Clinical Study of the Influence of Implants Made of Different Metals on the Physical Status of Experimental Animals

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Biocompatibility of implants made of steel 12X18H9T, steel 12X18H9T coated with titanium and hafnium nitrides, and steel 12X18H9T coated with titanium and zirconium nitrides was studied in rats. Implants that represented pins 8-10 mm long and 0.5 mm in diameter were inserted intramedullary into the middle third of the tibia after drilling. The ends of pins were turned down and placed under the skin. The wound was sutured tightly. Dynamics of body weight and temperature as well as the condition of the hair, eyes, oral and nasal mucosa were assessed on days 10, 30, 60 and 90 after implantation. It was shown that implants coated with titanium and hafnium nitrides caused minimum systemic and local reactions while implantation of pins coated with titanium and zirconium nitrides resulted in the development of more pronounced inflammatory changes on both the local and systemic level.

About the authors

E. B Gatina

Kazan’ State Medical University, Bauman Kazan’ Russia

канд. мед. наук, соискатель кафедры травматологии, ортопедии и хирургии экстремальных состояний КГМУ

I. F Akhtyamov

Kazan’ State Medical University, Bauman Kazan’ Russia

доктор мед. наук, проф., зав. кафедрой травматологии, ортопедии и хирургии экстремальных состояний КГМУ, главный науч. сотр. ГАУЗ «РКБ МЗ РТ»; Тел.: +7 (905) 315-01-50. 420012, Казань, ул. Бутлерова, д. 49, КГМУ

F. V Shakirova

Bauman Kazan’ State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Kazan’, Russia

доктор ветеринарных наук, доцент, зав. кафедрой ветеринарной хирургии КГАВМ

Zh. K Manirambona

Bauman Kazan’ State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Kazan’, Russia

аспирант кафедры ветеринарной хирургии КГАВМ


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