Low Back Pains in Athletes and Ballet Dancers: Apophysitis of Vertebral Bodies




Experience in diagnosis and treatment of lumbar vertebrae apophysitis in 29 athletes and ballet dancers aged from 13 to 29 years is presented. In 25 patients pathology of thoracolumbar and upper lumbar spine was diagnosed. In 4 patients S1 apophysitis was detected including 3 patients with combination of S1 apophysitis and L4-L5 spondylolysis. Diagnosis consisted of clinical-neurologic, roentgenologic (standard including functional tests) and ultrasonographic examinations. In combination of apophysitis and spondylolysis radionuclide examination was performed. All patients were under conservative treatment which included individual complex of exercise therapy, massage, intramuscular, sympathetic trunk, ilipsoas muscle blockades, ozone-oxygen mixture injections into paravertebral muscles, use of vascular drugs, chondroprotectors and stimulating therapy. Analysis of the results confirmed high efficacy of the proposed methods for diagnosis and treatment of lumbar apophysitis in athletes and ballet dancers.


S Mironov


акад. РАН и РАМН, доктор мед. наук, директор ЦИТО, зав. отделением спортивной и балетной травмы института; ЦИТО

Galina Burmakova


Email: galina-cito@yandex.ru
доктор мед. наук, ведущий науч. сотр. отделения спортивной и балетной травмы ЦИТО; ЦИТО

S Mironov

G Burmakova


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