Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 53, № 3 (2017)

Review and Theoretical Articles

The miRNA as human cell gene activity regulator after ionizing radiation

Mikhailov V., Shulenina L., Vasilyeva I., Startsev M., Zasukhina G.


This review presents analysis of the literature and our own research with respect to the role of miRNAs in the regulation of activity (expression) of genes controlling cellular homeostasis in human cells when exposed to ionizing radiation. Human cells, on one hand, can have increased resistance to radiation, which hinders the effectiveness of tumor treatment in radiotherapy. On the other hand, increased sensitivity to radiation may be accompanied by the development of several pathologies, including tumorigenesis. This paper examines the role of specific miRNAs in the formation of radioresistance and radiosensitivity of human cells and their impact on the respective target genes. Separate sections are devoted to the role of different miRNAs in radiation therapy of tumors of different localization, as well as their role in the bystander effect. A special section highlights features of gene activity and its regulators, miRNAs, in radiosensitive cells in patients with Down syndrome. The final section provides information about new approaches to change miRNA expression and, accordingly, their target genes by the action of plant and synthetic drugs (crown compounds) which reduce damaging effects of mutagens. It is assumed that antimutagens affecting the expression levels of miRNAs and structural genes may be used to correct the increase and decrease in cellular radioresponse, reducing the risk of development of pathological processes, including tumorigenesis.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):285-296
pages 285-296 views

csd gene of honeybee: Genetic structure, functioning, and evolution

Kaskinova M., Nikolenko A.


At present, the sex in the honeybee is known to be controlled by the csd (complementary sex determiner) gene, which has a large allelic diversity. Heterozygotes of the csd gene develop into females, while homozygotes develop into males, which are removed by the workers at the larval stage, resulting in the observation of a “shot brood.” This review summarizes the current understanding of the genetic structure of the csd gene, the mechanism of its effect on the sex determination, and the evolution of this gene generated from the duplication of the feminizer gene. The study of the csd gene polymorphism would make it possible to develop allele specific markers for the selection of honeybee.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):297-301
pages 297-301 views

Genetics of Microorganisms

Effect of CTXφ prophage deletion in cholera agent on expression of regulatory genes controlling virulence and biofilm formation

Smirnova N., Agafonov D., Kul’shan’ T., Shchelkanova E., Krasnov Y., Lozovsky Y., Kutyrev V.


This work represents the results of comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences in the chromosomal region containing CTXφ prophage in isogenic toxigenic (Tox+) and nontoxigenic (Tox) strains of Vibrio cholerae biovar El Tor. It is shown that spontaneous mutants which have identical Tox phenotype are formed either owing to the precise elimination of CTXφ prophage from the chromosome (deletion size is 6.9 kb) or owing to imprecise elimination with the additional loss of two other prophages (RS1φ and TLCφ), which are adjacent to CTXφ prophage (deletion size is 17.4 kb). It is revealed that, in the nontoxigenic mutants, CTXφ deletion initiates simultaneous change in several phenotypic properties, which are associated with virulence or biofilm formation, such as colonizing ability, HA/P production, VPS, and motility. For the first time, it is stated that the cause of the pleiotropic effect of the CTXφ deletion is a cascade decrease in the transcription levels of seven regulatory genes (toxR, aphA, tcpP, tcpH, toxT, vpsT, vpsR) which control virulence and biofilm formation processes in the cholera agent.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):302-313
pages 302-313 views

Plant Genetics

Comparative analysis of Agropyron intermedium (Host) Beauv 6Agi and 6Agi2 chromosomes in bread wheat cultivars and lines with wheat–wheatgrass substitutions

Sibikeev S., Badaeva E., Gultyaeva E., Druzhin A., Shishkina A., Dragovich A., Kroupin P., Karlov G., Khuat T., Divashuk M.


