Early Outcomes of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Tumors of the Humerus

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At present in 90% of patients with malignant tumors of long bones and large joints the organ-saving intervention - oncologic joint replacement can be performed. The risk of complications after such operations on the upper extremity is low however the adequate functional results can not be achieved. The analysis and evaluation of oncologic and functional results after application of anatomic (group 1, n=28) and reverse (group 2, n=14) shoulder prostheses in patients with proximal humerus tumors was performed. Mean age of patients made up 32±4 and 38±3 years in the 1st and 2nd groups, respectively. Primary bone tumors were diagnosed in 19 (68%) patients from the 1st and 12 (86%) patients from the 2nd group. Mean follow up period was 42 months. Progression of the disease at terms from 6 to 14 months was observed in 4 patients with primary malignant bone tumors. Functional result by MSTS scale was 60-80% in 3, 40-60% in 6 and under 40% in 19 patients from the 1st group. In 2nd group functional result ranged from 80 to 100% in 6, from 60 to 80% in 6 and from 40 to 60% in 2 patients. Application of modular reverse prosthesis for the treatment of patients with proximal humerus tumors is a perspective technique as it enables to increase functional result and social adaptation of patients significantly.

About the authors

V. Yu Karpenko

P. A. Gertsen Moscow Research Center, Moscow, Russia

канд. мед. наук, старший науч. сотр. группы опухолей костей и мягких тканей, отдела хирургического лечения опухолей центральной нервной и костно-мышечной систем

V. A Derzhavin

P. A. Gertsen Moscow Research Center, Moscow, Russia

Email: osteosa@yandex.ru
кандидат мед. наук, научные сотрудник группы опухолей костей и мягких тканей, отдела хирургического лечения опухолей центральной нервной и костно-мышечной систем; Тел.: +7 (926) 389-31-17. 127562, Москва, 2-й Боткинский пр., д. 3

A. V Bukharov

P. A. Gertsen Moscow Research Center, Moscow, Russia

кандидат мед. наук, научные сотрудник группы опухолей костей и мягких тканей, отдела хирургического лечения опухолей центральной нервной и костно-мышечной систем

T. V Danilova

P. A. Gertsen Moscow Research Center, Moscow, Russia

канд. биол. наук, ученый секретарь

M. S Andreev

P. A. Gertsen Moscow Research Center, Moscow, Russia

очный аспирант группы опухолей костей и мягких тканей, отдела хирургического лечения опухолей центральной нервной и костно-мышечной систем


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