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Vol 46, No 10 (2016)


Nanolayer formation during hydrodynamic instability under external stimuli

Sarychev V.D., Gromov V.E., Nevskii S.A., Nizovskii A.I., Konovalov S.V.


Experimental observations regarding the formation of strengthening surface nanostructures under various external stimuli (electroexplosive alloying, electron-beam treatment, thermomechanical strengthening of rolled strip by fast cooling, and intense mechanical treatment in long-term rail operation) are interpreted on the basis of consistent principles. The formation of nanostructures due to unstable equilibrium states in the surface layers (Kelvin–Helmholtz and Marangoni instabilities) is simulated. The corresponding dispersion equations are analyzed, and analytical formulas are derived for the decrement α as a function of the wavelength λ in the micro and nano ranges. The numerical values of the maxima in the α(λ) curve correspond to the experimental parameters of the nanostructures. A physical interpretation is offered.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):679-685
pages 679-685 views

Manufacture of reduced products from Kuznets Basin coal

Nokhrina O.I., Rozhikhina I.D., Khodosov I.E.


The solid-phase reduction of iron from its ores by means of coal is considered. The kinetics of such solid-phase reduction is studied in high-temperature experiments. On that basis, the optimal coal consumption and reduction time and the temperature required to produce iron of specified composition may be determined.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):686-691
pages 686-691 views

Differential heat treatment of rails by means of rolling heat

Polevoi E.V., Yunin G.N., Temlyantsev M.V.


Differential heat treatment of rails by air on the basis of the rolling heat is considered. The research is conducted at AO EVRAZ ZSMK during the reconstruction of rail production. The influence of the chemical composition of the steel and the conditions of plastic deformation and heat treatment on the onset of polymorphic transition is studied. Thermokinetic diagrams are plotted for steels of experimental chemical composition. The cooling rate over the cross section of the rail head is investigated as a function of the heat-treatment parameters. The optimal chemical composition and heat-treatment conditions are determined. The heat treatment of rail samples directly after rolling is experimentally studied. Recommendations for the industrial introduction of differential quenching are developed on the basis of the theoretical and laboratory results. Industrial tests show that the rails produced are of high quality and comply with standard requirements.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):692-700
pages 692-700 views

Analysis of the properties and functions of metal components

Rubin G.S., Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Polyakova M.A.


The properties of a metal component are analyzed and classified. It is established that the structure of the properties of some object may be described in terms of the determination of functions at different levels. The properties of metal components are analyzed and, on that basis, the concept of a function is defined. The concept of a component’s useful phase is introduced on the basis of the functional principle of property analysis. A design definition of the quality of metal products is proposed: the quality is the degree of fulfillment of three functions—transportation, installation, and operation. The methods of quality analysis based on investigation of the functions of the product over the duration of its useful phase also constitute the essence of functional–goal analysis. On the basis of this approach, the algorithm for quantitative quality assessment is improved. In the proposed approach, the stages of the life cycle are specified; the functions are arranged in a multilevel structure; and a single material body is regarded as a system of properties that will be differently expressed, depending on the purpose for which it is employed. Accordingly, functional–target analysis may be regarded as a new approach to studying the structure of the functions and properties of a metal component.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):701-704
pages 701-704 views

Hydraulic transmission–multiplier drive with dosing modules

Pilipenko S.S., Baiguzin M.R., Potapenkov A.P.


Simple pump drives with constant-supply pipes are widely used in manufacturing and metallurgy today. Better performance may be obtained by means of transmission–multiplier drives. Such drives are characterized by more uniform load distribution between the pumps, lower working pressure, and hence lower motor power. When two-cylinder drives are employed, the two cylinders must be synchronized. This may be accomplished by employing transmission–multiplier modules in the drive’s control system; the modules operate in transmission mode during the idling pass and in multiplier mode during the working pass. The development of two-speed and three-speed transmission–multiplier pump drives is considered, with modular hydraulic dosing units that operate in transmission mode during the idling pass and in multiplier mode during the working pass.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):705-710
pages 705-710 views

New C–Si–Mn–Cr–V–Mo powder wires for roller surfacing

Kozyrev N.A., Kibko N.V., Umanskii A.A., Titov D.A., Nikitin A.G.


Laboratory data indicate the positive effects of introducing fluorocarbon and nickel in 25Kh5FMS steel powder wire for the surfacing of rollers. In particular, the replacement of amorphous carbon by a material containing fluorocarbon lowers the content of nonmetallic inclusions in the applied layer, while introducing nickel in the powder wire reduces the austenite grain size and ensures the formation of small carbide particles. That increases the thermal stability of the applied layer. Increase in the carbon equivalent of the 25Kh5FMS powder wire boosts the hardness of the applied metal layer.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):711-717
pages 711-717 views

Oxidation of magnetite

Yur’ev B.P., Goltsev V.A.


