Our Experience in Treatment of Patients with Patella Dislocation

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The experience in surgical treatment of 33 patients with patella dislocation of various etiology and severity degree (38 dislocations) has been summarized. The methods of preoperative exam­ination and indications for the application of various treatment methods has been described. Two methods of patella dislocation elimination were used, i.e. myofascioplasty and reconstruc­tion of the knee joint extension apparatus with transposition of the patellar ligament medially. When indicated those methods were combined with correcting osteotomy, closed elimination of knee joint flexion contracture and shin subluxation using Ilizarov device. Postoperative fixation was performed with plaster bandage and various arrangments of Ilizarov apparatus. In the second case the possibility of early knee joint movements was provided and markedly faster restoration of joint functions was noted. Good results were achieved in 36cases, satisfactory results — in 2 cases.

About the authors

V. I Shevtsov

Российский научный центр «Восстановительная травматология и ортопедия» им. Г.А. Илизарова

P. P Buravtsov

Российский научный центр «Восстановительная травматология и ортопедия» им. Г.А. Илизарова


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