional groups on pore walls is an intrinsic property of track membranes, which makes them a convenient object for studying electrokinetic phenomena in nanocapillaries. In electrolyte solutions, the asymmetrical “track” membranes demonstrate the diode effect. Two methods for fabricating asymmetrical nanopores in polyethylene terephthalate films are proposed and introduced into practice. Specific features of both methods, their advantages and drawbacks are considered. In addition to the brief survey of available information on diode-like track membranes, the new results on the mechanism of pore formation and the peculiarities of their geometry and electrokinetic properties are discussed. The emerging and potential applications of track membranes with asymmetrical pores are discussed briefly.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):58-69
pages 58-69 views

Studies of chemical stage of synthesis of electroactive composite based on poly-o-phenylenediamine and graphene oxide

Pisarevskaya E.Y., Ehrenburg M.R., Ovsyannikova E.V., Efimov O.N., Andreev V.N.


Formation of an electroactive composite based on graphene oxide and poly-o-phenylenediamine (PPD) was studied. Electron absorption spectra were used to confirm formation of a strong chemical bond at a prolonged contact of unreduced graphene oxide on a conducting support (glassy carbon, SnO2) and o-phenylenediamine monomer solution. Here, graphene oxide is partially reduced and oxidation and partial polymerization of o-phenylenediamine starts. It is shown that electrochemical oxidation of the obtained composite under the conditions of cyclic voltammetry results in the further polymerization of o-phenylenediamine bound to graphene oxide; here, reduction of graphene oxide continues, and at much lower cathodic potentials than in the absence of o-phenylenediamine. Morphology of the obtained composite was studied using the AFM technique. PPD embedded into the composite structure does not allow nanosheets of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) to corrugate and imparts the morphology of the composite the shape of globules with a clearly pronounced structure. As a result, the RGO–PPD composite was obtained that demonstrated pronounced electroactivity in a wider range of potentials than in the case of nonmodified PPD.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):70-77
pages 70-77 views

Effect of polyaniline on the stability of electrotransport characteristics and thermochemical properties of sulfocationite membranes with different polymer matrices

Shkirskaya S.A., Senchikhin I.N., Kononenko N.A., Roldugin V.I.


A comparative analysis of the electrotransport and thermochemical properties of homogeneous and heterogeneous sulfocationite membranes modified with polyaniline has been performed. The relationship between the conditions of polyaniline synthesis in the membrane matrix and their electric conductivity, electroosmotic permeability, and thermal stability was studied. The conditions of polyaniline synthesis on the surface of a heterogeneous MK-40 membrane had an insignificant effect on the amount of the introduced modifier, while the electric conductivity of the composites remained high enough. The absence of the effect of the polyaniline synthesis conditions on the electric conductivity of МK-40-based composites suggests that the heterogeneity of this membrane is a more significant factor than the polyaniline synthesis conditions. A thermogravimetric analysis of the thermochemical properties showed a significant increase in the thermal stability of the heterogeneous membrane after its modification with polyaniline. For perfluorinated membranes, the thermochemical properties changed less significantly, but the electrotransport of ions and water significantly decreased after modification.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):78-85
pages 78-85 views

Development of hydrogen–air fuel cells with membranes based on sulfonated polyheteroarylenes

Emets V.V., Ponomarev I.I., Grinberg V.A., Mayorova N.A., Zharinova M.Y., Volkova Y.A., Nizhnikovskii E.A., Skupov K.M., Razorenov D.Y., Andreev V.N., Ponomarev I.I.


Proton-conducting membranes based on sulfonated polynaphthoyleneimide (PNI) and polytriazole (PTA) are synthesized that can be used in portable hydrogen–air fuel cells (HAFC). Membrane–electrode assemblies (MEAs) based on sulfonated PNI and PTA membranes in individual HAFC manifested power and voltammetric characteristics exceeding the characteristics of MEA based on the commercial Nafion-212 membrane. Thus, the current density of 320 mA cm–2 and the power density of 160 mW cm–2 are obtained at the room temperature with no pressure or gas humidification at the voltage of 0.5 V. Also activity of the oxygen electroreduction Pt–Fe/C (30 wt % of metals in total) catalyst synthesized on the basis of coordination compounds is tested in MEA HAFC. It is shown that the values of power for MEAs with the cathodic Pt–Fe/C catalyst at the voltage of 0.5 V, at the room temperature, without additional pressure and gas humidification considerably exceed the corresponding values for MEAs with the commercial E-TEK 20% Pt/C catalyst.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):86-91
pages 86-91 views

Electrochemical detection of Penicillium chrysogenum based on increasing conductivity of polyaminophenylboric acid

Andreev E.A., Komkova M.A., Krupenin V.A., Presnov D.E., Karyakin A.A.


