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Vol 86, No 2 (2016)

Science and Society

Prospects for solar energy in Russia

Terukov E.I., Shutkin O.I.


Solar energy is one of the most promising industries of renewable power engineering. In Russia, the large-scale development of solar engineering is related to the launch of the production of thin-film solar modules based on amorphous silicon at Hevel LLC in February 2015. This company is qualified to create a full-fledged high-tech solar energy industry as an alternative to traditional power sources. Its activity is aimed at improving the efficiency, reducing the production cost, and expanding the scope of application of solar modules. In order to support and develop this industry, the Research and Development Center for Thin-Film Technologies started to operate under the Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute in 2012, its main goal being to improve the key parameters of solar modules based on amorphous silicon in the interests of Hevel LLC.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):57-63
pages 57-63 views

Languages of a Nation

Tishkov V.A.


Two postulates about the role of ethnic diversity and the fate of languages in the world are revised on the basis of Russian materials. The author makes the following conclusions: (a) the ethnic fragmentation of the population and language diversity of the countries in the world do not correlate directly with their levels of democracy, presence of conflicts, and economic success and (b) widely publicized predictions about the quick extinction of most languages in the world have turned out to be a myth, and international campaigns and declarations in support of endangered languages were excessively politicized. The process of revitalization of languages is under way; they are acquiring a higher status, acknowledgment, and support on the territory of the former Soviet Union, including the minority languages of the peoples of Dagestan, the North, and Siberia. The state policy of providing an official status for regional languages and the ethnic component of the federative system as ethnocultural autonomy for individual regions and ethnic communities play a key role. A list of endangered languages is given; motives and factors of assimilation in favor of the Russian language in Russia are explained. Categories and social practices based on them, such as 1 and 1 are revised in favor of multiply and mutually nonexclusive approaches.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):64-76
pages 64-76 views

On the Rostrum of the RAS Presidium

Foreign investments of russian companies: Competition with West European and East Asian multinationals

Kuznetsov A.V.


Why does Russia need capital exports amid the current investment recession within the country? RAS Corresponding Member A.V. Kuznetsov gave a substantiated answer in his presentation at a meeting of the RAS Presidium. Resting on the results of his survey conducted at the RAS Institute of World Economy and International Relations, the presenter highlighted the main problems of foreign investments by Russian multinational companies that arose or aggravated after the change of power in Ukraine and the beginning of the “war of sanctions” with the West. He paid special attention to the competition of Russian companies with West European and East Asian multinationals, suggesting a typology of Russian companies that invest abroad and formulating the main objectives for government regulation of this activity.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):77-85
pages 77-85 views

Strategic partnership in the context of Russian–Latin American relations

Davydov V.M.


The general context that determines Russia’s cooperation with the countries of the Latin American region at the current qualitative stage and the imperatives that drive the foreign economic and political interests of the Russian Federation and its counterparts, creating in certain situations prerequisites for strategic partnership, are characterized. The countries of Latin–Caribbean America provide us with an important alternative for the diversification of foreign economic relations and political cooperation, as well as for seeking additional reference points to position Russia in the international arena. In the present-day conditions, this is an especially valuable strategic circumstance. Sharing to an extent the concept of a polycentric world order, which widens the range for maneuvering in the world arena in choosing development models, the countries of this region objectively approach Russia in understanding the imperative of restructuring global regulatory mechanisms in line with the 21st-century realities. We are equally interested in democratizing access to these mechanisms and in the constructive interaction of global and regional institutions. Alongside the bilateral format of coordinating positions on these issues, informative dialogue using structures like BRICS is becoming increasingly effective.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):86-96
pages 86-96 views

From the Researcher’s Notebook

Ageing of the population in the Russian Federation: The current trends and indicators

Bucher S.


