Results of Cemented Femur Components Application at Total Hip Revision Arthroplasty

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Treatment results for 114 total hip revision arthroplasties (1992—2011) with cemented femur components were analyzed. The most common indication for surgery was aseptic instability of hip implant. In 1 st group (42 operations) cemented stems Bi-Metric (Biomet Orthopaedics) and in 2 nd group (72 operations) cemented stems ESI (Endoservis) were used. Surgical technique was described and causes of complication development were analyzed. Mean follow-up made up 11 years. In the 1 st group excellent results were achieved in 2 (4.76%) cases, good in 34 (80.95%), satisfactory in 3 (7.14%) and poor in 3 (7.14%) cases. In the 2 nd group corresponding results were achieved in 3 (4.17%), 47 (65.28%), 15 (20.83%) and 7(9.72) respectively. Analysis of the reasons for complication development was performed. It was stated that femur defects of type 3 on level 1 by AAOS classification resulted in fatigue fractures of cemented revision stems.

About the authors

N. V Zagorodniy

ФГБУ «Центральный институт травматлогии и ортопедии им. Н.Н. Приорова» Минздравсоцразвития России, РФ

профессор, доктор мед. наук, зав. отделением эндопротезирования крупных суставов

V. I Nuzhdin

ФГБУ «Центральный институт травматлогии и ортопедии им. Н.Н. Приорова» Минздравсоцразвития России, РФ

канд. мед. наук, ведущий науч. сотр. отделения

K. M Bukhtin

ФГБУ «Центральный институт травматлогии и ортопедии им. Н.Н. Приорова» Минздравсоцразвития России, РФ

аспирант отделения; Тел.: +7 (926) 833-00-31 123060, Москва, а/я 55

S. V Kagramanov

ФГБУ «Центральный институт травматлогии и ортопедии им. Н.Н. Приорова» Минздравсоцразвития России, РФ

канд. мед. наук, науч. сотр. отделения


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