Peculiarities of Bone Tissue Regeneration at Application of Osteoplastic Material in Experimental Model of Purulent Bone Wound

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Results of study of new osteoplastic material conditionally named «Kombas» were presented. That material consisted of nondemineralized animal collagen in a form of chips impregnated by vascular endothelium growth factor. The first step of experiment included in vitro study of the material was for cytotoxicity in diploid fibroblast cultures of 4-6 passages. At the second step purulent bone wounds were modelled in 36 Chinchilla rabbits. After debridement bone defect in the study group of animals (n=18) was filled with study material, in control group (n=18) the defect was not filled. Radiologic (X-ray, CT) and morphologic examination were performed at terms 1, 2 and 3 months. For objectification of the achieved data integral indices were proposed. Index of bone defect restoration in study group was 70% higher in 1 month, 47 % - in 2 months and 24% - in 3 months, as compared to the control group. In control group the index which characterized the completion of reparative processes exceeded that index in study group by 42% in 2 months and by 54% in 3 month of observation. Study results showed that elaborated material was not cytotoxic, possessed plasticity, marked osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties, as well as an ability to substitute bone tissue defects under conditions of purulent bone cavity in animal experiment.

About the authors

S. N Bugrov

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, N. Novgorod, Russia

канд. мед. наук, рук. группы патоморфологии и электронной микроскопии, отделения консервации тканей и биотехнологий ННИИТО; Тел.: 8 (831) 436-87-13. 603155, Н. Новгород, Верхне-Волжская набережная, д. 18

V. N Mitrofanov

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, N. Novgorod, Russia

канд. мед. наук, зав. отделением гнойной остеологии ННИИТО

D. Ya Aleinik

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, N. Novgorod, Russia

канд. мед. наук, старший науч. сотр. отделения консервации тканей и биотехнологий ННИИТО

K. V Kulakova

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, N. Novgorod, Russia

канд. биол. наук, науч. сотр. группы патоморфологии и электронной микроскопии ННИИТО

O. P Zhivtsov

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, N. Novgorod, Russia

аспирант отделения гнойной остеологии ННИИТО

M. V Lekishvili

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

доктор мед. наук, зав. лабораторией «Тканевой банк» ЦИТО


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