A comparative study of wheat–wheatgrass substituted cultivars and lines resistant to leaf rust developed by the Agricultural Research Institute for Southeast Regions (Multi 6R, Belyanka, Favorit, Voevoda, Lebedushka) and Samara Agricultural Research Institute (Tulaikovskaya 5, Tulaikovskaya 10, Tulaikovskaya 100, Tulaikovskaya Zolotistaya) breeding was conducted. A complex analysis using molecular cytogenetic (C-differential banding, fluorescent (FISH) and genomic (GISH) in situ hybridization), molecular (PLUG markers), and biochemical (electrophoretic analysis of gliadins) markers demonstrated that they have a substitition of wheat chromosome 6D by the chromosomes 6Agi and 6Agi2 belonging to the J(=E) Agropyron intermedium (Host) Beauv (=Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey) subgenome. In spite of the fact that the chromosomes 6Agi and 6Agi2 differ in the C-banding pattern and demonstrated minor differences in the blocks of gliadin components, they had the identical pattern of pSc119.2 and pAs1 probe distribution and conjugated between themselves with insignificant disturbance. Thus, it was demonstrated that 6Agi and 6Agi2 are homologous chromosomes; however, the question about allelism of their leaf rust resistance genes between themselves requires special studies. Nevertheless, using STS and SCAR markers and taking into account the type of reaction to Puccinia triticina, their non-allelism to the Lr9, Lr19, Lr24, Lr29, Lr38, and Lr47 genes was established. It was revealed that the 6Agi and 6Agi2 chromosomes have a different level of transmission in hybrid F2 populations depending on the hybrid combination gene background.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):314-324
pages 314-324 views

Genetic structure of populations and natural hybridization between Dactylorhiza salina and D. incarnata (Orchidaceae)

Filippov E., Andronova E.


The results of studying the polymorphism and genetic structure of populations of D. salina and D. incarnata growing in Zabaykalsky krai and Buryatia are represented according to the data of allozyme analysis of eight genetic loci (PGI, NADHD, SKDH, GDH, PGM, DIA, ADH, and IDH). The specificity of the allelic structure of loci SKDH, PGM, and IDH is established, for which D. salina and D. incarnata reliably differ from each other. It is shown that interspecies introgressive hybrid complexes with different genetic structures were formed in Transbaikalia. Places of mass growth of D. incarnata were observed to have single plants of D. salina, the interspecies hybrids of the first and subsequent generations. Places of mass growth of D. salina were observed to contain only the hybrids that are not hybrids of the first generation. They were heterozygous not for three loci with differentiating alleles of both parents, SKDH, PGM, and IDH, but for only one of them. The degree of genetic differentiation among five populations of D. salina was on average 7.5% and that of D. incarnata was 7.1%, which in accordance with Wright’s estimation relates to mean values. The average value of FST for all studied populations of the two related species of the genus Dactylorhiza was 0.478, indicating a very high degree of genetic differentiation between D. salina and D. incarnata growing in Transbaikalia. The greatest differences between the species are for the allelic structure of loci SKDH, PGM, and IDH (FST was equal to 0.705, 0.976, and 0.762, respectively). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that populations of D. salina and D. incarnata in the zone where their ranges in Zabaykalsky krai and Buryatya overlap have essential differences both for the variation of alleles frequencies of eight loci (71%, d.f. = 9) and for the variability of genotypes (61%, d.f. = 9). Despite the fact that D. salina and D. incarnata explicitly share a gene flow as a result of interspecies hybridization, the genetic differentiation of populations of these related species remains at a high level.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):325-337
pages 325-337 views

Variability of nuclear microsatellite loci in the populations of Siberian dwarf pine (Pinus pumila (Pallas) Regel) from the Russian part of the range

Oreshkova N., Vetrova V., Goroshkevich S., Petrova E.


Variability of nuclear microsatellite loci was examined in Siberian dwarf pine. Six microsatellite loci (RPS2, RPS6, RPS12, RPS124, RPS127, Pc18) demonstrated different polymorphism levels in ten populations of Siberian dwarf pine. The average number of alleles per locus was 4.88, the average observed heterozygosity was 0.465, and the average expected heterozygosity was 0.510. About 13% of total genetic variability was explained by the genetic differences between the populations (FST = 0.129). Genetic distances between the examined populations of Pinus pumila inferred from the data on the SSR marker frequencies statistically significantly correlated with the geographical distances between the population samples. The level of genetic variability of the populations from Kamchatka Peninsula was lower than that demonstrated by continental and island populations. The genetic differentiation of the Kamchatka–Magadan and other populations of Siberian dwarf pine observed in our study can be explained in terms of their formation from different Pleistocene refugial centers.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):338-347
pages 338-347 views

Animal Genetics

Population genetic structure of Helix pomatia L. (Mollusca, Pulmonata) from the southeastern and eastern parts of the range

Snegin E., Artemchuk O.


