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Vol 87, No 4 (2017)

Science and Society

From Rio to Paris: Achievements, problems, and prospects in the struggle against climate change

Akaev A.A.


The newsbreak for writing this article was a kind of jubilee: 25 years ago, in 1992, a conference in Rio de Janeiro adopted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This event became the first in a series of follow-up conferences and documents aimed primarily at limiting carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere to counter global warming. The author is an active advocate of the concept of the anthropogenic impact on climate as a leading factor in climate change. He stresses the positive potential of international agreements in this field and a new energy-environmental paradigm, which implies the development of low-carbon industry and transition to renewable energy sources and the “green” economy.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):299-309
pages 299-309 views

Priorities in providing Russia’s power industry with competitive equipment

Favorskii O.N., Filippov S.P., Polishchuk V.L.


The major results in Russia’s power engineering of the 20th century were the design and mastering of production of practically the entire range of core power equipment with world-class technical characteristics. This made it possible not only to stop power equipment imports amid high growth rates of the country’s power industry but also to ensure its high exports and to occupy a significant position in the global market. Two decades of stagnation in the Russian power industry and the disruption of international relations have led to a notable degradation in domestic power engineering. Now, the initiated technological renovation is largely based on imported equipment. Primarily, this is the case of state-of-the-art gas turbines. The challenges encountered are analyzed, and immediate measures to provide Russia’s power industry with competitive domestic equipment that guarantees the country’s scientific and technological independence are substantiated.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):310-317
pages 310-317 views

On the Rostrum of the RAS Presidium

Prospects in studying the human proteome

Ponomarenko E.A., Poverennaya E.V., Ilgisonis E.V., Kopylov A.T., Zgoda V.G., Lisitsa A.V., Archakov A.I.


Bioinformatic and experimental approaches to studying the human proteome, the totality of proteins of various tissues and organs, are considered. Since the proteome is dynamic, to determine its size, it is necessary to establish its width (the number of various protein species, proteoforms) and depth (the number of copies of each proteoform in a tissue). The quantity of proteoforms that form because of alternative splicing processes and the implementation of single-nucleotide alterations (single amino-acid polymorphisms and posttranslational modifications) at the proteomic level was predicted. Experimental confirmation of the presence of proteoforms is limited by the high analytical sensitivity of proteomic technologies. The metabioinformatic approaches proposed by the authors can be used to evaluate the number of proteoforms for any group of protein-coding genes.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):318-323
pages 318-323 views

Predictive technologies and possibilities of molecular genetics in reproductive medicine

Kurtser M.A.


The main goal of predictive medicine is to uncover risk factors of a disease to prevent its development and cure it at early stages. At present, the dominant role in disease prevention is attributed to genetics, the modern opportunities of which make it possible to assess the risk of the development of pathological processes. The tasks of predictive technologies in reproductive medicine are the development and introduction of early prophylactic measures to prevent a pregnancy with a genetically pathological fetus and the delivery of a child with an inborn hereditary pathology and to exclude the development of pregnancy complications.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):324-327
pages 324-327 views


The contemporary global monetary system and prospects to transform it

Kondratov D.I.


This article attempts to outline conceptual approaches to the reformation of the global monetary system, which determine the principles of its functioning and intergovernmental regulation and consider the lessons of the global financial and economic crisis.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):328-335
pages 328-335 views

The space of antiquity: Archaeological sites on the map of Russia

Makarov N.A., Zelentsova O.V., Korobov D.S., Voroshilov A.N.


This article is dedicated to the results of three years of labor by the team of authors on the creation of the first domestic national-scale archaeological map. The geoinformation system “Archaeological Sites of Russia” contains information about 15367 archaeological heritage sites and 11489 archaeological dig sites without traces of antiquities, obtained from scientific reports from 2009 to 2012. This sampling reflects the scale of recent archaeological surveys, the spatial distribution of archaeological sites over the country’s territory, and the degree and ways of development of these territories in various historical periods.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):336-347
pages 336-347 views

Theoretical research on collapsing supernovae in Russia

Imshennik V.S.


