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Vol 86, No 6 (2016)

Reports by the Laureates of the 2015 Lomonosov Grand Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dynamic Tunneling

Keldysh L.V.


In the epoch of information technologies, tunneling phenomena have become an important area of solid-state physics. The specifics of electron dynamics in crystals along with the extreme sensitivity of the possibility of tunneling to the parameters of both the particle itself and the barrier significantly differentiate interband tunneling from the standard picture of passage through a potential barrier. Soon after the creation of lasers, it became clear that the tunneling effect was also the determinative mechanism of interaction between powerful electromagnetic radiation and atoms, molecules, and solid bodies. The unifying effect for these two seemingly different groups of phenomena is their critical dependence on the temporal dynamics of the tunneling process. This report tells the history of the development of these concepts and their use to describe the dependence of the parameters of the interband tunnel effect on the structure of the electron spectrum of a crystal, the critical role of interaction between electrons and phonons, and the influence of the tunnel effect on the optical absorption spectra of crystals. It is also shown how the processes of multiphoton absorption gradually transform into the tunnel effect as the intensity or frequency of an alternating external field changes.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):413-425
pages 413-425 views

Probing quantum systems from the inside while producing the world’s shortest optical pulses

Corkum P.


In 1964, Professor L.V. Keldysh, with whom I share winning the Lomonosov Gold Medal, published what was to become a very influential paper. In his paper, he developed the theory of multiphoton ionization for atoms and the creation of electron-hole pairs for solids. Fifty years later, we generate the world’s shortest light pulses using electron wave packets that are extracted from rare gas atoms by an intense infrared pulse much as Professor Keldysh described. The ultrashort bursts of XUV radiation from many atoms add coherently to produce intense pulses as short as 65 attoseconds—the current world record. Similar highly nonlinear processes occur in other atoms, molecules and solids. In addition to its importance as a new source of soft X-ray radiation and ultrashort pulses, the radiation generated from ionizing material encodes information on the quantum system from which it was made. By analyzing the XUV radiation, not only can we image molecular orbitals but also determine the band structure of solids.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):426-432
pages 426-432 views

Science and Society

Energy on renewable sources: Prospects for the world and for Russia

Porfiriev B.N., Roginko S.A.


The outlook for global energy by the mid-21st century will largely depend on nontraditional energy sources, the role of which is growing rapidly already today. Colossal investments in the development of renewable energy sources (RESs) over the past 25–30 years have favored a technological leap, which has reduced the cost of energy by orders of magnitude. Some RESs approached traditional hydrocarbon energy by their economic indicators. The correct economic evaluation of prospects for RES development is a topical scientific and practical problem. Its solution will help, on the one hand, understand and measure the scale and depth of the effects of renewable energy sources on global and domestic energy and, on the other, evaluate the opportunities and prospects for the Russian Federation. The authors of this article analyze trends in RES development in global and domestic practice and recommend improvements to Russian policy in this sphere.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):433-440
pages 433-440 views

Identifying the subject in the strategy for scientific and technological development of the Russian federation

Starodubov V.I., Kurakova N.G.


The feasibility of the key theses of the Draft Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2035 is analyzed. These theses, related to the scope of R&D financing in the Russian Federation, investments from the national business sector, inventive activity in the knowledge generation sector, and R&D personnel productivity, are compared to the respective indicators in other countries. Attention is drawn to the fact that the resources to increase in the medium term the scope of state financing of the Russian scientific and technological sphere are exhausted and, hence, the only way to accomplish an increase in domestic R&D expenditure up to 1.77% of the GDP, planned by Presidential Decree no. 599, implies a sharp growth in extrabudgetary funds. Special focus is placed on the budget’s imbalance relative to the staff size, owing to which Russia has one of the lowest “domestic R&D expenditures per researcher” indicators among developed countries. It is concluded that the draft strategy erroneously considers as the main subject of the country’s scientific and technological development the scientist and research organization instead of the national business sector.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):441-447
pages 441-447 views

Organization of Research

Creating a database of Russian dialects and prospects for dialectometric studies

Isaev I.I., Solov’ev V.D., Salimov F.I., Pilyugin A.G., Bairasheva V.R.


