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Vol 88, No 1 (2018)

From the Researcher’s Notebook

Comparison of Tectonic Phases and Geomagnetic Reversals in the Late Mesozoic and in the Cenozoic

Trifonov V.G., Sokolov S.Y.


The authors consider the chronological relation of two groups of phenomena in the history of the Earth over the last 150 mln years. One of them is relatively short (a few million years) tectonic phases, or orogenic phases, identified by H.W. Stille in 1924 and characterized by an increase in compressive deformation in mobile belts of the Earth. Deformations that occur during such phases are quite explicable by collisional interactions of lithospheric plates. However, these interactions do not explain the synchronous occurrence of phases in different belts and on different continents. The other group is the frequency of magnetic reversals, i.e., changes such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south are interchanged. Tectonic phases are more frequent in epochs of frequent geomagnetic reversals. During the last 24 mln years, when geomagnetic reversals were especially numerous, tectonic phases came one after another in short intervals. An emerging trend for them is the lagging of phase peaks by one to two million years relative to the most frequent magnetic reversals. The chronological relations identified show that tectonic phases are determined not only by geodynamic processes in the lithosphere but also by the action of energy pulses that occur in the Earth’s core and at the boundary of the core with the mantle, where the Earth’s magnetic field is generated. On the geological time scale, this interaction takes place quickly, which excludes energy pulse convection and prompts the search for other mechanisms of this transfer. It is possible that it takes place because the lithosphere is affected by alternating body forces that occur under a change in currents in the core, which is followed by changes in the mode of the Earth’s rotation and the adaptation to it of lithospheric masses.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):37-43
pages 37-43 views

The Global Competitiveness Index As an Indicator of Sustainable Development

Bucher S.


The competitiveness of 41 European countries, based on the global competitiveness index, is analyzed for the period 2014–2016, proving that this indicator is primarily determined not by any one factor or by several factors but by all of those included in the index. The author evaluates the contribution of each factor to the value of the global competitiveness index using various statistical methods, as well as additional data from the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Reports 2014–2016. The analysis of the competitiveness of the European countries in line with the global competitiveness index helps reveal the specifics of the existing regional socioeconomic differentiation compared to averaged European data. These characteristics should be considered when building the national competitive strategy of each state of the region. The study reveals a high correlation between a country’s rating for the global competitiveness index and the human development index, the gross domestic product per capita, the level of gender inequality, and the competitiveness of the travel and tourism industry.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):44-57
pages 44-57 views

Science and Society

Challenges and Opportunities in Forming a Digital Economy in Russia

Betelin V.B.


Challenges and risks in forming a digital economy in Russia are discussed. It is shown that they result from the fact that the country lacks companies economically and socially equipped to be leaders in the global semiconductor and radio electronics markets. Half of the global semiconductor market is controlled by US companies, which constitute the basis for the already formed “US digital economy of semiconductors,” Russia being a consumer of its products. “The US digital economy” is a project of global semiconductor market leaders, targeted at forming new global markets under the decreasing profitability of semiconductors. In the existing situation, the implementation of most of the National Technology Initiative’s projects will be based on borrowed technologies and components, endangering both Russia’s prospect to acquire any significant share of new global markets and its information security protection against growing cyberattacks. Russia can parry the challenges and risks of the formation of its digital economy through the creation of economically and socially significant IT companies, oriented at digitizing the country’s strategic industries and able to claim leadership in global markets.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):1-6
pages 1-6 views

Interaction between Man and the Natural Environment: A Major Factor of the Existence of Civilization On the Results of the Year of Ecology in Russia

Osipov V.I., Aksyutin O.E., Ishkov A.G., Grachev V.A.