The development of theoretical research on collapsing supernovae at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics and the Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics is discussed. This theme has been investigated for almost half a century, anticipating and following a very important event in the history of astrophysics: the observation of the flare of Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud on February 23, 1987.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):348-355
pages 348-355 views

Point of View

On the ill-defined notion of the Milankovitch Theory and its influence on the development of the orbital theory of the paleoclimate

Bol’shakov V.A.


The unique situation around the best-known and universally recognized version of the orbital theory of the paleoclimate (OTP), the Milankovitch theory, is analyzed. The problem lies in the extreme diversity in how the essence of this theory is understood both by various authors and by the same scholars in different periods of their activity. The most impressive fact is that five authors, laureates of the Milutin Milankovitch Medal, are not only at variance in the understanding of its essence but also raise substantial objections relative to a number of its principal theses or even cast doubts on the verity of the paleoclimatic part of the theory, which nevertheless is declared practically universally as the basis of the OTP. This situation hinders the development of a correct, mathematically strict OTP of the Pleistocene, the creation of which will promote a better understanding of the mechanism of the Earth’s “climatic machine” and, consequently, more reliable forecasts of anthropogenic forcing on the natural environment.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):356-369
pages 356-369 views

Characteristic features of government control over Russia’s spatial development

Lavrovskii B.L., Goryushkina E.A.


Careful attention at the state level has been paid of late to spatial aspects of the country’s economic and social development. At the same time, the basic category of spatial (or regional) development has not been defined conceptually either in the literature or in program documents. It is shown that the configuration of the economic space of the Russian Federation is rather conservative, which explains much of the assessments of the results of balanced development and the equalization of indicators that are subject matter of policy. It is stated that recent innovations, for all their positive significance, cannot eliminate methodological imperfections of the existing approaches to the management of spatial development. Considering Russian scientists’ developments and legislative initiatives, proposals are formulated, the implementation of which, in the opinion of the authors, will help resolve long-standing problems.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):370-377
pages 370-377 views

Environmental Problems

Naturelike mining technologies: Prospect of resolving global contradictions when developing mineral resources of the lithosphere

Trubetskoi K.N., Galchenko Y.P.


The rapidly deepening environmental crisis, generated by antagonistic contradictions between limited biological and mineral resources of the Earth and the unlimited growth of needs of developing technocratic civilization, predetermines the necessity to seek ways of eliminating these contradictions in all spheres of human economic activity. The authors propose solutions to such problems in the sphere of mineral resources by changing the technological paradigm of their comprehensive exploration through creating and using a naturelike technology of developing deposits, which is methodologically based on homeostatic transformation of the principles of existence of biological systems into the functional structure of geotechnology.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):378-384
pages 378-384 views

Development of Russia’s network of nature reserves and academic science of the 20th century

Tishkov A.A.


From the very first steps in the development of Russia’s network of nature reserves, academic science by means of its individual representatives, scientific establishments, and committees and commissions of the USSR and then Russian Academy of Sciences began to elaborate its scientific and methodological substantiation. This was implemented most effectively by the Central Department for Science, Art, and Museum Establishments (Glavnauka) of the People’s Commissariat for Education of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic in the 1920s, the Scientific–Methodological Bureau of the Committee for Nature Reserves under the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union (Department for Nature Reserves under the Council of People’s Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) in the 1930s, the Commission on Nature Reserves of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1952–1955), the Commission for Nature Protection of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1955–1963), the Commission for Coordination of Scientific Research in USSR State Nature Reserves (1982–2002), and the Section for Nature Reserves of the RAS Commission on the Preservation of Biological Diversity (from 2002). In addition to scientific-methodological support and coordination of the scientific activity of nature reserves, ideas about how to form a geographical network and integrate it into the country’s spatial development were also proposed by the above structures.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(4):385-395
pages 385-395 views

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