Application of Cross-Section Corrective («Translation») Forces at Surgical Treatment for Scoliosis

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Surgical treatment results for 53 patients with III—IV stage of scoliosis are presented. In all patients original endocorrector has been applied. Endocorrector is based on the application of cross-section corrective («translation effect») forces that enable to shift the vertebrae of the main scoliotic arch to the median line of the trunk. Endocorrector was the most effective in curvature arch under 75° and provided 35—45° correction. Mathematic modeling of a situation «endocor- rector—curved spine» was performed as well as the pattern of forces created by endocorrector and participated in the scoliotic deformity correction was studied. Surgical intervention enabled to achieve stable fixation of the spine with its sagittal contours preservation. At long-term follow up (1—6 years) loss of correction did not exceed 8—10°. In scoliosis with arch over 75° step-by- step corrections were performed and loss of correction could make up 15°.

About the authors

Ya. R Jalilov

НИИ травматологии и ортопедии МЗ Азербайджанской Республики, Баку

доктор мед. наук, науч. руководитель отдела ортопедии взрослых и последствий травм; Тел.: (+99412) 440-63-41; (+99450) 213-43-46 Baku, Az 1007,Azerbaijan, ул. Аббас Саххата 32, Аз.НИИТО

V. Q Verdiyev

НИИ травматологии и ортопедии МЗ Азербайджанской Республики, Баку

профессор, доктор мед. наук, засл. деятель науки Азербайджанской Республики, директор Аз.НИИТО

T. Y Jalilov

НИИ травматологии и ортопедии МЗ Азербайджанской Республики, Баку

науч. сотр. Аз.НИИТО


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