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卷 89, 编号 2 (2019)

Scientific Session of the General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Scientific and Technical Problems in Natural Gas Recovery, Transport, and Processing

Aksyutin O.


One of the priorities in Russia’s scientific and technological development is the transition to environmentally friendly and sustainable energy and increasing efficiency in the recovery and advanced processing of hydrocarbon raw materials. Realization of this aim will not only create a balanced, stably developing R&D sector in this field, but also ensure competitiveness among companies operating in the global gas market. This necessitates the close cooperation between PJSC Gazprom, the largest transnational energy corporation, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Back in 2002, the company’s board and the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences adopted the Program of Fundamental and Applied Research of RAS Institutes, within which research teams of the Academy carried out a set of studies on the most important problems in the development of Russia’s gas production. In 2017, the Research and Development Program in the interests of Gazprom was updated and aimed at further development of Russia’s energy and industrial infrastructure, the creation of a fundamental basis for new technologies, and the elaboration and implementation of innovative products and services at gas recovery, transport, and processing facilities.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):91-95
pages 91-95 views

Distributed Energy Generation Based on Advanced Technologies and Digital Systems

Kashin A.


In the world ranking of technologically developed countries in Asia, North America, and Europe, Russia belongs to the Rest of the World category by the level of development of electrochemical technologies, while our country has exceptional prerequisites for reaching the leading position in this field. InEnergy Group, specializing in electrochemical technologies and unique industrial solutions based on them, has created an environment that connects science, production, and the global market into a single space. For this purpose, the Group created a Distributed Research and Development Center, where world-class competencies in the field of fuel cells and power supply systems for various purposes are collected. In addition, it is proposed to consider the Electrochemistry project within the framework of the Integrated Scientific and Technical Program “Distributed Energy Generation Based on Advanced Technologies and Digital Systems” currently being formed. The project is built on network-centric principles and designed to ensure not just import substitution, that is, the development and implementation of electrochemical technologies replacing not today’s imports, but the ones that we might need tomorrow. This activity coordinated with science opens up new technological possibilities, the effective use of which is capable of pushing Russia to the leading positions of the world market of chemical current sources.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):96-100
pages 96-100 views

Development of Gas Turbine Energy Technologies in Russia

Petrenya Y.


Gas plays an important role in the fuel-energy balance of the countries that are the largest consumers of energy, Russia, the United States, and Europe. Efficiency of energy resources is provided in many respects using gas—turbine technologies, which have reached a high level of development. Russia has experience in gas—turbine construction and scientific and industrial potential in this field, however, it has not yet created a relevant government program. To ensure energy security and scientific technological development of the Russian Federation and to solve long-term problems of the energy industry of the twenty-first century, the formation and implementation of a comprehensive investment scientific and technological program (a national project) on developing and mastering domestic gas-turbine energy technologies under the scientific methodological guidance of the Division of Energy, Machine Building, Mechanics, and Control Processes, Russian Academy of Sciences, are suggested.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):101-104
pages 101-104 views

Challenging Scientific and Technical Problems of Nuclear Power

Olenin Y., Il’gisonis V.


The current problems and prospects of Russian nuclear power are discussed in this work based on the material of the report presented at the scientific session of the General Meeting of Members of the RAS on November 13, 2018. The conclusion is made that the nuclear industry could be a powerful driver of scientific and technological progress, a mechanism stimulating the development of a wide range of industrial and technological segments of the national economy.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):105-111
pages 105-111 views

Supercomputer Technologies in the Digital World: Theory, Practice, and Education

Voevodin V.


Supercomputer technologies are used everywhere in the world today. They determine the competitiveness of science, industry, and states. The United States, Europe, China, and Japan are investing billions in their development, promoting national programs in this field, and forming the basis for the future. Russia underestimates the importance of supercomputer technologies. Not only has it not joined the global trend, but it also misses a unique chance to use a huge potential of Russian specialists in this field. Our country needs a comprehensive supercomputer program.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):112-114
pages 112-114 views

Theory and Practice of Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods

Sokolov I.


