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Том 47, № 8 (2017)


Thermal physics as the basis for energy and resource conservation in steelmaking

Yaroshenko Y.


This article outlines improvements in metallurgical technology achieved on the basis of the integration of thermal physics and information science by the Ural school of specialists in metallurgy and thermal physics. In recent years, mathematical modeling, combined with physical modeling, has significantly reduced the optimization time in the thermal design and debugging of new technologies and equipment. Sintering machines have been modernized by introducing automatic control of the thermal and gas-dynamic processes and by designing new ignition hearths. These measures, besides improving heat and mass transfer, have boosted the performance of sintering plants in Russia and elsewhere, while reducing their environmental impact. In pellet roasting, a refined gas-flow system has been organized, and the gas lines have been reconstructed. As a result, the productivity has increased by 10–17%, with 8–15% decrease in the fuel consumption. The losses of gas after purification have fallen by 50–58%. Roasting machines in Russia, Brazil, and Iran have been reconstructed. In recent years, software has been developed for blast furnaces and introduced at Russia’s largest steelworks: OAO Magnitogorskii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat. In blast furnaces, new air heaters for the blast produce temperatures of 1300°C or more by means of furnace gas and air, without added natural gas. In addition, systems processing metallurgical liquid slag at rates of 3–15 t/min and producing granulated slag at a rate of 0.66–2.0 million t/yr have been built at Russian, Ukrainian, Indian, and Chinese steel plants. A system is also operating successfully at the Norilsk Nickel plant. The thermal conditions in heating furnaces and equipment of various types have been improved on the basis of mathematical simulation of thermophysical processes by means of a dynamic zonal–point model of radiant and complex heat transfer. This method performs well in practice. In recent years, new furnace designs have been developed, and hundreds of heating furnaces have been modernized. Optimal thermal organization has significantly reduced fuel consumption, improved heating of the metal, and resulted in higher quality of the heat-treated product.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):505-516
pages 505-516 views

Diagnostics of blast-furnace linings

Gordon Y., Sadri A., Mironov K., Spirin N.


Hatch (Canada) has developed a system for the nondestructive monitoring of the residual lining thickness in blast furnaces and eletrofurnaces. This system, which is based on an acoustic–ultrasound echo signal (AU-E), supplements the traditional thermal simulation of the furnace lining by means of built-in thermocouples or on the basis of the thermal load on the cooling units in the blast furnace. By this means, the position of cracks and anomalies may be determined, and the boundary between the coating and the refractory may be identified. The constraints and sources of error in the AU-E method are analyzed, and an improved version is outlined. The improved method takes account of the influence of the following factors on the wave propagation: high temperatures; the furnace shape and size; and the difference in acoustic resistance of different layers in a multilayer refractory lining. The AU-E method permits reliable and nondestructive monitoring of the refractory lining in smelting furnaces. The hardware and software of the AU-E system have been significantly improved, so as to obtain measurements of satisfactory accuracy. Estimates of the method’s precision are confirmed by physical measurements on inoperative blast furnaces. Examples of the utilization of this diagnostic system at various Russian and non-Russian plants are presented. Some technological measures that extend the blast-furnace run are noted. As shown in the present study, the use of several successive measurements permits the determination of the lining’s wear rate and the time remaining before major repair. The AU-E method continues to operate well at more than 70 blast furnaces around the world, including those at the Novolipetsk, Cherepovets, Nizhny Tagil, Western Siberian, and Magnitogorsk steel works, as well as at electrofurnaces producing ferroalloys, copper, and platinum.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):517-522
pages 517-522 views

Application of the triad of blast furnace, oxygen converter, and electric arc furnace for reducing of carbon footprint

Lisienko V., Chesnokov Y., Lapteva A.


