Clinical and Organization Approaches to Application of Innovative Medical Technologies at Rendering High-Tech Medical Care

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Rendering of high-tech medical care (HTMC) is one of the priority directions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Search of new organizational approaches, elaboration and perfection of medical technologies, introduction of new materials continue. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the expediency of biodegradable constructions use at rendering HTMC to traumatologic and orthopaedic patients. Treatment results for 56 patients with various feet pathology (calcaneus fractures, feet joints deforming arthrosis, Hallus valgus) were analyzed retrospectively. In control group ( n =28) metal constructions and in the main group (n=28) biodegradable constructions were used for bone fragments fixation. In two groups surgical treatment results were comparable, however treatment of patients from the main group was accompanied by significant social and economic effect due to more effective work of the bed as no construction removal was performed and no expenditures for patient’s stay at the hospital and intensive care unit were required. All that contributed to the improvement of patients’ life quality.

About the authors

I. A Shalygina

Novosibirsk Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after Ya. L. Tziv’yan, Novosibirsk, Russia

канд. мед. наук, зам. дир. по организационно-методической работе Новосибирского НИИТО им. Я.Л. Цивьяна; ассистент каф. организации здравоохранения и общественного здоровья ФПК и ППв НГМУ; Тел.: 8 (383) 363-31-31 630091, Новосибирск, ул. Фрунзе, 17

I. A Pakhomov

Novosibirsk Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after Ya. L. Tziv’yan, Novosibirsk, Russia

доктор мед. наук, главный науч. сотр., рук. отделения хирургии стопы Новосибирского НИИТО им. Я.Л. Цивьяна

M. A Sadovoy

Novosibirsk Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after Ya. L. Tziv’yan, Novosibirsk, Russia

доктор мед. наук, проф. директор Новосибирского НИИТО им. Я.Л. Цивьяна, зав. кафедрой организации здравоохранения и общественного здоровья ФПК и ППв НГМУ

V. M Prolhorenko

Novosibirsk Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after Ya. L. Tziv’yan, Novosibirsk, Russia

доктор мед. наук, проф., зам. директора по научно-лечебной работе Новосибирского НИИТО им. Я.Л. Цивьяна, рук. клиники эндопротезирования и эндоскопической хирургии суставов, зав. кафедрой травматологии и ортопедии НГМУ

E. V Mamonova

Innovative Medical Technology Center (Medical Technopark), Novosibirsk, Russia

канд. экон. наук, ген. дир. ЗАО «Инновационный медико-технологический центр».


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