Low Invasive Internal Osteosynthesis in Fractures of Tibial Plateau

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Outcomes of surgical treatment of 97 patients with intraarticular fractures of proximal tibial metaepiphysis were analyzed. In all patients internal osteosynthesis without arthrotomy and under either electro-optical transducer or arthroscopic control was performed. Cannulated screws and plates with angular stability were used for osteosynthesis. In fractures with impression of articular surface plasty of bone tissue defects using either autograft from the upper flaring portion of the ilium or -tricalcium phosphate was performed. In postoperative period partial weight bearing on the operated extremity was allowed starting from the 6th week. Complete weight bearing in fractures with impression was allowed in 10 week and in 6 weeks - in fractures without impression. Treatment results were followed up at terms from 6 to 70 months (mean - 35 months). Roentgenologic and functional evaluation was performed by Rusmussen and Resnik-Niwoyama systems. Achieved roentgenologic results were excellent in 57.7% of patients, good - in 24.7%, satisfactory - in 15.5% and unsatisfactory in 2.1% of patients. It was showed that at treatment of such fractures the application of modern fixators and arthroscopic control enabled to perform adequate reposition of the articular surface and visualize injuries of intraarticular structures. Plasty of subchondral bone defects and application of plates with angular stability eliminated the probability of secondary displacement of fragments thus creating the possibility of early functional treatment and rehabilitation.

About the authors

N V Zagorodniy


профессор, доктор мед. наук, зав. кафедрой травматологии и ортопедии РУДН, зав. отделением эндопротезирования крупных суставов ЦИТО; ЦИТО

E Sh Lomtatidze


доктор мед. наук, профессор кафедры травматологии и ортопедии; РУДН

Sergey Sergeevich Nikitin


Email: nikitin@traumapynkt. Ru
аспирант той же кафедры; РУДН

A Yu Semenistyy

ГКБ № 13

канд. мед. наук, врач-ординатор травматологического отделения; ГКБ № 13

G V Fedoruk

ГКБ № 13

врач-ординатор того же отделения; ГКБ № 13

A A Volna

ГКБ № 31

врач-ординатор травматологического отделения; ГКБ № 31

A V Frolov

ГКБ № 31

канд. мед. наук, врач-ординатор травматологического отделения; ГКБ № 31

N V Zagorodniy

E Sh Lomtatidze

S S Nikitin

A Yu Semenistyi

G V Fedoruk

A A Volna

A V Frolov


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