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卷 52, 编号 8 (2016)

Microbial Genetics

Genetic structure of the Russian populations of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, determined by using microsatellite markers

Mironenko N., Baranova O., Kovalenko N., Mikhailova L., Rosseva L.


The population genetic structure of plant pathogenic fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis was examined using microsatellite (SSR) markers. According to the geographical origin of the pathogen populations, they were designated as North Caucasian (S, 33 isolates), northwest (Nw, 39), and Omsk (Om, 43). The populations were analyzed at the nine most polymorphic SSR loci, at which 75 alleles were identified. To characterize the genetic variation within and between populations, the AMOVA algorithm as implemented in the Arlequin v. 3.5 software program was used. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 12 and their sizes varied within the range from 180 to 400 bp. The mean gene diversity at SSR loci was high for all populations (H = 0.58–0.75). The populations were considerably different in the frequencies of individual alleles of the SSR loci. Most isolates in the populations were represented by unique haplotypes. The within-population variation of the isolates at molecular markers was 86.4%; among the populations, 13.6%. Substantial interpopulation differences were found between the Om and S (Fst = 0.16) and between the Om and Nw (Fst = 0.20) populations, whereas between the S and Nw populations, these differences were small (Fst = 0.05). Thus, it was demonstrated that the population of P. tritici-repentis from Omsk oblast had the independent status of the geographical population; northwest and North Caucasian populations differed in the allelic diversity of SSR loci, and despite the low Fst value (0.05), they also belonged to independent geographical populations.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):771-779
pages 771-779 views

Plant Genetics

Phylogenetic relationships of the species of Oxytropis DC. subg. Oxytropis and Phacoxytropis (Fabaceae) from Asian Russia inferred from the nucleotide sequence analysis of the intergenic spacers of the chloroplast genome

Kholina A., Kozyrenko M., Artyukova E., Sandanov D., Andrianova E.


The nucleotide sequence analysis of trnHpsbA, trnLtrnF, and trnStrnG intergenic spacer regions of chloroplast DNA performed in the representatives of the genus Oxytropis from Asian Russia provided clarification of the phylogenetic relationships of some species and sections in the subgenera Oxytropis and Phacoxytropis and in the genus Oxytropis as a whole. Only the section Mesogaea corresponds to the subgenus Phacoxytropis, while the section Janthina of the same subgenus groups together with the sections of the subgenus Oxytropis. The sections Chrysantha and Ortholoma of the subgenus Oxytropis are not only closely related to each other, but together with the section Mesogaea, they are grouped into the subgenus Phacoxytropis. It seems likely that the sections Chrysantha and Ortholoma should be assigned to the subgenus Phacoxytropis, and the section Janthina should be assigned to the subgenus Oxytropis. The molecular differences were identified between O. coerulea and O. mandshurica from the section Janthina that were indicative of considerable divergence of their chloroplast genomes and the species independence of the taxa. The species independence of O. czukotica belonging to the section Arctobia was also confirmed.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):780-793
pages 780-793 views

Anther culture as an effective tool in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding

Lantos C., Pauk J.


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of genotype and induction medium in anther culture of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Ten F1 winter wheat genotypes were tested in anther culture (AC) to compare the two most frequently applied induction media (W14mf and P4mf). Androgenesis was induced during the treatment of each tested genotypes and green plants were produced from them using both media. Based on statistical analysis, the genotypes significantly influenced (at the 0.001 probability level) the efficiency of AC (embryo-like structures (ELS), albinos, green plantlets and transplanted plantlets) and the media also had a significant effect on the number of ELS and albino plantlets. Both media can be used for AC in wheat doubled haploid (DH) plant production. The production of ELS and green plantlets was higher in P4mf medium (48.84 ELS/100 anthers, 4.82 green plantlets/100 anthers) than in W14mf medium (28.14 ELS/100 anthers, 4.59 green plantlets/100 anthers). However, the green plant regeneration efficiency of the microspore-derived structures was 16.9% when using W14mf medium, while this value was 9.6% in the case of ELS induced with P4mf medium. The application of W14mf medium thus proved to be time- and labour-saving medium in the large-scale production of DH wheat plants. In our experiments, 267 DH plants were produced for our winter wheat breeding program. The spontaneous rediploidization rate was 32.72%.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):794-801
pages 794-801 views

Epigenetic variation in the callus of Brassica napus under different inducement conditions

Ran L., Li M., Fan H., Jiang J., Wang Y., Sokolov V.


