Treatment of Patients with Clavicle Fractures and Their Sequelae on the Basis of Biomechanical Conception of Bone Fragments Fixation


Basing on the results of theoretical analysis and experimental studies, biomechanical characteristics (resistance to displacement) of clavicle fragments of various length were determined. With regard for obtained data the requirements and indications to the application of various osteosynthesis techniques (transosseous, epiosseous, intramedullar) in different types of fractures were formulated. Treatment of clavicular fractures and their sequelae in accordance with biomecha-nical conception of fragments fixation was performed in 223 patients. Long term results were evaluated in 178 patients. Excellent results were achieved in 135 (75.9%) cases, good - in 26 (14.6%), satisfactory - in 10 (5.6%) and unsatisfactory - in 7 (3.9%) of cases. The results of the study showed that at observance of all biomechanical principles of bone fragments fixation it was possible to improve the outcomes of clavicular fractures treatment and to reduce the rate of complications considerably.

About the authors

I M Pichkhadze


профессор, доктор мед. наук, зав. отделением последствий травм; ЦИТО

Artak Matsakovich Matsakyan


аспирант того же отделения; ЦИТО

K A Kuz'menkov


врач того же отделения; ЦИТО

A V Zhadin


врач того же отделения; ЦИТО

A V Tsiskarashvili


аспирант того же отделения; ЦИТО

I M Pichkhadze

A M Matsakyan

K A Kuzmenkov

A V Zhadin

A V Tsiskarashvili


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