On the basis of the analysis of genetic variation detectable by ISSR-PCR, the state of the gene pools of 14 populations of Roman snail Helix pomatia L. in the conditions of urbanized landscapes of the southeastern and eastern parts of the current range was examined. According to the data obtained, the majority of the studied populations of this mollusk are in satisfactory condition. This is evidenced by the increased level of genetic diversity (He = 0.199 ± 0.025, Ish = 0.306 ± 0.035) and the high values of effective population size, calculated, on the basis of the straight-line regression equation, between the pairwise genetic and geographic distances (Ne = 2.0–4.9) that are comparable with indigenous common species of terrestrial mollusks. Despite the high level of differentiation (Gst = 0.255, Φst = 0.233, Nm = 0.822), the population distribution was not random (Rm =–0.591, p = 0.0004) and corresponded to the model of isolation by distance. It is hypothesized that, in the adventitious colonies of this mollusk, effective formation of a balanced genetic structure takes place that, in the context of biological and ecological features, facilitates its adaptation to the conditions of an urban environment and the population of the new territories of Eastern Europe.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):348-357
pages 348-357 views

Natural genetic polymorphism and phylogeography of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869

Barmintseva A., Mugue N.


Five populations of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii collected throughout the species distribution range (Lake Baikal, Lena, Yenisei, Kolyma, and Irtysh rivers) were examined for genetic polymorphism using five tetraploid microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA control region. It was demonstrated that Siberian sturgeon was represented by genetically well-differentiated groups that corresponded to hydrographic basins, Ob–Irtysh, Baikal–Yenisei, Lena, and Kolyma. Population assignment of the Siberian sturgeon broodstock should be considered in the restocking programs.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):358-368
pages 358-368 views

Human Genetics

Mutations in the APC gene in Russian patients with classic form of familial adenomatous polyposis

Tsukanov A., Pospekhova N., Shubin V., Kuzminov A., Kashnikov V., Frolov S., Shelygin Y.


The primary structure of the APC gene DNA was examined in 108 patients younger than 45 years old diagnosed with “familial adenomatous polyposis, classic form” using PCR, conformation-sensitive electrophoresis, and Sanger sequencing. Mutations in the APC gene were observed in 78 patients; de novo mutations were observed in 17 cases. In the majority of cases (n = 45), patients exhibited frameshift mutations, 28 patients had nonsense mutations, and other 5 patients showed splicing mutations. We also revealed recurring variants: p.Arg232X (2 cases), p.Asp849GlufsX11 (2), p.Ser1068GlyfsX57 (2), p.Arg216X (3), p.Gln1062X (5), p.Arg213X (5), and p.Glu1309AspfsX4 (16). It was shown that, compared with other pathogenic variants in the APC gene in Russian patients, mutation p.Glu1309AspfsX4 does not result in earlier development of colorectal cancer and polyps. Nineteen mutations were described for the first time. The identified mutations were located between codons 142 and 1492 of the APC gene. This indicates the importance of investigation of all the gene coding exons. Pathogenic variants were observed in 16 of 35 studied relatives of the mutation carriers. All 16 relatives were included in the “risk group” for lifelong clinical monitoring.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):369-375
pages 369-375 views

Epigenetic status of imprinted genes in placenta during recurrent pregnancy loss

Sazhenova E., Nikitina T., Skryabin N., Minaycheva L., Ivanova T., Nemtseva T., Yuriev S., Evtushenko I., Lebedev I.


An analysis of differential methylation of 47 imprinted genes in placenta tissues of spontaneous abortions at the first trimester of pregnancy from women with recurrent pregnancy loss or with one sporadic abortion was performed using the DNA-microarray approach. We showed that epimutations of the imprinted genes were registered significantly more often in abortions from women with recurrent miscarriage in contrast to the embryos from women with sporadic pregnancy loss with frequency of 6.2 and 3.7% per locus, respectively (p < 0.01). The predominant type of epimutation appeared to be a postzygotic hypomethylation of the imprinted genes on chromosomes of maternal origin, which was observed in the examined samples in 5.1 and 2.89% of cases, respectively. Replicative study of the methylation status of seven imprinted genes (DLK1, PEG10, PLAGL1, KCNQ1OT1, PEG3, GRB10, and PEG1/MEST) in the enlarged embryo samples supported the results of microarray analysis in respect to both epimutation frequency and predominance of somatic hypomethylation of maternal alleles. It was also demonstrated that pregnancy loss was associated with multilocus methylation defects of imprinted genes, the frequency of which was also significantly increased in the placental tissues of spontaneous abortions in women with recurrent miscarriage.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):376-387
pages 376-387 views

Is there a Finno-Ugric component in the gene pool of Russians from Yaroslavl oblast? Evidence from Y-chromosome

Chukhryaeva M., Pavlova E., Napolskich V., Garin E., Klopov A., Temnyatkin S., Zaporozhchenko V., Romanov A., Agdzhoyan A., Utevska O., Markina N., Koshel S., Balanovsky O., Balanovska E.