The oxidation of large octahedral single crystals of magnetite extracted from chlorite shale at Shabrovsk talc mine (Middle Urals) is experimentally studied. Differential heating curves show that the processes occurring in the oxidative roasting of magnetite (Fe3O4) are highly reproducible. The mechanism of martensite oxidation is considered, as well as the temperature ranges corresponding to exothermal and endothermal reactions. The thermal effect of martensite oxidation is determined from that of a standard (CaCO3) and the areas under the differential heating curves on the corresponding thermograms. Those areas are proportional to the thermal effect. The results obtained are of considerable interest: knowing the temperature range of martensite oxidation, the heat sources in the various technological zones of the conveyer roasting machines may be taken into account in establishing the roasting conditions, thereby optimizing the thermal conditions and reducing the fuel consumption.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):718-721
pages 718-721 views

Improving blast-furnace efficiency by regulating the properties of iron-ore pellets

Kozub A.V., Panchenko A.I., Efendiev N.T., Ismagilov R.I., Solodukhin A.A., Gorbachev V.A., Chesnokov Y.A., Leont’ev L.I., Burtsev D.L.


New principles are proposed for the quality control of iron-ore pellets by monitoring their reducing properties, softening temperature range, and strength on reduction (hot strength). For the example of pellets produced by AO Mikhailovskii GOK, this approach is shown to significantly improve the efficiency of blast-furnace smelting. The pellets’ reducing properties, softening temperature range, and hot strength are taken into account in calculating the market price of the iron-ore pellets. That improves the efficiency of mining and steel production.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):722-727
pages 722-727 views

Adaptive control of the ignition of sintering batch

Endiyarov S.V.


A mathematical model is proposed for the ignition of sintering batch. The main inputs (control signals, controllable and uncontrollable perturbations) that influence the output variables are identified. The corresponding control problem is formulated. Operational experience with the ignition hearths of sintering machines 10 and 13 at OAO MMK sheds light on the problems encountered in developing ignition-control systems.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):728-732
pages 728-732 views

Intellectual support in the structuring of batch within an arc furnace

Logunova O.S., Sibileva N.S., Pavlov V.V.


A structure is proposed for the automated system used in batch preparation for arc furnaces at steel plants. Structural and set-theory analysis of such automated systems is employed. The introduction of the new automated control system eliminates the deficiencies of the traditional technology. The new system is universal and ergodic, with formalization of the decision-making process.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):733-738
pages 733-738 views

Damping of vibrations in the primary drives of cold-rolling mills

Kozhevnikova I.A., Kozhevnikov A.V., Sorokin G.A., Markushevskii N.A.


Simulation of the primary drive in a cold-rolling mill permits the development of electromagnetic damping of loading and torsional vibrations. Correction of the algorithms for the mill’s automated control systems proves effective here.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):739-741
pages 739-741 views

Economically alloyed high-strength steel for use in mine equipment

Nikitin V.N., Nastich S.Y., Smirnov L.A., Mal’tsev A.B., Denisov S.V., Chevskaya O.N., Brylin A.M., Kurash V.S., Maslyuk V.M., Tarasov V.M.


The development of low-temperature, high-strength weldable steels for very heavy-duty mine vehicles and pit props is considered. Steels of strength classes S70/60 (σy ≥ 590 N/mm2) and S80/70 (σy ≥ 690 N/mm2) are based on alloying with Cr, Mn, and Si, without added Ni and Mo; wear-resistant steels of strength class S100 (σy ≥ 950 N/mm2) are based on alloying with Cr, Mn, and B, with a small content of Ni and Mo. The bainitic–martensitic or martensitic structure with small lath size obtained after quenching and tempering ensures strength, plasticity, and low-temperature strength of the steels. Microalloying reduces the austenite grain size in recrystallizing rolling (microalloying with V) and in heating of the steel before quenching (microalloying with V and Nb) and also ensures precipitation hardening on account of the precipitation of vanadium- and niobium-carbonitride nanoparticles. The new steels may be used to replace imports of high-strength weldable steels of the same strength classes.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):742-751
pages 742-751 views

Influence of the mechanical anisotropy of thin steel sheets on the parameters of Lamb waves

Murav’ev V.V., Murav’eva O.V., Volkova L.V.


The textural anisotropy in thin low-carbon 08ps and DC01 steel sheet is investigated by an electromagnetic–acoustic method. The sensitivity of Lamb waves of symmetric and antisymmetric zero-order modes to change in the elastic modulus of the medium is determined. The relation between the anisotropy of the properties and the mechanical characteristics of the metal sheet is established.

Steel in Translation. 2016;46(10):752-756
pages 752-756 views

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