Dys-plastic Deformities of Intervertebral Joints in Mechanogenesis of Lumbar Intervertebral Disk Ex­trusion

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Dysplastic deformities of intervertebral joints (change of size of articular processes and dimen­sional configuration of articular facets, discrepancy of shape and size of the articular facets) alter the geometry of vertebral segment and this process is accompanied by redistribution of loads between joints and intervertebral disk. The elements of a disk are under the influence of additional torsion and shift forces that inevitably result in the development of dystrophic changes in the disk tissues.

About the authors

A. I Prodan

Институт патологии позвоночника и суставов им. М.И. Ситенко

Харьков (Украина)

V. A Radchenko

Институт патологии позвоночника и суставов им. М.И. Ситенко

Харьков (Украина)

V. A Kolesnochenko

Институт патологии позвоночника и суставов им. М.И. Ситенко

Харьков (Украина)


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