Browse Title Index

Issue Title File
Vol 88, No 5 (2018) Genomic Selection and Prediction of Offspring Quality in Animals
Yakovlev A.F.
Vol 89, No 5 (2019) Geopolitical Meridians of World-Class Universities
Balatsky E.V., Ekimova N.A.
Vol 89, No 4 (2019) Global Experience in Interaction with Compatriot Scientists: Lessons for Russia
Yurevich M.A., Malakhov V.A., Aushkap D.S.
Vol 86, No 4 (2016) Government investments and the publishing activity of higher educational institutions: Bibliometric analysis
Ivanov V.V., Markusova V.A., Mindeli L.E.
Vol 88, No 3 (2018) Greater Europe: Internal and External Security Threats
Gromyko A.A.
Vol 87, No 1 (2017) Halophytes: Ecological features, global resources, and outlook for multipurpose use
Shamsutdinov N.Z., Shamsutdinova E.Z., Orlovsky N.S., Shamsutdinov Z.S.
Vol 89, No 2 (2019) Highly Productive and Environmentally Safe Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture with Preset Product Quality Indicators
Kalashnikov V.V.
Vol 87, No 2 (2017) History and current status of reserve management and study in Russia
Chibilev A.A.
Vol 89, No 3 (2019) How to Reorganize Computational Science and Technologies?
Il’in V.P.
Vol 88, No 5 (2018) Humanities Research in Russia: Status of the Art
Tishkov V.A.
Vol 86, No 6 (2016) Identifying the subject in the strategy for scientific and technological development of the Russian federation
Starodubov V.I., Kurakova N.G.
Vol 87, No 5 (2017) In the genre of the sociological portrait
Andreev A.L.
Vol 86, No 5 (2016) Infectious symbiology: A new understanding of old problems
Bukharin O.V.
Vol 86, No 6 (2016) Information and analysis centers in the system of state-level decision making
Krymskaya A.S.
Vol 86, No 3 (2016) Innovative drugs of the 21st century
Chuchalin A.G.
Vol 86, No 3 (2016) Innovative drugs: From basic research to production
Myasoedov N.F.
Vol 89, No 2 (2019) Intelligent Technologies and Robotic Means in Agricultural Production
Izmailov A.Y.
Vol 88, No 1 (2018) Interaction between Man and the Natural Environment: A Major Factor of the Existence of Civilization On the Results of the Year of Ecology in Russia
Osipov V.I., Aksyutin O.E., Ishkov A.G., Grachev V.A.
Vol 87, No 6 (2017) Interdisciplinarity and polyparadigmality in domestic linguistics corpus research of projects funded in the field of linguistics
Belousov K.I., Baranov D.A., Boronnikova N.V., Erofeeva E.V., Zelyanskaya N.L.
Vol 87, No 5 (2017) Interethnic relations and ethnocultural education in Russia
Tishkov V.A., Stepanov V.V.
Vol 89, No 1 (2019) International Law and Sanctions: The Search for Red Lines
Khabrieva T.Y., Kapustin A.Y.
Kolomyts E.G.
Vol 89, No 5 (2019) Investment Dynamics As a Factor of Transformation of the Russian Economy
Alekseev A.V., Kuznetsova N.N.
Vol 88, No 3 (2018) Investment Opportunities to Accelerate Labor Productivity Dynamics
Lavrovskii B.L.
Vol 87, No 1 (2017) Invisible gold
Volkov A.V., Sidorov A.A.
101 - 125 of 292 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 

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