Artificial intelligence is an interdisciplinary scientific area, which originated about 60 years ago at the interface of psychology, linguistics, mathematical methods, and computer sciences. This basically experimental science has today developed several methods of its own: knowledge representation, modeling of reasoning and behavior, and text and data mining. New independent scientific and applied disciplines have originated within the framework of artificial intelligence: nonmonotonic and descriptive logics, heuristic programming, expert systems, and knowledge-based programming technologies. Interest in artificial intelligence, having increased in recent years, is associated with the development of new promising technologies based on the above methods, in particular, knowledge discovery in databases (or, as they say today, machine learning), natural language processing, self-contained unpiloted intelligent systems, and hybrid human–machine intelligence.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):115-119
pages 115-119 views

Response to Grand Challenges: The Dimension of Social Sciences and the Humanities

Dynkin A.


This article discusses the choice of priority areas, including in the social sciences and humanities, based on the needs of society and the so-called grand challenges, rather than in the traditional logic of development of basic science, which can evolve at its own pace, not always in accordance with the actual needs or effective demand. This approach fits into the new conceptual logic presented in the Strategy for the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation. Sociological surveys of two types—general public poll and expert assessment—are used to facilitate the choice of priorities.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):120-124
pages 120-124 views

Causes of Ethno-Political Conflicts and Approaches to Their Resolution

Naumkin V.


This report, in the context of the topic of the causes of and approaches to resolving ethno-political conflicts, considers three belts of ethno-political conflicts that directly affect the interests of Russia. The association of ethno-political conflicts with the transformation of the globalization process, which faces a number of challenges, is noted. Seven main characteristics of the modern world order, which have a great influence on the state of ethno-political conflicts and the prospects for their resolution, are identified.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):125-127
pages 125-127 views

Transformation of External Conditions for the National Security of Russia

Voitolovskii F.


This article discusses the main external economic and military and political factors for the national security of Russia. The existing and potential trends are analyzed in the development of the system of international relations, which are associated with the continuing growth of financial and economic interdependence and the increasing competition between nations. The nations that are former and new leaders on the global arena play new roles and face contradictions in these processes. Special attention is paid to the processes related to the disintegration of the arms control system and the related deterioration of the global and regional military and political situation, especially in Europe and the Asia–Pacific region. The main sources of risks for the national security of Russia are identified in the context of these changes.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):128-133
pages 128-133 views

Economic Dimension of the Climate Challenge to Russia’s Sustainable Development

Porfiriev B.


The choice of an efficient response to climate challenge to Russia’s sustainable development is considered. The low-carbon economy paradigm is analyzed critically in terms of its ability to stabilize the climate situation (not to exceed the 2°C growth of the global air temperature by the end of the 21st century), improve the quality of life, and provide for sustainable economic development. It is argued that an efficient action strategy to reduce climate risks of socioeconomic development involves several interrelated groups of institutional, economic, and technological measures. The strategy priorities include: economic growth stimulation based on improved production efficiency using the best available resource use technologies; the reduction of hazardous economic impacts on human health and the environment (primarily emissions of hazardous, including carbon-containing, pollutants into the atmosphere); human health and ecosystems adaptation to and protection against the above impacts and their consequences, including those provoked by climate change; the alleviation of accumulated adverse effects; and the reduction of the current and future anthropogenic effects on environmental climate forcing factors.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):134-139
pages 134-139 views

Russian Identity: Internal and External Challenges

Tishkov V.


The article identifies the main components of developing national identity in Russia as the foundation for building nationwide civilization on a civic basis. Those importantly include the study and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage, i.e., archival and archaeological materials, cultural monuments, places of memory, and historical and cultural landscape. In addition to the outlined findings of the projects already completed by researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences, some promising projects have been proposed, such as compiling the corpus of the Russian language and other languages of the peoples of Russia, comprehensive dictionaries and encyclopedias, and publishing of collected works of classical Russian writers, as well as preparation of multivolume publications on the history of Russia. The importance of humanitarian and scientific support for infrastructure development projects, mass housing construction, and creating large-scale facilities and transport communications aimed at preventing the loss of cultural and natural environment and values necessary for national identity is substantiated.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):140-143
pages 140-143 views

Developing a Technological Platform to Create Innovative TB Drugs Active against Multidrug-Resistant Strains

Danilenko V.


