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Том 47, № 3 (2016)


Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes with Persulfide Ligands: EPR and Optical Studies

Vanin A., Mikoyan V., Borodulin R., Burbaev D., Kubrina L.


Using the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method, it was established that under aerobic conditions thiol (RS) groups of thiol-containing ligands within the composition of paramagnetic mononuclear dinitrosyl iron complexes (M-DNIC) are converted into persulfide (RSS) ligands in the presence of Na2S in water-ethanolic solutions thereby initiating the formation of paramagnetic M-DNIC with persulfide ligands. Correspondingly, the EPR signal of M-DNIC with thiol-containing ligands at g = 2.04, g = 2.014, and gaver. = 2.031 is substituted for the EPR signal characteristic of M-DNIC with persulfide ligands at g = 2.04, g = 2.02, and gaver. = 2.033. With the increase in the registration temperature to ambient temperature, the anisotropic shape of the EPR signal of M-DNIC with persulfide ligands recorded at 77 K and determined by the anisotropy of the g-factor turns into the symmetric shape with a halfwidth of 0.3–0.4 mT. The lack of the five-component hyperfine structure (HFS) of this EPR signal caused by the interaction of the unpaired electron with the nitrogen nuclei of two nitrosyl ligands is attributed to the compensation of the differently charged contributions of isotropic HFS formed as a result of the spin polarization of appropriate molecular orbitals. It is suggested that similar to M-DNIC with thiol-containing ligands, M-DNIC with persulfide ligands are characterized by the d7 electronic configuration of the iron atom and the localization of the unpaired electron on MO(dz2). The incorporation of 57Fe into M-DNIC with persulfide ligands is accompanied by doublet HFS splitting of the EPR signal of M-DNIC by virtue of the mononuclear nature of the latter. It is concluded that M-DNIC with persulfide ligands may exist in the form of both low-molecular and protein-bound complexes and have relevance to the recently established biological activity of hydrogen sulfide and its derivatives.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(3):277-295
pages 277-295 views

Peptides on the Surface: Spin-Label EPR and PELDOR Study of Adsorption of the Antimicrobial Peptides Trichogin GA IV and Ampullosporin A on the Silica Nanoparticles

Syryamina V., Samoilova R., Tsvetkov Y., Ischenko A., De Zotti M., Gobbo M., Toniolo C., Formaggio F., Dzuba S.


The properties of antimicrobial peptides adsorbed on inorganic or organic surfaces are of interest for their potential applications in intracellular drug delivery. In this work, continuous-wave (CW) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) techniques were applied to study adsorption of the short-sequence trichogin GA IV and the medium-length sequence ampullosporin A antimicrobial peptides on the monodisperse colloidal silica nanospheres of 20 nm diameter. The results obtained by CW EPR support the view that the adsorbed peptides form close-packed clusters. PELDOR data show that both trichogin and ampullosporin adsorbed on the silica surface possess a more disordered conformation as compared to that in solution. For ampullosporin, disordering is much more pronounced than for trichogin. After desorption, the peptides restored their conformations; upon adsorption the peptides in some cases may lose partly their biradical character.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(3):309-320
pages 309-320 views

NMR Applications for Polymer Composite Materials Moisture Uptake Investigation

Bouznik V., Morozov E., Avilova I., Volkov V.


The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, NMR imaging, and pulsed field gradient NMR (PFG NMR) were applied for comparative study of moisture–polymer composite materials (PCM) interaction. The water uptake in PCM reinforced by aramid and carbon fibers was measured by NMR spectroscopy techniques. The aramid fiber-reinforced PCM absorbs water more intensively compared with PCM reinforced by carbon fiber, but both of them are retaining water inside of pores without formation of chemical bonds. Using NMR imaging the spatial distribution of water absorbed was visualized; preferable water pathways and influence of surface treatment on water-resistant properties were revealed. It was found that the surface rough treatment sufficiently improves the water absorption, but penetration of water molecules is still occurring only through the surfaces and it happens within a thin layer. PFG NMR technique revealed influence of pore structure on moisture–PCM interaction; it was found that additionally to strong hydrophobic properties of carbon fiber, the smaller total volume of pores sufficiently decrease the water uptake. Results achieved in this work demonstrate efficiency of NMR methods applied all together for investigation of PCM, and information obtained is practically important when designing advanced PCM with required properties.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(3):321-334
pages 321-334 views

NMR Data Compression Method Based on Principal Component Analysis

Ding Y., Xie R., Zou Y., Guo J.