The necessity to transfer from the paper-based Dialectological Atlas of the Russian Language, published 30 years ago, to an electronic database is substantiated. This would make the information contained in the atlas available to a large number of users and ensure on-the-fly information retrieval, isogloss plotting, and finding dialects with a specified set of properties. It would also be possible to use state-of-the-art analytical tools for dialectological data, including mathematical methods, particularly cluster algorithms and multidimensional scaling, widely used in dialectometric studies in the West.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):448-453
pages 448-453 views

Physical and mathematical modeling in the field of high-velocity hydrodynamics in the experimental base of the krasnoyarsk hydroelectric plant

Kulagin V.A., Moskvichev V.V., Makhutov N.A., Markovich D.M., Shokin Y.I.


Improvement of advanced technologies in the field of high-velocity hydrodynamics is strategically significant in terms of national security and stable and long-term growth of the economy due to regional development in Siberia and the Arctic, as well as support of Russia’s scientific and technological authority in the global arena. The practice of creating and operating large gravitational hydrodynamic tunnels with small Euler numbers is generalized to study cavitation processes under natural conditions and the motion of bodies in fluids at high velocities. Some results of model and field studies conducted in laboratories of the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric plant are described. The authors suggest directions for follow-up studies and justify the need to set up a high-velocity hydrodynamics research center part of the High-Pressure Hydraulic Laboratory at the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric plant, which is a completely unique facility.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):454-465
pages 454-465 views

From the Researcher’s Notebook

Alkanes and silanes: Similarities and differences

Semenov V.V.


In the vertical columns (groups) of the Periodic Table of the Elements (Mendeleev), the properties of not only the elements themselves but also their compounds change regularly. Comparative analysis of the spectral and chemical characteristics of the parent derivatives of carbon (alkanes) and silicon (silanes) and their behavior under extreme conditions is presented. Opportunities for practical applications of oligosilanes are shown. The increase in interest in this topic among nonprofessionals can, for one, be explained by the fact that saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes) constitute the main part of natural associated gas and oil, while silicon hydrides (silanes) underlie the production of microelectronic and solar energy goods.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):466-472
pages 466-472 views

Determinants of mortality

Boitsov S.A., Samorodskaya I.V.


Domestic and international studies on the effect of socioeconomic and environmental factors, genetic and behavioral features, and the health care system on mortality are analyzed. The necessity to distinguish between the notions factors affecting mortality rates and factors affecting mortality (longevity) is specified. Mortality rates are significantly affected by demographic processes (birth rate, mortality, migration), while mortality depends on a complex of factors, the significance of each of which is still undetermined and, in the opinion of the authors, varies substantially in various populations depending on combinations of these factors.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):473-480
pages 473-480 views


To Karamzin from grateful descendants

Tishkov V.A., Cherkasskii V.B.


This review presents materials of the Scientific Session “The Time of Karamzin (On the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of N.M. Karamzin, Writer, Historian, and Reformer of the Russian Language),” which was held on March 21, 2016, within a general meeting of the RAS Division of Historical and Philological Sciences. The participants were famous scholars in the humanities, who clarified various aspects of the phenomenon of Karamzin. The presenters showed the central place of Karamzin in the development of Russian national self-awareness not only in the early 19th century but also in the subsequent periods of history. The review of various aspects of Karamzin’s legacy—his literary activity, work on reforming the Russian language, and, of course, his selfless labor on the preparation of History of the Russian State—allows us to speak about him as an outstanding and exceptionally modern figure of the Russian Renaissance, who predetermined the spiritual quest of Russia for years to come.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):481-489
pages 481-489 views

Russia’s academic institutes as mirrored by webometrics

Kosyakov D.V., Gus’kov A.E., Bykhovtsev E.S.


How adequately and fully do the indicators used in webometric research help assess the quality and size of scientific websites? This question is asked by the authors of this article. They analyze the sites of Russian academic institutes and their indicators. The degree of value stability of webometric indicators is demonstrated; examples of their discrepancy with assumed meanings are given; and alternative interpretations are offered. This research resulted in a monthly replenished free-for-all database of webometric indicators of academic sites, hosted at, which could become a tool for planning measures to improve the representation of scientific organizations on the Internet and a basis for generating webometric site rankings.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):490-499
pages 490-499 views

Russia–India: Problems and prospects of cross investment

Volodin A.G.