In assessing the threats related to the 12 most dangerous infectious diseases, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers the struggle against multidrug-resistant/extensively drug-resistant (MDR/XDR) forms of the causative agent of tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as the most crucial problem. The number of cases associated with MDR/XDR TB forms is constantly growing both across the world and in Russia (despite achievements in the reduction of tuberculosis mortality). The deterioration of the population’s immune status because of the spread of HIV, hepatitis, type-2 diabetes, depression, and other factors, in particular, the intensification of migration processes, worsens the situation. The solution proposed in this article implies a complex interdisciplinary approach, including the development of, first, diagnostic kits based on fundamentally new technologies, which will make it possible to identify the entire spectrum of genes responsible for the development of drug resistance, as well as epidemiologically dangerous mutant lineages of tuberculosis under both clinical and field conditions, ensuring control over the real epidemiological situation in specific regions of Russia; second, antibiotics with a new action mechanism, active against MDR/XDR strains of the causative agent, including virulence inhibitors; third, genetically engineered vaccines, the development of which will account for the existing negative international experience and new scientific approaches, including those proposed in Russia; and, fourth, a new class of adjuvants for vaccines based on the Russian collection of probiotic strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria with selective immunomodulatory properties. Supposedly, these objectives will be implemented by the MDR/XDR TB consortium, which unites the best specialists—geneticists, microbiologists, immunologists, specialists in bioinformatics, medical chemists, and clinicians from 15 institutes of four departments (the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadzor), and the Federal Biomedical Agency).

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):144-150
pages 144-150 views

Effective Chemical Methods of Combustion Control: New Threats and New Solutions

Varfolomeev S., Lomakin S., Sakharov P., Khvatov A.


In this paper, we discuss promising systems for reducing the combustibility of polymeric materials taking the environmental safety of the polymer usage into account. Polymer nanocomposites containing nanocarbon fillers and layered silicates as additives that exhibit a synergistic effect on reducing the combustibility of traditional polymer thermoplastics are described. Particular attention is paid to a new direction in reducing combustibility due to the use of intumescent flame retardants based on oxidized renewable raw materials that can be successfully implemented in the manufacture of wood and polymeric structural materials of wide use.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):151-156
pages 151-156 views

Naturelike Technologies: New Opportunities and New Challenges

Koval’chuk M., Naraikin O., Yatsishina E.


This paper describes the concept of creating a naturelike technosphere as a natural stage of the scientific and technological development of civilization. The problems and results of the formation of convergent NBICS technologies as a tool for creating a naturelike technosphere are investigated. The tasks that must be solved for the accelerated development of naturelike technologies in Russia are considered.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):157-166
pages 157-166 views

Gene Technologies for Medicines: Public and Business Demands

Morozov D., Ivanov R., Gershovich P., Pestova N., Petrova M.


At the present time, gene technologies play a key part in the development of new approaches to the diagnostics and therapy of diseases. Russian scientists have already successfully introduced efficient preparations based on multiclonal antibodies into practice and have advanced developments in the fields of CAR-T therapy and gene-therapy preparations on the basis of recombinant adenoassociated viruses. Some gene diagnostic tools, which essentially improve the efficiency of medical care due to the personalized approach to the therapy of diseases, are also put into practice. The successful introduction of innovative technologies and contemporary methods of diagnostics and therapy is impossible without cooperation between academic science and business. The companies providing the conditions for cooperation with academic science and engagement of specialists of different profiles have hastened the mass introduction of gene technologies and, therefore, the defeat over many earlier incurable socially significant diseases.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):167-170
pages 167-170 views

Could Oncolytic Viruses Provide a Breakthrough in Oncology?