Carbon footprint is the mass of carbon formed in the full cycle of manufacturing one kind or another product. This carbon is included in greenhouse gases. During production of iron and steel are generated carbon monoxide and greenhouse gases: methane, and carbon dioxide. Methane and carbon monoxide burn to carbon dioxide by secondary energy resources. By this means, the carbon footprint by the production of iron and steel has determined by the weight of carbon dioxide formed in this production. As results of analysis of the processes of manufacture of iron and steel, it has revealed that the tandem of blast furnace with electric arc furnace is characterized by a lower value of integrated emissions of CO2 than the tandem of blast furnace with an oxygen converter. It was proposed to process of the cast iron made by one blast furnace, then in the oxygen converter, and, at last, in one or more electric arc furnaces. Moreover, the electric arc furnace is loaded by 30% of iron produced in blast furnace, and the remaining 70% are complemented by metal scrap. In the oxygen converter is loaded, the part of cast iron (75–85%), that remained after processing in the arc furnace. The converter is applied the metal scrap for full loading. Calculations of total emission of carbon dioxide for different triads of these units are made. Simultaneous use of oxygen converter with electric arc furnaces for cast iron smelting (obtained from one blast furnace) helps to reduce reliably the emission of carbon dioxide to 20% as it is follows from these calculations. This suggests that such a triad of used units conforms to green technology. Example of the use of mentioned triad is for a full load of the converter applied to metal scrap. The calculations total emissions of carbon dioxide for different triads of these units were performed. From these calculations it follows that the simultaneous use of oxygen converters after electric arc furnaces for smelting iron (obtained from one blast furnace), it helps to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide to 20%. This suggests that this triad of used units conforms to green technology. An example of using this triad is in the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, where along with the oxygen converter, electric arc furnaces with the use of locally produced electricity at burning fuel of secondary energy resources from units, in which the fuel is burnt. This practice can be recommended for a number of other metallurgical enterprises.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):523-527
pages 523-527 views

Natural-gas heating of cupola furnaces for more energy-efficient iron production

Matyukhin V., Yaroshenko Y., Matyukhina A., Dudko V., Punenkov S.


Natural gas is employed to reduce coke consumption in cupola furnaces with an open or closed top. The usual approach here is combustion of the natural gas by means of burners in external chambers at the perimeter of the furnace housing. Depending on their design, the burners ensure partial or complete preliminary mixing of the gas and air, with an air excess of 1.2–1.5. Then the combustion products are sent directly to the batch bed. In this system, the coke consumption amounts to 8–9% of the metal charge, while the consumption of gaseous fuel is 30–40 m3/t of melt. In these conditions, the melt temperature rises slightly (by 10–20°C); the productivity is increased by 15–20%; and the harmful gas emissions (mainly CO) are reduced by 20–25%. The gas dynamics of the cupola furnace is periodically disrupted, with suspension of the batch bed, cooling of the melt produced, less complete chemical combustion, and damage to the furnace lining. When using this method, the gas–air mixture is supplied to the hot bed with an air excess no lower than 2.5–3.0. A high-temperature zone (1350–1380°C) of width 60–70 mm is formed and moves through the bed at a speed of 15–20 mm/min. This calls for uniform mixing of the gas and air, specific gas-dynamic conditions, and the creation of the required gas–air ratio, with an air excess of more than 2.5–3.0. If cold gas–air mixture is supplied to the furnace bed through a tuyere, the combustion zone divides the whole bed into two stages: the initial and final stages. The high temperature of the combustion zone ensures fast cooling of the material at ignition of the gas–air mixture. That prevents ignition in the space above the bed. The lack of direct contact between the high-temperature zone and the furnace’s working space improves the reliability and economic indices of this process (no heat losses). Bed combustion of natural gas in the heating of such cupola furnaces increases the productivity from 10 to 13.6 t/h (by 36%), with reduction in coke consumption by 80 kg/t (33.3%) and decrease in heat consumption by 25 kW (18.78%). The heat losses with the exhaust gases are reduced by 25.32 kW (16.2%). The total thermal efficiency of the system is increased from 35.58 to 42.26% (by 15.81%, rel.).

