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Vol 88, No 3 (2018)

The Centenary of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917: Scientific Outcomes

Presentation by President of the Russian Historical Society S.E. Naryshkin

Naryshkin S.E.


One century is the minimal period that can make the discussion of a major event, such as a revolution, impartial regardless of the political environment. Recent studies have led to the conclusion that the revolution should be considered as a single multistage process, from the tsar’s abdication to the Civil War. When the Great Russian Revolution of 1917–1922 is discussed, the attribute great is used to characterize the scale of its consequences.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):157-158
pages 157-158 views

The Universal Importance of the Russian Revolution of 1917

Torkunov A.V.


The paper is dedicated to scientific events organized to mark the centenary of the revolution of 1917 in Russia. It is noted that 2000 new books were timed to the jubilee and saw the light of day, supported by the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main trend of recent years has been depoliticized presentation of the revolutionary events. The author stresses that revolutions affect the alignment of world forces and the international legal order.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):159-162
pages 159-162 views

The Great Russian Revolution: Problems of Historical Memory

Petrov Y.A.


An important achievement of recent years is the establishment of the idea about the revolution as a complex multifaceted process, which determined all sides of Russia’s political, social, and cultural life. Special attention has been focused on WWI, which was an important factor in the development of revolutionary events, as well as on contradictions generated by the country’s rapid modernization in the postrevolutionary period.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):163-165
pages 163-165 views

Domestic Archives and the Centenary of the Great Russian Revolution

Artizov A.N.


The role of domestic archives in providing for a scientific approach to the revolutionary events of 1917–1922 is discussed. Of great importance for understanding the sources and meaning of the revolution are documents associated with the figure of V.I. Lenin.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):166-168
pages 166-168 views

Jubilees of the October Revolution and the Russian Literature of the 20th Century

Kornienko N.V.


This presentation is dedicated to the most significant novels about the revolution written in the first decades of the Soviet period. They laid the foundation for a truly historical vision of the events of 1917 and became the response of Russian literature to the global historical turning point and revolutionary upheavals of the entire structure of the national life.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):169-172
pages 169-172 views

The Academy of Sciences in 1917

Tunkina I.V.


The two Russian revolutions and the Civil War of 1917–1922 radically changed the vector of the Academy of Sciences’ development and the fates of its associates. Documents from the unique collection of the Academy’s archive, testifying to the efforts of the scientific community to keep the Academy as a center of science and enlightenment in the watershed epoch of the country’s development are presented.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):173-177
pages 173-177 views

Science and Society

From Blind Faith in the Market to Market Planning

Alekseev A.V., Kuznetsova N.N.


The long-term dynamics of industrial output and the specifics of industrial growth in the Russian Federation are considered. Trends toward simplification of the production structure are identified, showing that the quality of economic dynamics, which the existing model ensures, does not correspond to the long-term goals of Russian economic development. The authors prove that the hope for the beneficial effect of market forces, artificially set against consciously formulated goals of economic development, has failed and led to attenuation of the investment process. Since production growth rates with a roughly four-year lag depend on the growth rates of capital investments, which critically depend on the current market situation, a sharp decrease in the growth rates of investments in recent years has set rigid limitations on economic development at least until 2020. The authors conclude that it is necessary to activate substantially investment progress, including state-run development programs, and analyze the financial potential of investment sources such as an increase in the rate of accumulation and repatriation of domestic capital. It is estimated that the current financial resources will be sufficient at least for the launch of this process if not for the full-fledged creation of an innovative economy in Russia.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):178-184
pages 178-184 views

On the Rostrum of the RAS Presidium

Greater Europe: Internal and External Security Threats

Gromyko A.A.


This article, prepared on the basis of a report heard at the RAS Presidium session on May 23, 2017, presents models of international relations that have determined the formats, structural framework, and elements of the security of Greater Europe after 1945, both implemented and designed. The boundaries of Greater Europe are outlined, and the meaning of internal and external threats to its security is disclosed. The consequences of the deepening risks for Russia in the development of Greater Europe and tasks facing the country in this context are formulated.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):185-191
pages 185-191 views


Studies on the Evolution of Sedimentary Rock Formation As a Clue to the Solution of Several General Geological Problems

Kuznetsov V.G.


Studies on the distribution of detrital rocks, reefs, and sand-to-clay rock ratios show that geological history has witnessed the gradual differentiation between subaqueous and subaerial reliefs. An increase in the height of mountains was possible due to the immersion of the asthenospheric layer and the increase in the thickness of the continental crust in general and especially in folding areas. This led to the gradual strengthening of relief contrasts and the growth of trough depths in subduction zones. A historical change in the composition of carbonate rocks, the replacement of Archean and Lower Proterozoic limestones and siderites with dolomites and magnesites in the Middle and Upper Proterozoic and then the successive displacement of the latter by limestones in the Phanerozoic suggests a change in the acid–alkali regime of water basins and a transfer from the Archean acid basins to alkali basins in the Proterozoic and partly early Paleozoic and then to neutral and weakly alkali basins in the rest of the Phanerozoic.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):192-199
pages 192-199 views

From the Researcher’s Notebook

Supercomputer Simulation of Social Processes: New Technologies

Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Sushko E.D., Sushko G.B.


