Biomechanical Analysis of Digital Movement in Injured Hand as Method for Functional Diagnosis

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New method for functional diagnostics of motion activity of fingers based on registration of digital movements and their biomechanical analysis is suggested. Kinematical and dynamical parameters of digital movement accounted by biomechanical model adequately reflect the patterns of motion disorders and give the objective numerical evaluation. The method includes: a) registration of digital movement in both intact and injured hands using electromagnetic system of MiniBirds type; b) calculation of individual biomechanical parameters of fingers - length of phalanges, position and alignment; c) calculation of kinematic parameters of movement - time-base of joint angles, angular velocities and accelerations, range of motion of separate joints, degree of coordination of changes in various joints angles (kinematic synergy); d) evalua-tion of dynamic parameters of motion - time-base of total muscular forces moment in joints (dynamic synergy); e) evaluation of functional state based on analysis of kinematic and dynamic parameters of motion before, during and after treatment.

About the authors

E V Biryukova


канд. физ.-мат. наук, старший науч. сотр. лаборатории математической нейрофизиологии обучения; ИВНД и НФ РАН

A A Frolov


доктор биол. наук, зав. той же лабораторией; ИВНД и НФ РАН

I V Grinyagin


младший науч. сотр; ИВНД и НФ РАН

V F Korshunov


профессор, доктор мед. наук, руководитель клиники хирургии кисти, кафедра травматологии, ортопедии и ВПХ; РГМУ

S Yu Romanov

4-й Градская больница Москвы

зав. отделением хирургии кисти; 4-й Градская больница Москвы

I A Smirnitskaya


канд. физ.-мат. наук, младший науч. сотр. лаборатории математической нейрофизиологии обучения; ИВНД и НФ РАН


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