Chumakov P.


Despite long-standing and large-scale studies on the nature of cancer and the development of numerous antitumor drugs, the incidence of cancer is growing and the five-year survival rate of cancer patients diagnosed at the advanced stages of the disease remains unacceptably low. The author considers the causes of such failures, which lie in the very nature of malignant cells: they can adapt to and resist practically any systemic therapeutic intervention. In this context, considerable hopes are pinned on oncolytic viruses, which are medical agents of a new type, able to produce an integrated effect on the disease. In addition to their direct ability to kill tumor cells selectively, oncolytic viruses stimulate natural processes of immune surveillance and removal of cancer cells. Besides, oncolytic viruses can kill tumor-initiating cancer stem cells that are highly resistant to chemo- and radiotherapy, and overcome the immunosuppression of the tumor microenvironment. These features make oncolytic viruses unique anticancer agents that combat cancer cells by multiple natural mechanisms. To incorporate viral cancer therapy into mainstream medical practice, it is necessary to intensify basic research on viral oncolysis mechanisms, to develop new therapeutic viral strains and tests for their personalized selection, and to improve methods of the local and systemic delivery of oncolytic viruses to tumor locations. Trials of drugs that would accelerate the introduction of new viral strains into medical practice will also require cardinal changes. Achievements in this sphere will help to overcome many old problems in the therapy of metastatic forms of malignant diseases.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):171-178
pages 171-178 views

Territorial Connectivity of the Russian Federation: From the Statement of Complex Problems to Drawing up Integrated Scientific and Technical Projects

Pogosyan M., Strelets D., Vladimirova V.


The main instrument for implementing the Strategy for the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation should be integrated scientific and technical programs and projects of the full innovation cycle, the selection and development of which are assigned to the councils on the priorities of scientific and technological development. The authors present an approach to designing such programs and projects worked out by the Council on the priority of scientific and technological development “Territorial Connectivity of the Russian Federation.” The concept of “territorial connectivity” is defined, and its main types and subtypes are identified, which are characterized by the presence of specific social, economic, control, and administrative functions. The proposed sequence of steps is a targeted movement from defining the main directions of the program implementation to identifying relevant complex socio-economic problems within each area, and then to developing research plans, scientific and technical projects, and systemic measures of the state policy that ensure their solution. The “gate approach” applied to the program design makes it possible at each stage of its development and implementation to make the necessary adjustments and to organize effective communication with potential customers and participants.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):179-184
pages 179-184 views

Priority Scientific and Technical Problems in the Field of Exploration and Efficient Use of Outer Space

Solov’ev V., Kovalenko A., Solov’ev S.


The main directions of development of cosmonautics that influence the coherence of the Russian Federation are discussed. The key role of space navigation, space communications, and Earth remote sensing is shown. The importance of applied and basic research in space is emphasized. The trends in the field of applied cosmonautics are analyzed. Existing problems are described and ways to solve them that imply increasing the space constellation for scientific purposes and remote sensing of the Earth, improving the accuracy of positioning, availability, and noise immunity of space navigation.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):185-189
pages 185-189 views

Providing Information Connectivity over Russian Territory Using Remote Sensing Systems of the Earth

Lutovinov A., Lupyan E., Pogosyan M., Shemyakov A.


A description, the scientific and technical tasks, and the development projects of the system of objective remote monitoring of facilities and resources in Russia are presented. The main objective of such a system is to obtain objective operational information for assessing the current state of regions, their resource potential, planning directions for the development of the country, and objective monitoring of the implementation of infrastructure projects. The proposed system can be an integral part of complex scientific and technological projects and programs aimed at solving the problems of connectedness of the territory of Russia.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):190-195
pages 190-195 views

Russian Oceanology and Prospects for the Development of Global Ocean Bioresources

Matishov G., Matishov K., Kirillova E.


