Surgical treatment of comminuted fractures of the humeral condyle type C according to the AO/ASIF classification

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Case reports of 61 patients with comminuted humerus condyle fractures were analyzed. In 58 patients the fractures were of C type by AO/ASIF classification. Basing on retrospective study of radiograms and surgical protocol the diagnosis was defined more precisely: in 72.2% of cases the most severe fractures, i.e. of C1 and C2 type, were determined. All patients were operated on. In 55 patients open reposition and osteosynthesis were carried out. In the majority of cases (68.9%) Y-shape plate was used for fixation. In 4 patients with C1 and C2 fractures intraosseous osteosynthesis with rods was performed. In 4 other patients with C3 fractures osteosynthesis with bone autoplasty of the central area of condyle block was done. Two patients with the same type of fracture underwent total elbow replacement. In multicomminuted condyle fractures osteosynthesis with screws and pins as well as external immobilization for 3 weeks were performed. In the other cases the joint movements were started by 7—10 days after operation.

About the authors

G. I. Zhabin

Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. R.R. Vreden

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Shakhizi Fuad

Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. R.R. Vreden

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

S. Y. Fedyunina

Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. R.R. Vreden

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Scheme of fractures of the condyle of the humerus type C (according to the AO classification).

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3. Fig. 2. Plates for osteosynthesis of the condyle of the humerus: a — simple Y-shaped; b - Y-shaped compression; c - team; g - staples.

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4. Fig. 3. Method of fixation of fragments of the condyle of the humerus.

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