Injuries of ACL with Avulsion of Bone Fragment from Tibial Intercondylar Eminence in Children and Adolescents

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Experience in arthroscopic treatment of 54 patients aged 5-18 years with ACL injury and bone fragment avulsion from the tibial intercondylar eminence is presented. Type I injury (by Meyers & McKeever - Zaricznyi classification) was diagnosed in 2 %, type II - in 49%, type III - in 40% and type IV - in 9% of patients. In patients with type I injury arthroscopic intervention was performed for concomitant injuries diagnosis and knee joint sanitation. In patients with II-IV types of injury arthroscopic osteosynthesis of tibial intercondylar eminence fractures with wire loop by original technique was performed. Excellent results were achieved in 44 (81.1%), good - in 7 (12.1%) and satisfactory - in 3 (6.8%) patients. Neither complications nor cases of nonunion were noted. Advantages of the proposed technique are the minimal traumatization of tibial growth zone, rigid fracture fixation, possibility to use this method of fixation in comminuted fractures

About the authors

V. N Merkulov

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

профессор, доктор мед. наук, зав. детским травматолого-ортопедическим отделением 127299, Москва, ул. Приорова, дом 10, ЦИТО

R. K Dovluru

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

аспирант детского травматолого-ортопедического отделения; Тел.: +7 (963) 717-19-19 127299, Москва, ул. Приорова, дом 10, ЦИТО

A. G El’tsin

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

кандидат мед. наук, старший науч. сотр. детского травматолого-ортопедического отделения 127299, Москва, ул. Приорова, дом 10, ЦИТО

D. S Mininkov

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

кандидат мед. наук, старший науч. сотр. детского травматолого-ортопедического отделения 127299, Москва, ул. Приорова, дом 10, ЦИТО


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