New Measures for Prevention of Intra- and Postoperative Complications at Total Hip Replacement

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The reasons of intraoperative and early postoperative complications i.e. implant dislocation and periprosthetic fractures, after hip replacement were analyzed and ways of their surgical prevention were elaborated. After 497 operations dislocation of the femoral component was detected in 24 (4,8%) cases including 15 - in the early postoperative period. The main reason of complication was inobservance of the prescribed motion activity regimen in the first postoperative days. In primary joint replacement periprosthetic fractures occurred in19 (3,8%) cases: in 15 (3%) cases the fracture developed intraoperatively and in 4 (0,8%) cases - after patients' discharge from the hospital. Application of the elaborated techniques of surgical prevention enabled to minimize the risk of such complications.

About the authors

I F Akhtyamov

Казанский ГМУ

профессор, доктор мед. наук, зав. кафедрой травматологии, ортопедии и хирургии экстремальных состояний Казанского ГМУ; Казанский ГМУ

G G Garifullov

Казанский ГМУ

ассистент кафедры; Казанский ГМУ

A N Kovalenko

Казанский ГМУ

ассистент кафедры; Казанский ГМУ

I I Kuz'min

Казанский ГМУ

ассистент кафедры; Казанский ГМУ

A G Rykov

Дорожной больницы Хабаровска

зав. отделением Дорожной больницы Хабаровска; Дорожной больницы Хабаровска


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