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Том 87, № 1 (2017)

Science and Society

Halophytes: Ecological features, global resources, and outlook for multipurpose use

Shamsutdinov N., Shamsutdinova E., Orlovsky N., Shamsutdinov Z.


Halophytes (galos, salt; phyton, a plant) are ecologically, physiologically, and biochemically specialized plants, which belong to various systemic and life forms capable of finishing their life cycle in a saline habitat (the soil solution’s electrical conductivity is 8–10 dS/m). Halophyte resources are an important source and reserve of the sustainable development of agriculture in arid parts of the world, including Russia. The importance of the world’s halophyte resources is shown for obtaining fodder, grass forage, and medicinal and oil raw materials, as well as biological agents for reclaiming degraded lands, especially in arid regions, where dire shortages of food are observable. Research results of introducing halophytes in crops as forage, oil, and medicinal plants in the conditions of irrigated and nonirrigated farming in arid regions of Central Asia and Russia are given. Prospects for the multipurpose use of halophytes in the sustainable development of viable agriculture are substantiated.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):1-11
pages 1-11 views

Socioeconomic problems in development of the Russian Arctic zone

Tatarkin A., Loginov V., Zakharchuk E.


On March 14, 2015, the composition of the State Commission for Arctic Development was approved; the main task of the commission is to coordinate the activities of various departments and structures in solving socioeconomic problems and ensuring national security. This decision became a logical step about the growing interest of authorities, science, and business in the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the activation of studies on the resource, natural, and socioeconomic potential of the Extreme North. At the same time, under the growing deficit of financial resources of the state and private companies, it is important to determine possible institutional, resource, HR, and program projects on the development of the Arctic region and to balance the effectiveness of the socioeconomic policy conducted with respect to this territory. Both theoretical and applied problems of increasing the effectiveness of social and economic activities in the Arctic region are discussed.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):12-21
pages 12-21 views

Discussion Forum

The problem of citation in the humanities

Grinev A.


This article is dedicated to critical analysis of a work by O.V. Mikhailov on problems of citation, which compares works by representatives of natural science disciplines and the humanities. The invalidity of insisting that a fundamental difference exists between natural scientists and scholars in the humanities from the point of view of the freedom of creativity, the typology of scientific publications, and the search for scientific regularities is affirmed, and the lower citation indicators of scholars in the humanities are explained in detail by the example of historians in relation to several objective factors.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):83-86
pages 83-86 views


The concept of a knowledge base in geological information funds

Mironov O.


A geological fund may contain data from various sources that describe the same object, as well as from other arrays of information. Correct use of the fund data is secured by harmonization of the information. For effective functioning and satisfactory information service, a geological fund should be not only a library of digital data with information search but also a system of content-related information processing. A knowledge base in an information system is an integral part of a model of the surrounding world, which includes rules, algorithms, and their parameters that can be applied to the content of the database of the factual data on a subject area to solve special problems. This article discusses the concept of a knowledge base of a geological fund, its tasks, and ways of its organization and use. Two problems are considered in detail: control of information consistency and updating of derived data, particularly synthetic maps. A geodatabase of a project of large-scale geological mapping of Moscow, which contains over 90 000 drill logs of exploratory wells and digital map data of a structural-geodynamic map, four geological maps of various stratigraphic divisions, a hydrogeological map, and five synthetic maps of dangerous processes and engineering–geological zonation, is selected as an example.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):87-92
pages 87-92 views

On the Rostrum of the RAS Presidium

Prospects for recovery of economic growth in Russia

Ivanter V.


To date, a unique set of conditions has developed in the Russian economy, ensuring the potential to increase annual GDP growth rates up to 3–5% in the next two-to-three years. This article, based on the report of the RAS Institute of Economic Forecasting presented at the RAS Presidium meeting on March 29, 2016, enumerates the factors related to the institutional imperatives and key macroeconomic and financial measures for recovery of production growth in the basic sectors of the economy in the short term, substantiates them, and discloses the characteristic features of economic development in the medium and long term.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Climate and large marine ecosystems of the Arctic

Matishov G., Dzhenyuk S., Moiseev D.


