Choice of Antibacterial Agents for Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Complications in Traumatologic and Orthopaedic Patients by Microbiologic Monitoring

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Etiologic structure of infectious complications in traumatologic and orthopaedic patients has been studied at CITO named after N.N. Priorov during the period from 2005 to 2007. Using modern agents and techniques 6799 samples from 3023 patients were studied. Resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to the wide spectrum of antibiotics including the drugs of last gene-ration was studied. Basing on the study results the protocols for the application of modern antibiotics including protected aminopeptides, cephalosporins of third-forth generation including the protected ones, glycopeptides, oxazolidinones, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, carbape-nemones have been elaborated and introduced into clinical practice.

About the authors

Tamara Yakovlevna Pkhakadze


доктор мед. наук, зав. лабораторией микробиологииТел./факс: 8 (499) 153-40-01; тел. 8 (499) 153-61-12; ЦИТО

G G Okropiridze


канд. мед. наук, старший науч. сотр; ЦИТО

E S Malysheva


врач-бактериолог; ЦИТО

T Ya Pkhakadze

G G Okropiridze

E S Malysheva


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