The history of humans as a biological species is tightly connected with the geological evolution of the Earth, the development of the biosphere, and the consumption of its resources. Life-supporting resources, which the biosphere produces “free of charge,” and the attitude of Homo sapiens to them constitute the main factor of human existence, determining the mode of our society. Modern approaches to the interaction between man and the natural environment, as well as conditions leading to the biosphere’s degradation, are discussed. Among the global factors that affect the state of the biosphere, the authors identify the following: the uncontrollable growth of the planet’s population, anthropization, climate change and the increased frequency of catastrophic natural and natural–anthropogenic phenomena, and changes in the human gene pool. All these factors are considered in the strategy of the sustainable development of modern society. Alternatives of implementing the sustainable development concept are considered in the article, including the idea of the noosphere, a fundamentally new approach to interaction between man and nature.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):7-14
pages 7-14 views

On the Rostrum of the RAS Presidium

Urgent Problems of Valuation of Recoverable Oil and Gas Reserves

Smolyak S.A., Zakirov S.N., Indrupskiy I.M., Rozman M.S., Zakirov E.S., Anikeev D.P.


Economic, technical, technological, and organizational problems of subsurface management, primarily oil and gas, are considered. The authors justify the necessity of cardinal restructuring of the valuation system for mineral resources and the assessment of the efficiency of their development projects. Social (economic) efficiency criterion should top the agenda here as in several developed countries. This will help not only consider the requirements of the country’s long-term sustainable development but also improve considerably the oil, gas, and condensate recovery factors and reduce the negative environmental consequences. Simultaneously, it is necessary to balance out the interests of the subsurface user, the state, and society, which requires certain changes in the organizational and economic mechanism of implementing subsurface management projects. If oil and gas projects are implemented in conditions of uncertainty and risk, the organizational and economic mechanism of their implementation should envisage the adaptation of projects to the changing conditions and the methods of valuation of reserves should be updated.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):15-27
pages 15-27 views

Prospects for the Intellectualization of State-of-the-Art Aviation Systems

Zheltov S.Y., Kos’yanchuk V.V.


This article, based on a paper heard at a meeting of the RAS Presidium, analyzes the main problems of and trends in the intellectualization of state-of-the-art aviation complexes. The obtaining and intelligent processing of heterogeneous information, intelligent management, and aircraft “self-sensing,” as well as intelligent interaction within the pilot–aircraft contour, are highlighted as key functional objectives for the foreseeable future. The primary focus is made on the intelligent processing of measuring and video information, including the automatic mutual referencing and uniting of measuring and geospatial information into a visual complex; continuous provision of an accurate, authentic, and holistic image of the surroundings to the crew, regardless of weather and time conditions; recognition and prediction of dangerous combinations of factors considering the flight path; assessment of the crew’s psychophysiological condition; changes in the external environment and technical condition of the aircraft; and recommendations for the crew to escape or prevent abnormal situations.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):28-36
pages 28-36 views


Constitutional Modernization in the CIS Countries: New Trends

Khabrieva T.Y.


New trends resulting from the most considerable changes in the constitutions of the CIS countries and several other states of the former Soviet Union are analyzed. The constitutional model developed in Eurasian states of this region is transitional, incomplete, and hybrid, which predetermines the need for further modernization (novelization) of the constitutions. The common features of the initial period of independent development in this group of countries are undergoing substantial transformations; there have emerged multidirectional vectors of constitutional modernization with account for characteristic traits of the evolution of the political and legal systems of different states. The author’s conclusions concern the regimentation of the foundations of constitutional systems, forms of state, and human rights—the main subjects of constitutional–legal regulation in any state and the most important objectives of constitutional reform for constitutions under modernization. Study of the trends in the constitutional development of the post-Soviet countries of Eurasia, which is of significant interest for political sciences, contributes to the elaboration of the theory of postsocialist states and their constitutions.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):58-66
pages 58-66 views

Multimodal Interfaces of Human–Computer Interaction

Karpov A.A., Yusupov R.M.


An analytical review of state-of-the-art and future intelligent interfaces of human–computer interaction is presented; stages of their evolution are considered from command text to graphic and then to intelligent uni- and multimodal interfaces, based on the transfer of acoustic, visual, textual, and neural information. The principles of organization and the main characteristics and types of multimodal user interfaces, which employ concurrently several tools for automatic processing (recognition and synthesis) of userinputted heterogeneous information, are detailed. The combination of computers with speech and multimodal interfaces, designed for user-friendly information input/output, creates universal information–communicative technologies, man coming to the fore in the interaction between man and computer. Russian and foreign developments in this field are analyzed briefly.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):67-74
pages 67-74 views

Attitudes to Death As a Scientific Problem

Yurevich A.V.