This article continues the work described in Vestnik RAN (no. 3, 2016) and in Herald of the RAS (no. 3, 2016). The previous articles analyzed the international experience in preparing and using agent-oriented models and technical groundwork for their implementation on supercomputers and described in detail the stages and methods of the efficient reflection of the computing core of a multiagent system on the architecture of a state-of-the-art supercomputer using the Supercomputer Technology for Agent-oRiented Simulation (STARS), developed by the authors. STARS was tested on two multiagent demographic models, built at the RAS Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, which differed in the level of detailization when simulating human reproductive behavior. This publication describes a technology of building multiagent simulations, making it possible to scale effectively models of this class up to 109 agents and to apply it when creating a large-scale agent model for Eurasian countries. The objective of the model is to simulate the key migration processes and economic dynamics of these countries, as well as the aftermath of the implementation of large infrastructure projects because of the activity of multiple independent agents. The model was tested on various supercomputers, allowing conclusions on their technical characteristics.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):200-209
pages 200-209 views

Point of View

Socio-Humanistic Support for Technological Development: What Should It Be Like?

Pirozhkova S.V.


Prospects for the humanities and social sciences under the conditions of the so-called technoscientific stage of the development of science, characterized by closely entwined scientific research and scientific design and highlighting the objectives of creating new equipment and technologies and not obtaining basic knowledge, are discussed. The author analyzes the historical peculiarities of technoscience as a specific form, on the one hand, of organization of scientific cognition and, on the other, of interaction between science and society, separating processes that increase the social responsibility of science and the effects of orientation toward solving pragmatic problems on scientific process, in particular, the transformation of methodological norms. The concepts of social and humanistic technologies are considered critically; several problems that arise owing to the technologization of socio-humanistic knowledge are investigated. It is justified that technological development requires not only a complex approach, implying the use of socio-humanistic technologies, but also socio-humanistic support, which cannot be understood technologically. The disciplinary status of such support is discussed; in particular, the recent widely used concept of transdisciplinarity is analyzed, and the conclusion is made that socio-humanistic support goes beyond professional scientific activity into the sphere of broad social practice. Foresight is considered as an example of such a transformation.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):210-219
pages 210-219 views

Investment Opportunities to Accelerate Labor Productivity Dynamics

Lavrovskii B.L.


The postwar period of economic development in the G7 countries is characterized by diverse dynamics in labor productivity. An important regularity is that labor productivity in most of these countries, lagging substantially behind the United States in the 1950s, closed in on the US level noticeably by the mid- 1990s. In subsequent years, the United States did not surrender its leading positions: the breakaway from the other G7 countries has increased or remained practically unchanged. What conditions, primarily investment ones, bred this phenomenon? Where is the cradle of the mysterious law of uneven development? This article attempts to approach answers to these questions. Attention is paid to growth factors of labor productivity in China, and the special role of the rate of accumulation in this country’s economic growth is stressed. The economic situation here has been exposed to have been acquiring a new quality over the past 15 years. Peak investment costs to increase labor productivity are becoming increasingly more burdensome, which cannot but show on its growth prospects. The G7 countries’ and China’s experience is important for Russia in connection with the discussion on the norm of accumulation and the politics of investment.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):220-229
pages 220-229 views

Environmental Problems

The Current Status and Problems of the Lake Fund of European Russia

Rumyantsev V.A., Izmailova A.V., Drabkova V.G., Kondrat’ev S.A.


The results of the evaluation of the lake fund of European Russia are presented considering the inhomogeneity of its distribution over the territory. Information about quantitative and qualitative changes in the ER lake fund in the second half of the 20th century and the early 21st century is analyzed. The main environmental problems of lakes, associated with their negative changes under the action of anthropogenic factors, are revealed and possible ways to resolve them are outlined.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):230-240
pages 230-240 views


Erratum to: “An intercultural paradigm of migrant integration”

Tsapenko I.P.


The title of the article should read:

An Intercultural Paradigm of Migrant Integration

The affiliation should read:

Primakov National Research Institute of the World Economy and International Relations

The footnote * should read:

Irina Pavlovna Tsapenko, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), is a Sector Head at the Primakov National Research Institute of the World Economy and International Relations, RAS (RAS IMEMO).

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(3):241-241
pages 241-241 views

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