Risk Factors for Venous Thromboses Development in Knee Joint Arthroplasty

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Retrospective analysis of case histories of 125 patients (36-77 years) after total knee arthroplasty for III-IV stage of gonarthrosis was performed. On 4-5 day after operation deep vein thrombosis was diagnosed in 30 (23.6%) patients. It was stated that additional factors which trustworthily influenced the risk factors of thromboembolic complications development were the following: application of tourniquet to the femur for more than 1 hour; application of tourniquet to the patients with initial venous pathology (varicosis of vena saphena magna and vena saphena parva, consequences of thrombophlebitis); obesity of II-III degree in women. No reliable influence of various methods of anesthesia and infusion therapy upon the risk of thrombosis development was detected. Obtained data confirm the necessity to perform compulsory examination of lower extremities veins in patients prior to knee joint arthroplasty and take additional measures on thrombosis prevention in high risk groups. Observance of the proposed antithrombotic protocol in the postoperative period prevents vein thrombosis progression, thrombus fragmentation and floating as well as promotes accelerated recanalization of thrombotic veins.

About the authors

V V Agadzhanyan


профессор, доктор мед. наук, директор НКЦ ОЗШ; НКЦ ОЗШ

Sergey Valer'evich Vlasov


Email: svlasof@rambler.ru
канд. мед. наук, врач отделения анестезиологии и реанимации; НКЦ ОЗШ

N F Safronov


зав. отделением анестезиологии и реанимации; НКЦ ОЗШ

I V Vlasova


канд. мед. наук, зав. отделением функциональной диагностики; НКЦ ОЗШ

V V Agadzhanyan

S V Vlasov

N F Safronov

I V Vlasova


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