Stimulation of the therapeutic effect of chondroprotectors in the treatment of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

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Method for stimulation of therapeutic action of chondroprotectors using polarization light and vibrotherapeutics was suggested for the treatment of deforming arthrosis. The main drug was alphlutop — chondroprotector out of glucosaminoglycanes group. Ninety patients with deforming knee arthrosis of I—III degree in sub- and decompensated forms were treated. Control group (without stimulation) consisted of 20 patients. In 70 patients different variants of stimulation were used. Long term results were evaluated in terms up to 2—3 years. It was detected that combined use of polarization light, chondroprotectors, vibrotherapeutics allowed to achieve higher clinical outcomes and prolonged remission.

About the authors

G. M. Dubrovin

Kursk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kursk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Efficacy of treatment of patients with deforming gonarthrosis by groups in dynamics (—o— 1st group; —□—2nd group; —∆— 3rd group; —◊— 4th group).

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