Malleoli Fractures: Peculiarities and New Potentialities for Treatment


Experience in treatment of 62 patients with fractures in the zone of ankle joint is presented. Two statistically similar groups of patients with malleolus fractures were studied. In one group (34 patients) low invasive techniques of osteosynthesis were applied. In the other group (28 patients) osteosynthesis was performed by conventional technique. Comparative analysis of early and long-term treatment results for two groups was performed. Advantage of closed osteosynthesis techniques was proved.

About the authors

Eduard Ivanovich Solod


доктор мед. наук, старший науч. сотр. 1-го отделения ЦИТО, Тел.: 450-09-17; ЦИТО

A F Lazarev


профессор, доктор мед. наук, зав. 1-м отделением ЦИТО; ЦИТО

Ya G Gudushauri


кандидат мед. наук, врач 1-го отделения ЦИТО; ЦИТО

M G Kakabadze


кандидат мед. наук, врач 1-го отделения ЦИТО; ЦИТО

A S Raskidaylo


кандидат мед. наук, врач 1-го отделения ЦИТО; ЦИТО

E I Solod

A F Lazarev

Ya G Gudushauri

M G Kakabadze

A S Raskidailo


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