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Vol 89, No 5 (2019)

Science and Society

Investment Dynamics As a Factor of Transformation of the Russian Economy

Alekseev A.V., Kuznetsova N.N.


The dynamics of long-term investment by primary economic activities is considered in general and in detail by manufacturing. Russian and American investment programs are compared in terms of gross and specific indicators. The quality of economic growth, as seen through the 2000s Russian investment pattern, mismatched the long-term goals of domestic economic development. In addition, the current phaseout of investment activity is largely an effect of the inadequate investment policy of those years. The existing institutional system orients the Russian economy toward building into the global pattern as a supplier of natural and partly agricultural resources, dooming manufacturing to stagnation at best. The authors prove that stimulation of industrial policy is fundamentally based on a state approach: investing with long-term strategic interests in mind and considering the potential of market relations (efficient resource management) would finally launch large-scale investment programs, providing conditions for the creation of a national innovative economy.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(5):441-450
pages 441-450 views

Organization of Research

The Use of Scientometric Indicators to Evaluate Publishing Activity in Modern Russia

Grinev A.V.


The accounting of scientific publications using scientometric indicators is analyzed in the context of evaluating the performance of the academic staff of Russian universities and associates of RAS research institutes and the way in which it is used by state and administrative structures. The evolution of the country’s attitude to scientometric indicators in recent decades is shown, the main drawbacks of the use of scientometric criteria are identified, and possible solutions to this problem are proposed.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(5):451-459
pages 451-459 views

The Problem of Unprotected Content of Scientific Work, Do We Need a “Copyright” on Ideas?

Salitskaya E.A.


A legal view of authorship in science is given. A work of science is considered as an object of copyright, the problem of its content unprotected by copyright is raised, and the concepts of authorship and plagiarism are defined and explained. In addition, attention is paid to the proposals expressed in the literature on ensuring the protection of the content of scientific work, and the historical experience of developing draft laws on scientific property is analyzed. In summary, the author formulates several conclusions regarding the advisability of providing legal protection to the elements of the content of scientific works and the nature of relevant rights.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(5):460-467
pages 460-467 views

Point of View

Geopolitical Meridians of World-Class Universities

Balatsky E.V., Ekimova N.A.


The results of two waves of identification of world-class universities (for 2017 and 2019) are considered, giving a geopolitical “snapshot” of the market of leading universities of the world. It is shown that United Europe is forging ahead into the lead, while Asia and the United States have worsened their positions. It is economic and cultural factors that underlie success in the formation of global universities. The economic precondition is the presence of global high-tech companies in a country, the number and strength of which determine the number and strength of world-class universities; and the cultural precondition is a wide spread of “the philosophy of collaboration,” which implies intensive sharing of experience between universities both at the domestic level and between countries through numerous forms of collaboration—international leagues and unions, regional consortia and groups, and professional associations and alliances.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(5):468-477
pages 468-477 views

Agricultural Development in Russia in Conditions of Import Substitution

Maslova V.V., Chekalin V.S., Avdeev M.V.


This article discusses agricultural development trends in Russia, the results of import substitution in the agricultural sector of the economy, and means of ensuring the country’s food security. The consumption differentiation within the main types of agricultural products and food is shown depending on the income level of the population. The problem of import substitution associated with the provision of the agroindustrial complex with domestic material and technical resources is analyzed. It is noted that the duration of the import substitution process for various types of agricultural products will largely depend on the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism in the agroindustrial complex (AIC). Growth opportunities in the agricultural sector due to taking over the market share occupied by imports are limited. With the development of import substitution, conditions will be created for increasing the export of agricultural products and foodstuffs and for the transition from import dependence to the development of export potential.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(5):478-485
pages 478-485 views

Environmental Problems

The Current Status and Problems of the Lake Fund of Asian Russia

Rumyantsev V.A., Izmailova A.V.


