
Nikolay Nikolaevich Priorov - Life Devoted to Traumatology and Orthopaedics (In commemoration of 130th anniversary of birth)
Knopov M., Taranukha V.
Outcomes of Reconstructive Surgery for Defects of the Articular Ends of Bones Using Home Joint Implants
Mironov S., Balberkin A., Shavyrin D., Karpov V., Kolondaev A., Snetkov D.
Clinical and Organization Approaches to Application of Innovative Medical Technologies at Rendering High-Tech Medical Care
Shalygina I., Pakhomov I., Sadovoy M., Prolhorenko V., Mamonova E.
Organizational of Mechanisms of Innovation Management and Their Realization in Public Health (on the example of the Tsiv’yan Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics)
Totskaya E., Sadovoy M.
Experience in Use of New Fixation Method in Traumatology and Orthopaedics
Wozasek G., Dem A., Orljanski V.
Contribution of Professor G.I. Turner to domestic traumatology and orthopaedics (to the 160th anniversary of birth)
Morgoshiia T.
Solution for the Problem of Difficult Respiratory Tract in Planned Orthopaedic Surgery
Arzhakova N., Efremov V., Bessonov S., Ukolov K., Novosel'tseva V., Arzhakova N., Efremov V., Bessonov S., Ukolov K., Novosel'tseva V.
Standardization of Traumatologic and Orthopaedic Care: Alternative Version
Mattis E., Es'kin N., Mattis E., Es'kin N.
Different Variants of Osteoblastoma Course in Children (Clinical, Roentgenologic, Morphologic Comparison)
Snetkov A., Morozov A., Berchenko G., Batrakov S., Kravets I., Frantov A.
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