Current problems of research support for Russian oceanologists are analyzed. Along with retrospection, prospects for the development of biological resources of the Global Ocean are outlined. The authors note that it will be impossible to solve the wide range of tasks associated with the presence of Russia in the Global Ocean and the country’s food security without a fishing fleet and state-of-the-art marine research.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):196-198
pages 196-198 views

Scientific-Technological Development of Land Use on the Basis of Digital Technologies in Agriculture

Ivanov A.


The project Digital Land Use formed on the platform of the Unified Federal Information System of Farmlands is evaluated. It should provide elaboration and application of an intelligent system of planning and optimization of agricultural landscapes. Factors slowing down the development of agricultural production, including imperfect land legislation and a lack of control of the land status and inventory of soil resources, are discussed.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):199-200
pages 199-200 views

Conservation Agriculture in High Quality Food Production

Savchenko I.


The author discusses the development priorities of crop production in Russia. High-yield and environmentally friendly crop farming, relying on digital intelligent production technologies, is among the main national development priorities. To achieve the target, scientists have created high-yield and environmentally safe cultivars and hybrids of crops, medicinal plants, plant protection products, and cultivation techniques. These plants are suited for various environmental conditions.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):201-205
pages 201-205 views

Highly Productive and Environmentally Safe Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture with Preset Product Quality Indicators

Kalashnikov V.


The most important steps taken on the path of development of domestic animal husbandry and aquaculture are described. They include methods for accelerating the selection pace in livestock and aquaculture using cutting edge technologies and state-of-the-art intelligence systems. The transition to rationed feeding and productivity control systems is highlighted. It briefly touches upon mobilization of national animal husbandry export resources, the problem of preserving biological resources, and long-term preservation of reproductive material from livestock and their wild ancestors. The outlined aspects include urgency for advancing genome-based technologies and “biologization” of products for animals, birds, and aquaculture protection.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):206-208
pages 206-208 views

Intelligent Technologies and Robotic Means in Agricultural Production

Izmailov A.


To increase production dramatically, it is necessary to implement digital intelligent technologies. With their help, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in labor productivity and crop yields and reduce energy and material costs. Digital machine technologies should be applied in crop growing, livestock breeding, power engineering, and storage and processing of agricultural products. In addition, a comprehensive system for management of agricultural enterprises is required, which will ensure the timely and correct execution of tasks. In digital machines and agricultural technologies, four main areas are distinguished: monitoring of conditions and process parameters, transmission and storage of information, artificial intelligence and cloud technologies, and implementation of management decisions by robotic technical means. The main objects of monitoring are soils, plants, animals, weather and climatic conditions, technical means, and technological processes. Various monitoring tools transmit data in real time to the cloud platform and on the basis of artificial intelligence optimizes technological operations and gives the command to executive mechanisms.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):209-210
pages 209-210 views

Modern Approaches to Storage and Effective Processing of Agricultural Products for Obtaining High Quality Food Products

Galstyan A., Aksyonova L., Lisitsyn A., Oganesyants L., Petrov A.


Food independence is a strategic component of the country’s security, which is enshrined in a number of regulatory documents. Within the framework of the set goals, the priority tasks of group and individual product identification, including biological and geographical features; unification of evaluation criteria and objective principles for expanding their field; transformation of traditional technologies, have been updated.

It is predicted that the growth of production volumes and optimization of processes and consumption systems will be based on the application of a number of basic principles: “lifetime” formation of the composition and properties of raw materials; development of highly efficient production technologies and deep processing of agricultural products; implementation of algorithms for structuring logistics, storage, and processing/disposal of food and waste; and increasing the energy efficiency of production processes. At the same time, the strategic vectors of technology development are specialized and personalized nutrition, cross-border cooperation, food quality and safety, minimization of negative impacts on the environment, traceability of the food chain “from field to consumer,” etc. To achieve all this, wide introduction of modern (digital) technologies will be required, as well as the modernization of traditional practices and the creation of new methodological and process solutions.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(2):211-213
pages 211-213 views