The results of a quantitative assessment of the lake fund of Asian Russia (AR), taking into consideration the irregularity of its territorial distribution, are presented. Some 3.2 million water bodies containing 25 175 km3 of water have been identified in AR on aerial photographs. More than half of these bodies are located in the Ural Federal District, while lakes of the Far East and Siberian Federal Districts contain the bulk of the water. With the current population density, most of Asian Russia is well-supplied with water resources; the water supply does not exceed 10 000 m3/person per year in only three regions. However, under insufficient wetting conditions, even high water supply values do not guarantee the prevention of a water supply deficit, which is especially clearly manifested in water-deficient years. The low quality of available waters further complicates the situation.

The authors have analyzed data on the environmental changes ongoing in the lake water resources throughout the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The results of the trophicity and water quality assessments performed for lakes of the three federal districts are provided and the main problems pertaining to adverse changes in lake ecosystems of Asian Russia caused by anthropogenic impacts and requiring prompt resolution are addressed.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(5):486-494
pages 486-494 views

Formation of a New Agroforestry Paradigm

Rulev A.S., Pugacheva A.M.


This article discusses the long period of formation of a new agroforestry paradigm, starting from the adoption in 1948 of a plan of forest protection afforestation until the present. The achievements of science of that time, put into practice, served as the basis for decisions on the global transformation of nature. Pilot objects of the early 20th century (Bogdinskii agroforestry reclamation base, Kamenno-stepnoi oasis) still serve as reference objects for agroforestry reclamation of territories, formed on the basis of a scientific approach, which allows them still to function productively. The main idea of ​​the plan was the fight against drought and desertification of steppe lands, erosion processes, and the prevention of sand and dust storms. The creation of 5 709 000 ha of protective forest stands, afforestation of 1 106 000 ha of gullies, fixing and afforestation of sand on an area of ​​322 000 ha, and the implementation of a large amount of planned activities in a short time put this plan into the category of grandiose projects of an international level. The authors of this paper would like to draw attention to the timing and volume of plantings of paramount importance: state protective forest belts and protective forest plantings. Understanding the importance of agroforestry for modern agricultural landscapes has led to the formation of sustainable and durable agroforestry systems in subarid landscapes based on a combination of agricultural and landscape-ecological ideologies. It is argued that, taking into account the ecotopes of the area, using a three-dimensional assessment of the agrolandscape and based on a nonlinear approach, it is possible to create multifunctional highly productive agroforestry reclamation systems in critical farming areas.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(5):495-501
pages 495-501 views

From the Researcher’s Notebook

Plants of the First Terrestrial Ecosystems

Naugolnykh S.V.


The preconditions of an ecosystem for and major phases of colonization of land by higher plants are considered. The most important finds of higher plants in pre-Silurian deposits are discussed. A new plant, Volkhoviella primitiva Naug., Gen. et sp. nov., from Ordovician deposits of Leningrad oblast is described. General questions of the early evolution of land vegetation are considered.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(5):502-511
pages 502-511 views

Essays about Scientists

The Famous Researcher of Lake Baikal

Takhteev V.V., Rusinek O.T.


This article presents the main biographical data on G.Yu. Vereshchagin—the founder of the Russian and Soviet Limnology—who organized complex scientific research of Lake Baikal, the deepest and oldest freshwater body on the planet. Vereshchagin’s development as an outstanding researcher of lakes is described. He started his activity on Lake Baikal as a participant, and then as the head of the expedition of the Commission for the Study of Lake Baikal of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and as the Scientific Secretary of this Commission. In 1928, the Baikal Expedition was transformed into the Baikal Limnological Station of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which was headed by G.Yu. Vereshchagin until 1944. His scientific heritage is diverse and includes fundamental works on hydrology and hydrophysics of lakes, on plankton studies, and on the problem of the origin of endemic fauna and flora of Lake Baikal, as well as the first methodological guide for field hydrochemical analysis of natural waters and comprehensive bibliographic reports on limnology.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(5):512-521
pages 512-521 views

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