Dynamics of the formation of protection for circulatory bed in bone regenerate

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Evaluation of the bone regenerate maturation in 21 patients, aged 27 - 66 years, with closed shoulder fractures was performed in the course of treatment by Ilizarov technique according to the rate of blood supply velocity at functional load and by the value of that load. Examination was performed in 1 and 2 weeks as well as in 1 and 2 months after fixation. Within the first 2 weeks the bone fragments micro mobility at 10 kgF axial load on the extremity made up 194±42 µm. Subsequently as the regenerate became compact the bone fragments micro mobility decreased up to 53±13 µm (p≤0.02). During the fixation period the load tolerance increased from 5 to 15 kgF. The threshold of load tolerance was detected by the occurrence of unpleasant feel- ings the regenerate zone and increased rate of blood circulation in the vessels. At the end of fixation period the rate of blood circulation was decreased by 2 times and practically did not change at increasing loads confirming the formation of the protection system for circulatory bed in the bone regenerate.

About the authors

Vladimir A. Shchyurov

Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics”

Email: shchurovland@mail.ru
Dr. med. sci., Professor, head scientific worker, laboratory for deformity correction and limb lengthening Кurgan, Russia

S. P Boichuk

Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics”

канд. мед. наук, зав. отделением острой травмы Кurgan, Russia

V. T Tarchokov

Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics”

канд. мед. наук, ординатор травматоло-ортопедического отделения ВГБУ Кurgan, Russia

L. V Mel’nikova

Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics”

врач-ординатор травматологическо- го отделения № 1 Кurgan, Russia


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