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Volume 47, Nº 3 (2017)


Improving the processing of steelmaking waste. Part 2. Development of the basic processing system

Dil’din A., Chumanov I., Trofimov E., Zherebtsov D.


The expediency of reducing steelmaking slags to obtain metallic and oxide phases for use in metallurgy and construction is studied experimentally. Slag from the tailings at Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant is investigated. Experiments are conducted on the reduction of slag samples by carbon. The composition of the experimental samples is determined by X-ray spectral microanalysis. Experimental and theoretical data indicate that 20% (or even more) of the initial slag mass may be converted to metal by reduction. Practically complete reduction of the iron in the slag is possible. Significant proportions of the chromium, nickel, manganese, and other valuable components may pass to the metallic phase. Reduction of the liquid slag is expedient at 1500°C or more, so as to extract the metals more completely and form a consolidated metal phase. Preliminary solid-phase reduction of the slag at 1100–1200°C is found to be expedient. This process converts much of the iron present as oxides in the slag to a form susceptible to magnetic separation. Subsequent magnetic separation allows the fraction with an elevated content of valuable metals to be extracted from the oxide phase, which has a low metal content. The oxide fraction may be used in construction materials. In the design of systems based on these principles, utilization of the large quantities of carbon monoxide and metal vapor in the gas phase is recommended. One possibility is to use the carbon monoxide for preliminary solid-phase reduction of the slag. This research permits the development of an efficient system for processing slag tailings.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):149-152
pages 149-152 views

Removal of hydrogen in the vacuum treatment of steel

Tutarova V., Shapovalov A., Kalitaev A.


The degassing of 09Г2C steel produced in an arc furnace and treated in a ladle–furnace unit at AO Uralskaya Stal is analyzed. The vacuum-treatment parameters that determine the effectiveness of hydrogen removal from the steel are identified: the depth and duration of vacuum treatment; the argon flow rate; the steel temperature; the thickness of the slag layer; and the free board in the vacuum chamber. The hydrogen content changes most significantly when the degassing time is increased to 20 min. Longer treatment is not recommended. The greatest effect of the residual pressure in degassing is observed with simultaneous decrease in the minimum pressure to 2 mbar. Vacuum treatment of the steel is considerably impaired with increase in the residual pressure. Hydrogen removal is improved with increase in the steel temperature to 1600–1620°C, but slows considerably at higher temperatures. The influence of the vacuum-treatment parameters is established quantitatively, and a regression equation is derived for predicting the results of hydrogen removal and selecting the parameter values corresponding to specified hydrogen content in the steel. Vacuum-treatment parameters that permit the economical production of steel with 2.1 ppm are determined: steel heating before vacuum treatment by 100–110°C; vacuum treatment for 20 min at a pressure no higher than 1.5 mbar in the vacuum chamber; argon flow rate 0.05 m3/t. The temperature losses of the metal are determined by the total treatment time, consisting of the active degassing time and the auxiliary time (the preliminary evacuation time), which depends on the capabilities of the equipment and the organization of the process. The minimum residual hydrogen content in the steel for the given equipment (1.6 ppm) is ensured by vacuum treatment for 40 min at a pressure no higher than 1 mbar in the vacuum chamber, with preliminary heating of the steel by 120–125 °C and with an argon flow rate up to 0.072 m3/t.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):153-158
pages 153-158 views

X-ray determination of the stress state of rolling-stock components

Nikulin S., Shitkin S., Rozhnov A., Rogachev S., Nechaykina T.


For the example of steel rolling-stock components, the X-ray determination of the surface stress is considered, with special preparation of the surface at the point of measurement. The effectiveness of this method when using a prototype portable X-ray diffraction system is demonstrated. The operating principle of that system is as follows. In the presence of mechanical stress, the diffraction angle changes, and the diffraction peak is shifted in the recorded diffraction spectrum. The diffracted X-rays recorded by the detector are converted to digital information regarding their intensity distribution, by means of an analog–digital converter, and sent to a PC. STRESSCONTROLL software is developed for computer analysis of the diffraction spectra. That software displays the diffraction spectra in graphical form, controls the operation of the diffraction system, and calculates the stress by means of a database on metals and phases. The computer analysis includes determination of the spectrum’s center of gravity. The software separates out the background, approximates the data set as a curve, and permits precise calculation of the center of gravity of the smoothed profile. The surface stress is determined for fragments of a 20GL steel solebar cut from the edge of a bearing aperture of radius R55, Before testing, the fragments are subjected to normalization or to bulk–surface quenching. The surface stress is found to be close to zero for the normalized fragment, while considerable compressive stress is observed for the quenched sample. Thus, the shape of the diffraction peak and the level of surface stress are directly related to the microstructure of the steel. In that case, the X-ray determination of the surface stress may provide information regarding the state of the surface.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):159-164
pages 159-164 views

Formation of internal structure in the rolling of a bcc (110)[001] single crystal

Redikul’tsev A., Uritskii A., Puzanov M., Belyaevskikh A.