Tissue culture, a traditional technique broadly used for the genetic transformation and functional verification of target genes, induces epigenetic variations in transgenic acceptors of plants. This study compared the DNA methylation patterns during the callus formation of Brassica napus induced by different concentrations of 6-BA and 2,4-D through methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism. The highest induction rate (85%) was observed in the hypocotyls cultured with 0.1 mg/L 2,4-D and the lowest methylation rate (25.09%) was detected in the hypocotyls cultured with 1.0 mg/L 6-BA. The methylation rates of the callus cultured with 0.2 and 0.05 mg/L 2,4-D were 29.99 and 28.31%, respectively. The callus induction rates were reduced to 79 and 80%. The methylation rates of the callus induced by 2.0 and 0.5 mg/L 6-BA were 28.17 and 33.98%, respectively. The callus induction rates were reduced to 76 and 74%. The expression analysis of methyltransferase under different induction conditions agreed with methylation modifications; therefore, the effects of hormones on callus induction may be partially indicated by methylation changes in B. napus genome.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):802-809
pages 802-809 views

Animal Genetics

Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ant genus Formica L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Palearctic region

Antonov I., Bukin Y.


Sixty-five sequences of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene fragment (759 bp) and 23 sequences of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene fragment (224 bp) were compared in ants of the genus Formica L. from different regions of the Palearctic and in Polyergus rufescens Latr. as outgroup. In total, 28 species of the genus Formica were examined. As a result, dated trees with a molecular clock were constructed showing the phylogenetic relationships of Formica ants. The topology of the obtained tree based on the Cyt-b sequences was found to be not consistent with the generally accepted opinion on the Formica rufa and F. rufibarbis groups. New data on the formation history of the present-day fauna of Formica ants of the Palearctic were obtained. It was demonstrated that a considerable fraction of the examined species (about a third) were formed in the Quaternary Period.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):810-820
pages 810-820 views

Genetic variability and population structure of grey wolf (Canis lupus) in Serbia

Ðan M., Šnjegota D., Veličković N., Stefanović M., Obreht Vidaković D., Ćirović D.


Results of previous morphometric and genetic analyses of grey wolf (Canis lupus L.) population from Serbia indicated different patterns of population subdivision. In order to explore population structure, level of genetic variability, genetic drift, inbreeding and signals of bottleneck for grey wolves from Serbia, we applied highly polymorphic genetic markers (microsatellites). Obtained data are valuable in determination of conservation units and creation of appropriate management plans. We have amplified 18 highly polymorphic microsatellites, in a total sample of 75 grey wolves, from different localities across Serbia and multilocus genotypes were analyzed using appropriate software. Observed values of the basic genetic parameters (HO = 0.69; HE = 0.75) indicated moderate level of genetic variability, similar to genetic variability in other populations belonging to the Dinaric-Balkan population of grey wolf. In STRUCTURE analysis, although ΔK was estimated to be at first peak K = 2, and second peak K = 4, CLUMPAK analyses showed that there’s no structuring for any of assumed K, and therefore the population of grey wolf from Serbia may be considered as one continuous population and treated as one conservation unit in future management plans. Signals of bottleneck haven’t been observed (Wilcoxon test two phase mutation model p = 0.247; and stepwise mutation model p = 0.815).

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):821-827
pages 821-827 views

Molecular genetic analysis of five extant reserves of black honeybee Apis melifera melifera in the Urals and the Volga region

Ilyasov R., Poskryakov A., Petukhov A., Nikolenko A.