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):528-533
pages 528-533 views

Improving the energy efficiency of blast furnaces at PAO NLMK

Filatov S., Zagainov S., Gileva L., Kurunov I., Titov V.


Analysis of measures used to reduce energy expenditures shows that methods in which a single parameter is changed are ineffective. Coordinated adjustment of several parameters is required. Theoretical analysis reveals the combinations of parameters with the greatest effect. The influence of the granulometric composition of the sinter on the blast-furnace efficiency is considered in terms of the influence of the mean piece size on the reduction rate and the gas dynamics of the upper furnace region. When the reaction FeO + CO = Fe + CO2 reaches equilibrium, the heat consumption in smelting is reduced by increasing the smelting rate. Analysis of specific approaches to reducing the heat consumption in blast furnaces for the example of PAO Novolipetskii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat (NLMK) indicates the basic measures that decrease heat consumption: optimization of the iron ore by reducing the proportion of the >45 mm fraction; increase in output of the blast furnaces to 75–90 t/day (per m2 of hearth); operation with the highest permissible pressure (in terms of the charging-unit design); increase in hot strength of the coke to 60–62%; pulverized- coal injection at 140 kg/t of hot metal; and optimization of the ore distribution over the furnace radius. Between 2013 and 2016, those measures decreased coke consumption by more than 10 kg/t of hot metal. In addition, the total consumption of carbon fuel was reduced.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):534-537
pages 534-537 views

Software for decision-making support in blast-furnace operation

Lavrov V., Spirin N., Gurin I., Rybolovlev V., Krasnobaev A.


Experience shows that the successful introduction of automated information systems at metallurgical enterprises largely depends on the technology and software selected. In the present work, the basic technology and software options available are briefly outlined. The starting point is Agile development, which is based on iterative procedures, the dynamic formation of user requirements, and their implementation through constant dialog within working groups consisting of various specialists (users, analysts, programmers, and testers). Iteration corresponds to relatively brief development times (as a rule, months), after which the user is given the next tested version of the software, with new functional properties. The list of additional functional properties in each new version represents user priorities and is drawn from the overall list of requirements before each iteration begins. In each iteration, the following procedures are completed in sequence: verification of the computational algorithm (with the introduction of new variables, where necessary); functional modeling of the system; improvement of subsystem structure; conceptual modeling of the database; generation of a model of the database; loading of the test data in the database; creation of the functional diagrams in the mathematical library; implementation of the subsystem’s client software; testing and debugging of the software; and the development of reference documentation. The Atlassian JIRA system is used to control individual tasks and monitor their overall realization within the process of collective software development. The Atlassian Bitbucket platform provides remote storage for code storage and control of the software version. On the basis of up-to-date approaches to software development, systems that are functional, reliable, east to use, expandable, and integrable may be created. Such systems are characterized by minimum risk and acceptable cost.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):538-543
pages 538-543 views

Blast-furnace operation with wet blast

Lyalyuk V., Tarakanov A., Kassim D., Kostenko G., Donskov E.


Traditional wetting of the blast by steam does not ensure constant moisture content. The abrupt changes in moisture content undermine the stability of the lining and the metal framework of the air heaters. A method of moisture supply that eliminates condensation in the cold-blast line is required.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):544-549
pages 544-549 views

Solidification of a thick slab in a mold with supplementary cooling

Kuklev A., Zarubin S., Gusev M., Longinov A., Tinyakov V.


A model is proposed for the solidification of thick ingots with supplementary cooling by means of mandrels. On that basis, the overheating of the liquid steel in the classical system may be eliminated. The effectiveness of supplementary cooling by means of mandrels is shown in a computational experiment. The solidification rate may be significantly modified by that means.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):550-553
pages 550-553 views

New slag-forming mixture for ladle treatment of steel

Akhmetov A., Zhiyembayeva D., D’yakov A., Yablonskii V., Zolin A.