The stages of structure formation during cold rolling are investigated in bcc (110)[001] single crystals of Fe–3% Si alloy, within the deformation zone. To obtain a visible deformation zone, the laboratory mill is abruptly stopped at the instant of sample rolling. To reduce the frictional coefficient, lubricant is used for some of the samples. The deformational structure is studied by metallography and orientational electron microscopy (EBSD). Deform-3D software is used to analyze the relation between the experimental data and the calculated stress state in rolling, for various values of the frictional coefficient. Depending on the frictional coefficient, the stress state may significantly affect the mesostructure formation and the texture development. In a single crystal rolled with elevated friction, when the deformation is relatively small, deformation bands are formed. Orientational analysis of the contact point of deformation bands reveals alternating microbands, each with slight different orientation, which are separated by small-angle boundaries. In the rolling of a (110)[001] single crystal with lubrication (reduced friction), twinning is observed even with slight deformation. The twinning is evidently due to the reduced contribution of surface energy to the total energy of twin nucleation. Throughout the whole deformation process, either the twins of both systems retain the strict Σ3 crystallographic relation with the matrix or else, on account of the local lattice reorientation, Σ3 disorientations are converted to similar special Σ17b and Σ43c disorientations. On the basis of experimental data, a dislocation model is proposed for the formation of deformational mesostructures in the cold rolling of a (110)[001] single crystal. This model includes the formation of microbands in the initial stage of deformationband generation; the formation of transition bands parallel to the rolling plane with the dynamic retention of the initial orientation; and the formation of transition bands inclined to the rolling plane with a habitus parallel to the {112} matrix plane. These inclined planes are equivalent to shear bands whose habitus is inclined at ~17° to the rolling plane.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):165-171
pages 165-171 views

Structure formation in high-strength nitrogen-bearing steel on hot deformation

Fomina O.


The resistance to deformation of nitrogen-bearing Cr–Ni–Mn steel at 800–1200°C is investigated by means of the Gleeble 3800 system. By analysis of the deformation diagrams—in particular, determination of the threshold strain for dynamic recrystallization—the temperature and strain corresponding to the onset of dynamic recrystallization are established as a function of the strain rate, and optimal temperatures for hot stamping, forging, and rolling are recommended for industrial conditions. With true strain e = 0.9, the dynamic recrystallization in the steel at strain rates of 10–2–2 s–1 occurs at temperatures no lower than 900°C. Metallographic data confirm the experimental results and show that the structure formation in the steel on isothermal deformation at different rates is different above 900°C. With increase in temperature and decrease in strain rate, relaxation processes are more developed. At a strain rate of 0.01 s–1 (stamping on a press), dynamic recrystallization begins at around e = 0.1 (relative reduction around 10%) in the range 1100–1200°C. Strain of around 20 and 30%, respectively, is required with decrease in temperature to 1000 and 900°C. With increase in strain rate to 0.1 s–1 (forging), dynamic recrystallization begins with around 20% strain above 1100°C, 28% at 1000, and 35% at 900°C. At a strain rate of 1–2 s–1 (rolling), dynamic recrystallization begins at around 30% strain in the range 1000–1100°C. In that case, the threshold strain is 36% at both 900 and 1200°C.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):172-177
pages 172-177 views

Solubility of oxygen in Fe–Co melts containing titanium

Aleksandrov A., Dashevskii V., Leont’ev L.


Solutions of oxygen in Fe–Co melts containing titanium are subjected to thermodynamic analysis. The first step is to determine the equilibrium reaction constants of titanium and oxygen, the activity coefficients at infinite dilution, and the interaction parameters in melts of different composition at 1873 K. With increase in cobalt content, the equilibrium reaction constants of titanium and oxygen decline from iron (logK(FeO · TiO2) =–7.194; logK(TiO2) =–6.125; logK(Ti3O5) =–16.793; logK(Ti2O3) =–10.224) to cobalt (logK(CoO · TiO2) =–8.580; logK(TiO5) =–7.625; logK(Ti3O5) =–20.073; logK(Ti2O3) =–12.005). The titanium concentrations at the equilibrium points between the oxide phases (Fe, Co)O · TiO2, TiO2, Ti3O5, and Ti2O3 are determined. The titanium content at the equilibrium point (Fe, Co)O · TiO2 ↔ TiO2 decreases from 1.0 × 10–4% Ti in iron to 1.9 × 10–6% Ti in cobalt. The titanium content at the equilibrium point TiO2↔Ti3O5 increases from 0.0011% Ti in iron to 0.0095% Ti in cobalt. The titanium content at the equilibrium point Ti3O5 ↔ Ti2O3 decreases from 0.181%Ti in iron to 1.570% Ti in cobalt. The solubility of oxygen in the given melts is calculated as a function of the cobalt and titanium content. The deoxidizing ability of titanium decline with increase in Co content to 20% and then rise at higher Co content. In iron and its alloys with 20% and 40% Co, the deoxidizing ability of titanium are practically the same. The solubility curves of oxygen in iron-cobalt melts containing titanium pass through a minimum, whose position shifts to lower Ti content with increase in the Co content. Further addition of titanium increases the oxygen content in the melt. With higher Co content in the melt, the oxygen content in the melt increases more sharply beyond the minimum, as further titanium is added.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):178-187
pages 178-187 views

Splitting of pipe steel produced by TMCP

Danilov S., Struina E., Borodina M.


