The results of the application of the carbon nanostructured implant for tumorous, tumor like and inflammatory spinal diseases in pediatric bone pathology

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Purpose: to study the results of the use of the carbon nanostructured implants (CNI) for tumorous, tumor like and inflammatory spinal diseases in the department of pediatric bone pathology. Patients and methods. Fifty two patients aged from 11 to 18 years with tumorous, tumor like and inflammatory spinal diseases were operated on. Carbon nanostructured implants were placed into post-resection bone defects either separately or in combination with auto- and allografts. Comparative analysis of the osteointegration processes was performed with radiologic methods of examination (roentgenography, radioisotope examination, CT). Maximum follow up period made up 12 months. Results. At application of both isolated CNI and in combination with auto- and allografts neither graft rejection nor local inflammatory reactions were recorded in 3, 6 and 12 months after operation. In case of isolated CNI application CT did not show fresh periosteal reactions in the zone of implant - native bone at all observation terms that was indicative of poor osteointegration into CNI. Combined application also showed poorly pronounced osteointegration into CNI but with periosteal reaction between the native bone and auto- and allografts that was a condition for more reliable biological fixation of CNI in the post-resection defect. Conclusion. The data obtained allow suggesting the possibility of CNI application in pediatric bone pathology. In small, up to 4 cm, marginal bone defects the use of isolated CNI is not excluded as poor osteointegration into the graft will not affect the rehabilitation process under conditions of early axial loads. In bone defects over 4 cm it is reasonable to use CNI in combination with auto- and allografts as the activization of the osteointegration processes may be assumed.

About the authors

S. G Balametov

N.N. Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopaedics

Priorova str., 10, Moscow, 127299, Russia

S. Yu Batrakov

N.N. Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopaedics

Priorova str., 10, Moscow, 127299, Russia

N. S Gavryushenko

N.N. Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopaedics

Priorova str., 10, Moscow, 127299, Russia


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