The age structure of a population is an important factor of progressive economic growth. Population ageing is associated with the demographic characteristics of the population; when we evaluate population ageing, we evaluate population processes and indicators that are typically interconnected and interrelated. Two main factors contribute to the ageing of a population, namely, declines in mortality and fertility. Our study aims at describing population ageing in the Russian Federation by the last census of 2010. The purpose of the present paper is also to highlight selected indicators of population ageing in 83 federal subjects of Russia, showing a significant spatial differentiation of population ageing, depending on gender and urban–rural habitation.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):97-104
pages 97-104 views

Catalytic transformations of fluids

Barelko V.V., Safonov O.G., Bykova N.V., Bykov L.A., Dorokhov V.G., Kuznetsov M.V.


Fluids play a very important role in processes of the chemical and physical evolution of crustal and mantle rocks. The influence of certain rocks on chemical reactions between fluid components is studied. Experimental results of the catalytic activity of serpentinite, ophitic gabbro, and lizardite–antigorite asbestos relative to vapor conversion of methane (CH4) have been obtained with the formation of syngas at atmospheric pressure and temperatures up to 850°C. Such transformations are assumed to be able to take place under natural conditions in fluid systems that accompany massifs of seabed ultrabasic rocks, as well as kimberlite pipes. Proceeding from the studies performed, options of the practical use of various crustal rocks as catalysts of fluid transformations have been proposed. The experimental results confirm the initial theses of the authors’ concept with respect to the role of heterogeneous–catalytic mechanisms of transformations of fluids in the Earth’s crust.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):105-110
pages 105-110 views


A multidisciplinary approach to the study of archaeological complexes with mummified objects

Molodin V.I., Polos’mak N.V.


Frozen graves of representatives of the Pazyryk culture, one of the most interesting Scythian cultures (the 6th–3rd centuries BC), undisturbed by ancient robbers, were found and investigated on the Ukok Plateau, one of the highest regions of the Altai Mountains with registered archaeological artifacts. It is an unprecedented occurrence in the more than century-old history of the study of this culture: all the known burial places had been robbed. The frozen graves contained numerous almost pristine items of the accompanying inventory, primarily made of organic materials, which do not survive under other conditions. In two cases, mummified bodies, male and female, were found. All these materials have been studied for more than 20 years by representatives of different sciences, which has ensured significant progress in studying not only the Pazyryk culture but also the epoch as a whole.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):111-117
pages 111-117 views

Fundamental issues of mathematical modeling

Il’in V.P.


Mathematical modeling of processes and phenomena is becoming increasingly more significant in various spheres of human activity, including the science and technology, production, and social spheres. Problems of its development are acquiring basic, applied, and technological aspects, the distinction and interlinks of which require philosophical and methodological conceptualization. The article published below highlights three problems: the automation of computations, their supercomputer representation, and the creation of large-scale modeling systems with an open-type integrated environment.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):118-126
pages 118-126 views

Peasant studies and the history of agrarian relations in Russia

Babashkin V.V.


Some important events in the agrarian history of Russia in the 20th century are analyzed from the standpoint of modern peasant studies. The author relies on materials of regular (1992–2000) sessions of the theoretical seminar “Contemporary Concepts of Agrarian Development.” That seminar was led by outstanding scientists—the Russian agrarian historian V.P. Danilov and the British historical sociologist in Russian peasant and postpeasant society T. Shanin. In the opinion of V.V. Babashkin, the methodology that was elaborated at these roundtable sessions ought to occupy its rightful place in Russian historical and sociological studies.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):127-134
pages 127-134 views

Point of View

Refocusing on the dynamics of the Earth’s climate

Bartsev S.I., Belolipetskii P.V., Degermendzhi A.G., Ivanova Y.D., Pochekutov A.A., Saltykov M.Y.


Our opinion on the properties of the Earth’s climate system does not coincide with that generally accepted. Statistical analysis shows that, if we put aside the most substantial natural perturbing factors, the long-term global temperature dynamics appears as a step function of time. This dynamics is fundamentally different from the climate system’s continuous response to external anthropogenic effects, which is demonstrated in the models of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The variants illustrated by a simple model (the system, affected either inadvertently or externally, changes from one quasi-stationary state to another) seem to be more suitable.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016;86(2):135-142
pages 135-142 views

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