Electrochemical detection of the Penicillium chrysogenum mold is carried out in aqueous solution using decreasing resistance of conducting polyaminophenylboric acid. Polymer resistance is calculated on the basis of the data of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of polymer-modified interdigitated gold microelectrodes with the interelectrode distance of 10 μm. Polymer degradation and the background signal are directed towards an increase in resistance counter to the change in the polymer properties in the presence of microorganisms. Thus, the developed sensor is applicable in practice, as it allows distinguishing the signal of specific binding from nonspecific background processes. The lower limit of microorganism detection was 600 colony-forming units per 1 mL (CFU/mL).

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):92-96
pages 92-96 views

Electrochemical oxidation of thrombin on carbon screen printed electrodes

Suprun E.V., Zharkova M.S., Veselovsky A.V., Archakov A.I., Shumyantseva V.V.


The electrochemical oxidation of thrombin on the surface of carbon screen printed electrodes was studied. The electrochemical activity of thrombin was predicted, using bioinformation analysis, based on the data about the electrochemical properties of amino acids. The number of potentially electroactive amino acid residues, namely, tyrosine (Tyr), tryptophan (Trp), cysteine (Cys), histidine (His), methionine (Met), and cystine (Cys-Cys) located on the protein surface and orientated by their electroactive groups toward the electrode surface, i.e., accessible for electrochemical oxidation was calculated. The theoretical data were confirmed experimentally by cyclic and square-wave voltammetry. The available data on the protein structure allowed us to attribute the recorded electrochemical signals of thrombin oxidation to certain types of amino acid residue: the oxidation peak with a potential maximum at 0.7–0.8 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) was attributed to the oxidation of the Trp and Tyr residues; the wave in the range 1.0–1.2 V, to the oxidation of His; and the wave at 1.2–1.5 V, to the oxidation of Met and Cys-Cys. The electroanalysis based on the oxidation peak of the Tyr and Trp amino acid residues allowed to detect thrombin up to the concentration of 10–7 M. The suggested strategy for predicting the electrochemical activity can be used for investigating the properties of many other proteins and peptides and serve as a basis for their quantitative determination when developing various sensor and biosensor devices.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):97-102
pages 97-102 views

Adsorption phenomena in the systems containing macrocyclic cavitand cucurbit [7]uryl

Stenina E.V., Sviridova L.N., Petrov N.K.


Adsorption phenomena at the mercury electrode/cucurbit[7]uryl aqueous solutions are studied by the measuring of the electrode differential capacitance C as a function of potential E. The data obtained showed that the adsorption potential region is abnormally wide (>2 V). Two segments are observed in the C,E-dependences, which relate to adsorption layers with different structure. The complicated adsorption layers forming in the studied systems can be explained by the structure of the cucurbit[7]uryl cavitand whose complexes with inorganic cations are formed by the cation binding by oxygen-containing groups of external portals, rather than their inclusion into the cavitand’s inner cavity as in the case of cryptate formation. Adsorption parameters for adsorbate layers formed in the cucurbit[7]uryl + Na2SO4 solution are calculated. The data obtained evidence a rather strong potential dependence of the properties of the adsorption layers formed at the electrode/solution interface in the studied system.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):103-109
pages 103-109 views

Checking of applicability of conditions for reaching the limiting-current mode to flow-by porous electrodes

Maslii A.I., Poddubnyi N.P., Medvedev A.Z.


For the flow-by porous electrodes, which differ in thickness, specific surface area, solution flow rate, and a ratio between the phase conductivities, the conditions providing the limiting-current mode over the entire electrode surface at nearly 100% current efficiency are determined using the method of successive refinement of total current and profile of its distribution along the solution flow. The used values of electrode thickness L are compared with available estimates for the limiting thickness of porous electrode Llim derived for the ideal limiting-current mode and calculated using real values of the width of the limiting-current plateau of overall polarization curve, solution conductivity, and the diffusion limiting current in the zone of solution input into the electrode. It is found that these values are close to each other in all cases. The largest error of estimation of Llim does not exceed 10% indicating that it can be used for preliminary estimation of the conditions for reaching the limiting-current mode for the flow porous electrodes of this type.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(1):110-116
pages 110-116 views

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