The topic of attitudes to death is traditionally taboo in society but penetrates mass culture in the form of simulacra. The evolution of attitudes to death in the history of European civilization and in individual consciousness proceeding from the opinions of philosophers and theologians, as well as the results of empirical studies characterizing the attitude to death in mass consciousness, is shown. How popular is the belief in afterlife? Does religiosity have any effect on the fear of death? What are people afraid of when they think about death? Can one form a positive attitude to death? This article attempts to answer these questions.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):75-80
pages 75-80 views

Point of View

Mathematical Modeling and the Philosophy of Science

Il’in V.P.


Philosophical and methodological aspects of predictive mathematical modeling are considered. Predictive mathematical modeling in the epoch of technological challenges to postindustrial society is becoming a third way of cognition, supplementing and uniting classical theory and natural experiment. The author describes conceptual, architectoral, and technological problems of creating an integrated software environment for high-performance solutions to interdisciplinary direct and reciprocal new-generation problems for multiprocessor petascale computing systems with scalable parallelism. Trends are unfolding in the development of “neoinformatics” with the introduction of cognitive principles into the automation of model and algorithm building and into the creation of decision-making systems for a wide range of users from various production and social spheres. Constructive and infrastructural principles are proposed for the development of an open basic modeling system that supports all basic stages of science-intensive computer experimentation and is oriented at an effective long-life cycle and coordinated development by various design teams.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):81-88
pages 81-88 views

The Uniform Electronic Knowledge Space Revisited

Antopol’skii A.B., Efremenko D.V.


The set of issues associated with the formation of a single Russian electronic knowledge space is considered. This task, first formulated in the Russian Presidential Decree On Approval of the Foundations of a State Cultural Policy, has become particularly urgent in the context of the so-called Big Challenges, preconditioned by the development of scientific knowledge and technologies. To solve this task, it is necessary to develop a tool kit based on the Semantic Web technology, using scientific electronic libraries and other data arrays, as well as classifications, thesauruses, ontologies, and systems of metadata and other tools for subject area representation. The creation of a single Russian electronic knowledge space may be referred to nationwide projects, and the RAS scientific organizations and the country’s leading universities should play the leading role in it.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):89-95
pages 89-95 views


The Logic of Directed Development in Postcolonial India

Volodin A.G.


It has been presumed that an increase in economic growth rates automatically intensifies inflation processes, which provoke sensitivity among mass layers of the population. However, manifestations of interdependence between growth and inflation are different in different economic systems. Of importance are the degree of the maturity of the economic organism, its historical experience, and the sociopolitical context. Financial instability is a fundamental qualitative characteristic of the capitalist economy with its complex branched system of institutions. The suppression of inflation implies disciplinary actions from above, regulating the economic behavior of various groups of society. Rigid control over inflationary processes is characteristic of “late start” societies and, even more so, of states of the third wave of modernization, particularly India. Inflation in its acute forms turned out to be a result of the administration’s policy intended to form a middle class. The author of this article holds that the approach of India’s authorities to inflation problems is based on three strategic principles: measures to normalize circulation, to protect the poorest layers of the population from the consequences of inflation, and to find additional resources of the effectiveness of the country’s economic mechanism.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):96-103
pages 96-103 views

The Outward Expansion of China As a Result of Its Victorious Modernization

Salitskii A.I.


The author considers the People’s Republic of China of the mid-2010s as a country of accomplished modernization, emphasizing the reorientation of the state and society to find solutions to fundamentally new problems. At the present stage, the attention of the country’s leadership is focused on the social and environmental situation, the consumer revolution, and the development of science and technology. The monetary financial and external economic stability allows the fifth generation of Chinese leaders to offer the country and the world a new vector of socioeconomic growth. Right in front of our eyes, China is becoming an exporter of modernization and can exert a significant influence on its partners. In the opinion of the author, the center of global development is shifting to the East, where gigantic and dynamic China is beginning to form global trends.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(1):104-110
pages 104-110 views

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