Arctic marine ecosystems are a very sensitive indicator of global climate change. Their reaction to climate anomalies predetermine the bioresource potential of the Arctic seas and the ecological safety of marine activities in the zone of the Northern Sea Route. This article, based on a paper presented at the RAS Presidium meeting on May 24, 2016, evaluates the current natural processes in the Arctic from the point of view of the theory of large marine ecosystems, which are viewed as the entirety of the marine environment and biota taking into account the totality of external climate and anthropogenic effects. The necessity of technical modernization and optimization of integrated monitoring of such ecosystems is noted, including their biological, ecological, and socioeconomic components.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):30-39
pages 30-39 views

From the Researcher’s Notebook

Invisible gold

Volkov A., Sidorov A.


The problem of invisible gold has acquired global importance because, in many countries, large deposits of disseminated sulfide ores with refractory properties are the main potential source of gold production. The involvement of new gold sulfide deposits with refractory “invisible” gold in operation, in the authors' opinion, will increase and stabilize the level of gold mining in Russia until the end of the current century, because it is possible to extract annually 5–25 t of gold at each deposit for decades.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):40-48
pages 40-48 views

A psychosemantic approach to reconstruction of political mentality: Research methods and examples

Petrenko V., Mitina O.


The possibility of using psychosemantic methods in political psychology is considered. One such method is the reconstruction of categorical structures, through the prism of which man perceives the world and events happening in the world. The psychosemantic approach is associated with building multidimensional semantic spaces that serve as an operational model of categorical structures of the human conscious and subconscious. It is useful for studying the perception of political and sociocultural problems, helping to reveal in-depth setups and stereotypes that are reflected poorly, or concealed due to their social undesirability, and therefore, are hard to diagnose. Examples of using this approach in the study of psychosemantic consciousness are given.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):49-62
pages 49-62 views

Point of View

The problem of the radiation barrier during piloted interplanetary flights

Grigor’ev A., Krasavin E., Ostrovsky M.


The concept of radiation risk to human interplanetary flights is proposed and substantiated. As opposed to traditional approaches, which associate radiation risk to crews mostly with late development of tumor processes in the organism, the notion successful mission outcome probability is introduced. The probability of radiation damage under these conditions is considered mainly as a result of the action of heavy nuclei of galactic cosmic rays on structures of the central nervous system, which may lead to changes in the higher integrative functions of the brain, causing degradation of operator performance.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):63-66
pages 63-66 views

Mechanisms of defense orders in relation to systems analysis and modeling

Ivanov V., Malinetskii G.


On the basis of systems analysis, the texts of federal laws, information from open sources, and the simplest mathematical models, this article considers the mechanisms of implementing state defense orders (SDOs), which came into effect September 1, 2015, after the adoption of Federal Law no. 159-FZ of June 29, 2015. Difficulties associated with the implementation of new rules, institutional and logical traps that appear along this road, and ambiguous provisions that require clarification and/or adjustment are analyzed. Alternative mechanisms oriented more toward results than process control are discussed on the basis of innovative development theory and postindustrial society theory. These approaches make it possible to use more objectively the country’s scientific and technological potential in general and that of the Russian Academy of Sciences in particular in SDO implementation.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):67-74
pages 67-74 views

The aquatic nanofoundation of human life and health

Andreev I.


With the development of computer information technologies, humankind has begun to study actively the nanoworld of water as the evolutionary foundation of the “living matter” of the planet (V.I. Vernadsky). Water and water solutions are a continuously reproduced, inexhaustible, and essential natural condition of existence. It is hydrogen bonds that ensure the formation of DNA double helixes as the evolutionarily fixed method of biological information transfer, which largely determines the rate and inherited parameters of the development of the living organism. The author of this article is of the opinion that water as the primary nanostructure of the existence of nature is the foundation of human life and health. Special attention is paid to the contribution of scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences to the above topic.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):75-82
pages 75-82 views

History of Academic Institutions

It is time to think “physiologically”

Ostrovsky M.


The Pavlov Physiological Society, which will celebrate its centenary in 2017, has long enjoyed recognition among the scientific community and has always worked to consolidate the wide circle of specialists who are either directly or indirectly related to the study of physiological mechanisms. The current President of the society Academician M.A. Ostrovsky discusses the history of the creation of the Physiological Society, its goals and objectives, and its achievements and role in the development of Russian physiological science. He particularly emphasizes the significance of modern integrative physiology, which marks a new stage in the development of this science, opening broad horizons in understanding the mechanisms of the living organism and the phenomenon of life as a whole.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(1):93-99
pages 93-99 views

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