Hundreds of thousands of echo data are collected in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging. In order to get the formation information, such as porosity, permeability, fluid type, fluid saturation, pore size distribution, etc., those NMR data need to be inversed. Generally, compression is implemented to the gathered significant amounts of NMR echo data before they are inversed to reduce the inversion computation. This paper puts forward a new kind of NMR echo data compression method based on the principle of principal component analysis (PCA). Aiming at losing the minimum information, original echo data were compressed by retaining those who contribute the largest amounts of information for reflecting the formation characteristics, and eliminating those who contribute little or even are redundant. One-dimensional and two-dimensional NMR echo data were simulated, and then compressed, respectively, using the PCA method. The NMR echo data before and after PCA compression were inversed respectively, and the inversion results of compressed and uncompressed were compared. The result showed that the PCA method could be used to compress the NMR echo data without losing much information even under a high compression ratio.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(3):297-307
pages 297-307 views

Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Evaluating Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Retrospective Study

Li Y., Yu Q., Li Y., Peng B., Li Y., Fu J., Wang Z., Zhu S.


Currently there is little report about the application of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) technology to judge the prognosis of patients with cerebral apoplexy. This study was to investigate cerebral functional connection in both sides of the M1 area in patients with cerebral infarction, who were treated with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), using DTI technology. Fifteen patients with cerebral infarction admitted to the hospital between February 2013 and August 2014 were enrolled for the study. The patients were treated with TMS and underwent DTI. The fractional anisotropy (FA), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), the relative FA value (rFA), and relative ADC values (rADC) were analyzed using paired t-test. rFA, rADC, and NIHSS of the lesion side before and after treatment were analyzed by Spearman correlation analysis. The results showed that before treatment, ADC value and FA value of the lesion side were lower than those of the contralateral healthy side with statistical significance (ADCt = 2.849, P < 0.05; FAt = 10.285, P < 0.05). Four weeks after treatment, ADC value and FA value of the lesion side were higher than those before treatment with statistical significance (ADCt = 6.206, P < 0.05; FAt = 3.788, P < 0.05). Both rFA values of pre-treatment and post-treatment showed negative correlation with NIHSS score with statistical significance (P < 0.05). In conclusion, after TMS with TDI technique, the value of FA and ADC values significantly increased compared to that of pre-treatment. It suggested that transcranial magnetic stimulation played a positive role in stroke rehabilitation.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(3):255-263
pages 255-263 views

Investigations of the Defect Structures and g Factors for SnO2:Cr5+, SnO2:V4+, and TiO2:V4+ Crystals

Zhu L., Wang M.


The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) g factor formulas for SnO2:Cr5+, SnO2:V4+ and TiO2:V4+ crystals are deduced from Jahn–Teller effect and contributions of the charge-transfer levels. The tetragonal distortions ΔR = −0.0283, −0.0091, and −0.0045 nm, and Δθ = 0°, −0.0335°, and −0.0010°, for SnO2:Cr5+, SnO2:V4+ and TiO2:V4+, respectively. The calculations of the g factors agree well with the experimental values. The contributions of the charge-transfer levels to g factors increase with the increasing valence state. It must be taken into account in the precise calculations of g factors for the high-valence state d1 ions in crystals.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(3):247-253
pages 247-253 views

Self-diffusion of Water and Blood Lipids in Mouse Erythrocytes

Avilova I., Smolina A., Kotelnikov A., Kotelnikova R., Loskutov V., Volkov V.


The self-diffusion of water and lipids in water—mouse RBCs’ suspension was investigated by pulsed field gradient NMR technique at different diffusion times in temperature range from 5 to 35 °C. For the experimental data interpretation, the phenomenological scaling approach was applied. The intracellular water restriction size (2.1 μm), erythrocyte water permeability (about 10−5 m/s), intracellular residence time (about 20 ms), and water permeability activation energy (24.1 ± 1.9 kJ/mol) were calculated. The lipid self-diffusion coefficients are varied from 3 × 10−12 to 10−11 m2/s depending on temperature and diffusion time. The lipid lateral self-diffusion activation energy is about 25 ± 2.9 kJ/mol.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(3):335-347
pages 335-347 views

Solvation State of Nicotinamide in Binary Solvents by 13C NMR Probing at Different Temperatures

Aleksandriiskii V., Gamov G., Dushina S., Sharnin V., Zavalishin M.


Solvation state of pyridine-3-carboxamide (nicotinamide) was studied by means of different temperature nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at different compositions of water–dimethyl sulfoxide solvent. The breaking of hydrogen bonds between heteronitrogen and water molecules takes place at XDMSO ~ 0.2–0.3 m.f. Changes in carboxamide substituent solvation consisting in the disappearance of water molecules occur at XDMSO ~ 0.4 m.f. The quantum chemical modeling of some nicotinamide solvates was performed along with NBO analysis and chemical shift calculations.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2016;47(3):349-359
pages 349-359 views

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