The texture of low-carbon low-alloy pipe steel sheet with bainitic structure produced by thermomechanical controlled processing (TMCP) is studied by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Samples generally characterized by splitting (secondary cracks) on fracture in mechanical tests are compared with those that are free of splitting. Splitting occurs in the presence of regions that consist of small crystallites with uniform (001)[110] orientation; those regions extend in the direction of controlled hot rolling. The formation of such regions is thought to be due to γ → α shear transformations with different treatment parameters.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):188-189
pages 188-189 views

Total energy of the hearth gas in pulverized-coal injection

Lyalyuk V., Tarakanov A., Kassim D.


Recommendations are made for calculation of the total energy of the hearth-gas flux in pulverized-coal injection. That permits monitoring of the mean total energy and the energy at each tuyere in the blast furnace. On that basis, the penetration depth of the hearth-gas flux toward the center of the furnace may be regulated for each tuyere, and hence the gas-dynamic and reducing conditions in the blast furnace may be improved.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):190-197
pages 190-197 views

Control of the secondary cooling in continuous casting during nozzle replacement

Shipulin V., Dozhdikov V., Vasyutin A.


The cooling and solidification of a continuous-cast ingot in transient casting conditions are studied by simulation. The influence of the method of controlling the secondary cooling on the thermal state of the ingot is shown. Different approaches to the control of the coolant flow rates in various operations are compared.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):198-200
pages 198-200 views

Improving the dummy bar in continuous slab-casting machines

Shishkin V., Loza A., Rassokhin D.


Crack formation at the lock of the dummy bar in continuous slab-casting machines is analyzed. The cracks are due to the thermocycling stress. Cooling periods in thermocycling are particularly hazardous. This problem may be addressed by redesigning the head.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):201-204
pages 201-204 views

Melting of iron-ore pellets in an arc furnace

Merker E., Malakhova O., Krakht L., Kazartsev V.


Steel may be produced in an arc furnace from reduced iron-ore pellets that are supplied to the melt through hollow electrodes. Thermoelectric aspects of this process are considered. A method of charging the pellets in accordance with the thermal conditions in the furnace is proposed. The new method of pellet charging intensifies batch melting and reduces metal losses and dust emissions from the furnace.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):205-209
pages 205-209 views

Expansion of large-diameter welded pipe

Kolikov A., Zvonarev D.


The expansion of large-diameter welded pipe is modeled by the finite-element method. The dependence of the oval distortion of the pipe on that of the pipe blank is studied. The equivalent stress is changed by the first expansion step.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):210-212
pages 210-212 views

Describing the isothermal bainitic transformation in structural steels by a logistical function

Yudin Y., Maisuradze M., Kuklina A.


A new analytical description for the bainitic transformations in steel on isothermal holding is proposed, on the basis of a logistical function of the holding time (in logarithmic form). The model is characterized by the parameters a and b, which are constant in the given experimental conditions (austenitization temperature, isothermal holding temperature and time, chemical composition of the steel, etc.). The calculated temperature dependence of a and b is in good agreement with experimental data. In further research, the physical significance of coefficients a and b in the logistical function should be refined.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):213-218
pages 213-218 views

Predicting the critical stress intensity in structural steels

Shiyan A., Meshkov Y.


A method is proposed for predicting the critical stress-intensity coefficient K1c of structural steels (their crack resistance) on the basis of uniaxial tensile tests of standard samples. The derivation of this method relies on the concepts of mechanical stability and embrittlement when nonuniform force fields act on a metal. The strain-hardening index n of the metal at the critical transition temperatures from the plastic state to the quasi-brittle state (Tc or T0) and from the quasi-brittle state to the brittle state (Tk2) plays a key role here. The proposed method may prove effective in monitoring the crack resistance of steels certified in scientific and plant laboratories.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):219-222
pages 219-222 views

Formation of magnetic anisotropy in amorphous Fe–Ni–B–Si alloys

Kornienkov B., Libman M., Molotilov B., Kadyshev D.


The influence of annealing at 520°C on the saturation magnetic field and coercive force of amorphous 2NSR Fe–Ni–B–Si alloys is investigated. As a result of annealing, the saturation magnetic field reaches 1000–1800 Oe. Regions of short-range order (clusters) with a direction in which the atomic pairs are ordered are thought to be formed in the alloys. The formation of the coercive force in amorphous 2NSR alloys is described.

Steel in Translation. 2017;47(3):223-224
pages 223-224 views

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