The Upper Volga region was an area of contacts of Finno-Ugric, Slavic, and Scandinavian speaking populations in the 8th–10th centuries AD. However, their role in the formation of the contemporary gene pool of the Russian population of the region is largely unknown. To answer this question, we studied four populations of Yaroslavl oblast (N = 132) by a wide panel of STR and SNP markers of the Y-chromosome. Two of the studied populations appear to be genetically similar: the indigenous Russian population of Yaroslavl oblast and population of Katskari are characterized by the same major haplogroup, R-M198 (xM458). Haplogroup R-M458 composes more than half of Sitskari’s gene pool. The major haplogroup in the gene pool of the population of the ancient town of Mologa is N-M178. Subtyping N-M178 by newest “genomeera” Y-SNP markers showed different pathways of entering this haplogroup into the gene pools of Yaroslavl Volga region populations. The majority of Russian populations have subvariant N3a3-CTS10760; the regular sample of Yaroslavl oblast is equally represented by subvariants N3a3-CTS10760 and N3a4-Z1936, while subvariant N3a4-Z1936 predominates in the gene pool of population of Mologa. This N3a4-Z1936 haplogroup is common among the population of the north of Eastern Europe and the Volga-Ural region. The obtained results indicate preservation of the Finno-Ugric component in the gene pool of population of Mologa and a contribution of Slavic colonization in the formation of the gene pool of the Yaroslavl Volga region populations and make it possible to hypothesize the genetic contribution of the “downstream” (Rostov- Suzdal) rather than “upstream” (Novgorod) Slavic migration wave.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):388-399
pages 388-399 views

Short Communications

Polymorphism of the chloroplast gene rps2 in parasitic plant Monotropa hypopitys L. from the European Russian populations

Filyushin M., Kochieva E., Skryabin K.


The complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast rps2 gene is determined and the polymorphism of this gene in 26 Monotropa hypopitys accessions from the populations of the European part of Russia is analyzed. The studied accessions can be divided into two groups on the basis of the rps2 gene length. In the first group, the rps2 gene sequence length is 711 bp, and in the second group, it is 753 bp. Also, the groups differ from each other by 42 SNPs, which lead to 11 radical and 15 conservative amino acid substitutions in the amino acid sequence of the protein. They also differ in the position of regulatory elements in the 5'-untranslated region of the gene.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):400-405
pages 400-405 views

Association analysis of IL-4 VNTR polymorphism with rheumatoid arthritis in Iranian patients

Beh-Pajooh A., Fasihi-Ramandi M., Tavallaie M.


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by movement disability and pain in the joints. The affected individuals are susceptible to other subsequent diseases, exacerbating the condition. To find out the genetic variability of this disease at the genomic level for the first time in the Iranian population, we carried out an investigation on the VNTR of IL-4 gene within its third intron. For this goal we isolated the genomic DNA from blood samples of 576 rheumatoid arthritis patients and 546 healthy controls and investigated the presence or absence of specific amplicons via polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The size of each amplicon on a 1.5% agarose gel corresponded to a certain number of tandem repeats which indicated a specific allele. Statistical test of χ2 Fisher’s exact test and odds ratio (OR) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that RA1/RA1 genotype was the dominant genotype in both healthy controls and patients and the heterozygote genotype of RA1/RA2 was observed more in the healthy controls than patients (108 vs. 66) with significant difference with P value < 0.005 and odds ratio of 0.214. However two genotypes of RA2/RA2 and RA2/RA3 were exclusively observed in the patients’ samples with P value = 0.023 and odds ratio of 0.988. We concluded that IL-4 VNTR polymorphism has a strong association with rheumatoid arthritis and might be a high risk factor for development of rheumatoid arthritis in the investigated Iranian population.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(3):406-409
pages 406-409 views

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