The components of a slag-forming mixture for the ladle treatment of steel are considered. The ratio of the mixture components is calculated, and the main characteristics and thermophysical properties of the mixture at high temperatures are determined.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):554-556
pages 554-556 views

Improved manganese extraction in the production of manganese ferroalloys

Dashevskii V., Aleksandrov A., Zhdanov A., Zhuchkov V., Leont’ev L.


In the production of manganese ferroalloys from ore, about 50% of the manganese in the ore is lost. The manganese lost with the enrichment-slag tailings may be returned to the production of manganese ferroalloys by dithionate method of enrichment of the slurries. A technology is developed for the production of high-carbon ferromanganese from concentrate obtained by the chemical enrichment of tailings slurries. Low-phosphorus Mn slag is used in the production of ferrosilicomanganese and refined manganese ferroalloys. A method is described for alloying hot metal with manganese from slag during the production of lowand medium-carbon ferromanganese. Processes are developed for the production of medium-carbon ferromanganese by mixing ore–limestone melt with high-carbon ferromanganese and removing the phosphorus from Mn-bearing melts by bubbling with CO. The degree of phosphorus removal (70–90%) depends on the bubbling time. By means of improved production of manganese ferroalloys and extraction of manganese from slag and slurries, the manganese extraction may be significantly increased.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):557-560
pages 557-560 views

Correlation of rail structure with the Rayleigh-wave velocity and the coercive force

Murav’ev V., Baiteryakov A., Len’kov S., Zakharov V.


The velocity of Rayleigh waves is correlated with the depth of the decarburized layer and the hardness of rail steel. With increase in the depth of the decarburized layer and decrease in the hardness, the velocity of Rayleigh waves increases. Conversely, in the same conditions, the coercive force of the rail steel declines. The thickness of the decarburized layer is determined by this method and confirmed by direct measurements.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):561-563
pages 561-563 views

Structure formation in wire

Sychkov A., Stolyarov A., Kamalova G., Efimova Y., Egorova L., Gulin A.


The microstructure formed in the surface layer of industrially produced steel 70 wire rod (diameter 5.5 mm), wire (diameter 4.2 mm), and thin brass-plated steel 70 wire (diameter 0.933–1.75 mm) is studied. Local surface sections with turbulent structure are identified by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy and microhardness measurements. Those sections are associated with shear stress forming additional rotary deformation modes. With increase in the deformation, a gradient in the microhardness appears. The hardness is greatest at the surface in sections with anomalous structure. The dynamics of dislocational structure in metal with deformation is investigated. The formation of pearlite colonies in high-carbon steel is studied. The results may be used in determining the limiting deformability of wire rod and wire on drawing.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):564-570
pages 564-570 views

Thermal reinforcement of rolled sheet

Maksimov A., Erokhina I.


Thermally reinforced thick sheet is considered. The mechanical properties of such sheet made from low-alloy and carbon steel are discussed. Types of thermally reinforced sheet are classified. Thermal reinforcement minimizes disintegration and produces sheet that is hard, plastic, and wear-resistant. Recommendations are developed for the use of thermally reinforced sheet.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):571-575
pages 571-575 views

Reducing the environmental impact of blast furnaces by means of red mud from alumina production

Trushko V., Utkov V., Sivushov A.


A serious environmental impact of Russian blast furnaces is the generation of copious dust on account of the low strength of the sinter and pellets employed. Their strength may be increased if red mud from alumina production is introduced in the initial batch. A problem here is that the red mud lowers the iron content in the blast-furnace batch. However, this effect may be compensated by reducing the content of fines in the batch, according to research on the chemical composition of Russian blast-furnace batch. The minimum iron content in the red mud at which such compensation is feasible is established.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(8):576-578
pages 576-578 views

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