Local populations of the black honeybee Apis mellifera mellifera from the Urals and the Volga region were examined in comparison with local populations of southern honeybee subspecies A. m. caucasica and A. m. carpatica from the Caucasus and the Carpathians. Genetic analysis was performed on the basis of the polymorphism of nine microsatellite loci of nuclear DNA and the mtDNA COI–COII locus. On the territory of the Urals and the Volga region, five extant populations (reserves) of the black honeybee A. m. mellifera were identified, including the Burzyanskaya, Tatyshlinskaya, Yuzhno-Prikamskaya, Visherskaya, and Kambarskaya populations. These five populations are the basis of the modern gene pool of the black honeybee A. m. mellifera from the Urals and the Volga region. The greatest proportion of the remaining indigenous gene pool of A. m. mellifera (the core of the gene pool of the population of A. m. mellifera) is distributed over the entire territory of Perm krai and the north of the Republic of Bashkortostan. For the population of A. m. mellifera from the Urals and the Volga region, the genetic standards were calculated, which will be useful for future population studies of honeybees.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):828-839
pages 828-839 views

Authentication of five Barilius species from Indian waters using DNA barcoding

Singh A., Kumar R., Mishra A., Singh M., Baisvar V., Chauhan U., Kushwaha B., Nagpure N.


Authentic identification of fish species is essential for conserving them as a valuable genetic resource in our environment. DNA barcoding of living beings has become an important and ultimate tool for establishing their molecular identity. Among cyprinids, Barilius is an important genus having nearly 23 species in Indian region whose morphological identification is often difficult due to minute differences in their features. Five species collected from Indian waters and primarily identified as Opsarius bakeri (syn. Barilius bakeri), B. gatensis, B. vagra, B. bendelisis and B. ngawa were authenticated by their DNA barcoding based on mitochondrial COI gene sequences. Five individuals of each species were taken for barcode preparation by COI gene sequencing which yielded one barcode for B. ngawa, two barcodes each for O. bakeri, B. gatensis, B. bendelisis and three barcodes for B. vagra. The order of inter and intra-specific variation was estimated to know a preliminary status of variation prevailing in these cold stream fish species significant for evolution and conservation of these valued species of our ichthyofauna. Average variation within genera was found to be 13.6% with intra-specific variation ranging from 0.0% (B. ngawa) to 0.6% (B. gatensis). These distance data are in the same order found by various researchers globally using COI barcode sequences in different fish species. Phylogenetic relatedness among Barilius species and some other cyprinids validate their status of individual species as established by conventional taxonomy.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):840-846
pages 840-846 views

Human Genetics

The heteroplasmy level of some mutations in gene MT-CYB among women with asymptomatic atherosclerosis

Sinyov V., Chicheva M., Barinova V., Ryzhkova A., Zilinyi R., Karagodin V., Postnov A., Sobenin I., Orekhov A., Sazonova M.


Atherosclerosis is a polygenic socially significant disease whose risk factors include coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and myocardial infarction. According to the literature, mutations m.14846G>A (G34S), m.15762G>A (G339Q), m.15084G>A (W113Ter), and m.15059G>A (G190Ter) of cytochrome B gene (MT-CYB) are associated with mitochondrial myopathies, myoglobinuria, and exercise intolerance. Preliminary studies carried out by the authors made it possible to discover an association of certain mitochondrial genome mutations with atherosclerotic lesions of aortic intima in people who died as a result of an accident or sudden death. The most interesting seemed to be the data on the association of mutations m.14846G>A and m.15059G>A of the cytochrome B gene with lipofibrous aortic plaques, because these mutations affect the mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme. Defects in the given chain may be the reason for the launch of pathogenic mechanisms in the human body. Owing to the fact that mutations in the mitochondrial genome are inherited by the maternal type, it was decided to analyze cytochrome B gene mutations in a sample of female volunteers from Moscow oblast. According to the findings, mutations m.14846G>A and m.15059G>A are highly significantly associated with atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid arteries: m.14846G>A is antiatherogenic and m.15059G>A is proatherogenic.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):847-852
pages 847-852 views

Association of gene polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinases with reproductive losses in the first trimester of pregnancy

Mashkina E., Kovalenko K., Marakhovskaya T., Saraev K., Belanova A., Shkurat T.


