Bone functional remodelling due to overloading: pathologic reconstruction

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Experimental study on 68 dogs and clinical observation of 28 patients with bone pathologic remodelling showed that the morphologic base of that process was a reparative response to overtension resulting in local thickening of bone (hyperostosis due to overtension). In case of old chronic process, the creeping fracture occured-willow fracture, during the development of hyperostosis due to overtension. The diagnosis, prevention, treatment of bone pathologic remodelling were presented.

About the authors

A. T. Brusco

Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics

Author for correspondence.
Ukraine, Kiev


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1. Reparative response to overstress (day 16 of functional overload).

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3. Figure 2. Hyperostosis from overstressing: radiographs of the ulna before (a), after 130 (b) and 845 (c) days of functional overstress.

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4. Figure 3. Creeping fracture on the day of its occurrence.

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5. Fig. 4. Spread of the crevice across the bone in creep fracture: filling of the periphery of the crevice with osteogenic tissue (day 9 from the date of the creep fracture).

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6. Figure 5. Fresh newly formed cleft area and area filled with fibrous connective tissue (day 85 from the day of the crestal fracture).

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7. Fig. 6-8

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