Morphologic Substantiation of Distraction as a Preparatory Step for Bioactive Interphalangeal Hand Joint Arthroplasty in Fibrous Ankylosis

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The work is dedicated to the study of the morphologic peculiarities of proximal interphalangeal joint capsule before and after distraction in order to substantiate the use of distraction technique as a preparatory step for proximal interphalangeal hand joints bioactive arthroplasty in fibrous ankylosis. The study was conducted on the samples of small fragments of proximal interphalangeal hand joint capsule (11 patients) before distraction and 2 months after distraction apparatus removal. Control group (conventional norm) was presented by 6 autopsy samples. Light microscopy using standard staining methods and immunohistochemical examination were performed. Activation of angiogenesis processes, i.e. 3.5 times increase of vascular bed, 3.4 times growth of mature labrocytes number, both partially and maximum degranulated, as compared with the nondistracted tissue and control group. Direct correlation between the growth of mature labrocytes number and fibroblasts, and the quantity of newly formed vessels per unit of tissue area was detected. Distraction enables to raise the vitality and resistance of pathologically changed joint tissues to damaging factors (hypoxia), activates functional status of joint surrounding tissues and could be considered as a preparatory step for fibrotically ankylosed interphalangeal hand joints bioactive arthroplasty.

About the authors

S. N Bugrov

Privolzhsky Federal Medical Research Centre

канд. мед. наук, ведущий науч. сотр. группы патологической анатомии; Тел.: +7 (905) 010-59-78 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

D. V Davydenko

Privolzhsky Federal Medical Research Centre

канд. биол. наук, науч. сотр. группы патологической анатомии Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

N. Yu Shirokova

Privolzhsky Federal Medical Research Centre

канд. мед. наук, старший науч. сотр. группы патологической анатомии Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

A. V Novikov

Privolzhsky Federal Medical Research Centre

доктор мед. наук, зам. директора по науке и инновационной политике Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

S. V Petrov

Privolzhsky Federal Medical Research Centre

канд. мед. наук, главный науч. сотр. отделения микрохирургии кисти Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


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