In the present study, the frequencies of genotypes and alleles of candidate genes with respect to polymorphisms associated with increased pregnancy loss in the first trimester of pregnancy, including MMP1–1607insG, MMP9 A–8202G, and TIMP1 С536T, were reported. The frequency of homozygotes for allele MMP9 A–8202 was increased by a factor of two among women with miscarriage in the first trimester compared to the control. Significant models of interaction of genes MMPs and TIMP1 were revealed. The genotypes of genes MMP1 (rs1799750), MMP9 (rs11697325), and TIMP1 (rs11551797) increasing the risk of pregnancy loss in the first trimester were determined.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):853-859
pages 853-859 views

Association of polymorphic markers of chemokine genes, their receptors, and CD14 gene with coronary atherosclerosis

Nasibullin T., Yagafarova L., Yagafarov I., Timasheva Y., Erdman V., Tuktarova I., Mustafina O.


Atherosclerosis represents an inflammatory response to the disturbance of the endothelial layer in the arterial bloodstream. In the present study, an analysis of associations of polymorphic markers for the genes controlling synthesis of proteins involved in atherosclerosis pathogenesis in coronary atherosclerosis (CA) patients (217 subjects) and in a control group (250 subjects) was conducted. The following genes were examined: rs991804 (CCL2 gene), rs1126579 (CXCR2 gene), rs4074 (CXCL1 gene), rs4073 (CXCL8 gene), rs333 (CCR5 gene), rs2471859 (CXCR4 gene), rs1801157 (CXCL12 gene), and rs2569190 (CD14 gene). Using the Monte Carlo and Markov chain (APSampler) method, allele/genotype combinations associated with both low and high CA risk were revealed. The most important findings included the following: CXCR4*T/T + CCL2*C + CCR5*I/I (Pperm = 1 × 10–6, OR = 0.44, 95% CI 0.3–0.63), CXCR2*C + CD14*C + CXCL12*G + CCL2*C + CCR5*D (Pperm = 4 × 10–6, OR = 5.78, 95% CI 2.34–14.28), CD14*C + CCL2*C/C + CCR5*D (Pperm = 6.3 × 10–6, OR = 5.81, 95% CI 2.17–15.56), CXCL8*A + CXCR2*C + CD14*T + CXCR4*C (Pperm = 0.01, OR = 3.21, 95% CI 1.63–6.31).

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):860-867
pages 860-867 views

Mathematical Models and Methods

Manifestation of multimodality in a simple ecological-genetic model of population evolution

Zhdanova O., Frisman E.


An investigation of the nature of dynamics of the population size and genetic structure is carried out for a homogeneous ecologically limited population influenced by density-dependent r-K selection in a single diallelic genetic locus. The detailed study of the results of basic types of natural selection is carried out with additional consideration of the influence of initial conditions. It is shown that coexistence of several different asymptotic dynamic modes (with their own attraction basins) is possible in numerous enough parametric domains which are meaningful biologically.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):868-876
pages 868-876 views

Short Communications

Association of variable rs1801282 locus of PPARG2 gene with diabetic nephropathy

Avzaletdinova D., Sharipova L., Kochetova O., Morugova T., Erdman V., Mustafina O.


The association of the variable rs1801282 locus of the PPARG2 gene (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications was analyzed in inhabitants of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The genotype frequencies of the variable rs1801282 locus of the PPARG2 gene did not significantly differ in groups of healthy persons and patients with type 2 diabetes in all three considered inheritance models (codominant, dominant, and recessive). At the same time, it was demonstrated that the risk of one of the diabetic complications, i.e., diabetic nephropathy, was associated with the variable rs1801282 locus of the PPARG2 gene. Diabetic nephropathy was more common in patients with the C/C genotype (62.7%) compared to the C/G and G/G genotypes (37.5%), P = 0.036. The G allele is protective in regard to diabetic nephropathy (OR = 0.36) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):877-881
pages 877-881 views

Inheritance of longitudinal white shell bands in the snail Littorina obtusata (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)

Kozminsky E.


The hypothesis on monogenic inheritance of white longitudinal shell bands in the snail Littorina obtusata was tested. The data showed that a single gene with two alleles was responsible for the presence of the bands on the snail shell. The presence of bands was the dominant character.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):882-886
pages 882-886 views


Erratum to: “A comparative analysis of methylation status of tumor suppressor genes in paired biopsy and serum samples from cervical cancer patients among North Indian population”

Jha A., Sharma V., Nikbakht M., Jain V., Sehgal A., Capalash N., Kaur J.
Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(8):887-887
pages 887-887 views