The author addresses the problem of cross investment as a structural framework of Russian–Indian relations. Mutual investments are considered as a strategic (long-term) factor that activates all subsystems of bilateral relations, including external economic relations, the coordination of foreign-policy lines, and so on. Special attention is drawn to the role of large joint transport projects, which make it possible to intensify investment counterflows and widen the geography of external economic ties. Latent reserves of Russian–Indian trade-economic and scientific-technological (commercialization of intellectual activity) exchanges are identified. Russian–Indian investment relations in the region–region format are considered as the main multiplier of bilateral external economic ties. The passionarity-related function of Russia’s eastern regions in the stimulation of Russian–Indian cooperation ties is emphasized, and a preliminary estimation of the investment potential of Russian regions, including Sevastopol and the Crimea, is proposed. The political history of both countries is interpreted as a necessary element of the juncture of cross investments and joint implementation of the “development agenda” by Russia and India.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):500-506
pages 500-506 views

Point of View

“A Safety Cushion” or a strategic blunder?

Lavrovskii B.L.


An attempt is made to assess critically the concept of the creation of the Stabilization (Oil and Gas) Fund in the conditions of Russia of the mid-2000s. As a backup (insurance) tool, the author holds, the fund is ineffective in solving its key tasks—to support budget balance and to restrain inflation. The artificial withdrawal of a substantial part of the oil and gas rent from the budget comes into sharp conflict with the goals of development. The conclusion is made that the creation of the fund for subsequent use of the accumulated means primarily as a “safety cushion” was, to all appearances, a strategic blunder.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):507-512
pages 507-512 views

Unknown mechanisms of granitization of basalts

Shvartsev S.L.


Back in the late 18th century, J.-B. Lamarck, a famous French representative of Neptunism, believed that granites were of aqueous origin, but at that time he could not provide compelling data to substantiate his point of view, and the opinion of Plutonists, who held that granites had a magmatic genesis, won. The latter approach was challenged by V.I. Vernadsky, who considered granites as “traces of bygone biospheres.” However, even today geological science follows the views of Plutonists despite insuperable barriers on this way. The author of this article substantiates a fundamentally new and previously unknown mechanism of granite formation through the transformation of basalts by water. He shows that the water–basalt system always contains a nonequilibrium state that ensures the continuous dissolution of the latter and the formation of new minerals and entire rock massifs, the composition of which depends on the time of evolution of the water–rock system. The granitization of basalts is the final stage of evolution in nonliving matter.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):513-526
pages 513-526 views

Bygone Times

Information and analysis centers in the system of state-level decision making

Krymskaya A.S.


The reasons for the creation of institutes that functioned as information and analysis centers within the structure of the USSR Academy of Sciences and their role in the formation of the country’s foreign, including foreign economic, policy are analyzed. The author relies on the recollections of those who organized the expert support of decisions that were made at the supreme state level and by establishments of the USSR and then Russian Academy of Sciences.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):527-533
pages 527-533 views

At the End of the Issue

A historical picture of German resettlement to Kazakhstan (End of the 19th Century–Beginning of the 20th Century)

Apendiyev T.A., Asylbekova Z.M., Abdukadyrov N.M., Satov E.Z.


Each nation living in Kazakhstan has its own history of resettlement to the Kazakh steppes. Germans are no exception. In the last quarter of the 19th century, they started to relocate from the Volga region to Akmola and Semipalatinsk oblasts of the Governor-Generalship of the Steppes, Syr Dar’ya oblast of the Turkestan Governor-Generalship, and Turgai and Ural oblasts of the Russian Empire, i.e., preferentially to the north of Kazakhstan, where they founded a host of settlements. The settlers managed to organize their economy and everyday life, strictly followed national traditions, and preserved their religion and culture. The authors investigate the causes of German resettlement to Kazakhstan, the places where they settled, their sociocultural and living conditions, and economic activities.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(6):534-536
pages 534-536 views

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