Compare of outcomes of minimally invasive and open surgical techniques in patients with symptomatic lumbar spine stenosis on the background of scoliotic deformity

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Objective: to compare the results of minimally invasive and open surgery in the treatment of the patients with combined symptomatic degenerative stenosis and scoliotic deformity of the lumbar spine.

Patients and methods. A retrospective comparative analysis of the long-term results of 54 patients was performed. The patients were devided in two groups: open surgery (group 1, n=39) and minimally invasive surgery (group 2, n=15). Different approaches were used based on the type of deformity (according to Berzhano and Lamartine), localization and extent of lumbar stenosis. The evaluation of volume of decompression, blood loss, time of surgery and postoperative treatment, intraoperative complications, pain and patients condition were measured using clinical scales ODI, ZCQ, SF-12 was performed.

Results. No differences in the type of deformity, the severity of stenosis and clinical manifestations between groups were discovered before treatment. All characteristics of the surgery (except the intraoperative complications) — blood loss, duration of surgery, and hospital stay — were significantly less in the minimally invasive group. Postoperative assessment has shown in group 1 greater regression of axial pain syndrome (p=0.03), in group 2 greater regression of radicular syndrome (p=0.03). Assessment of quality of life based on questionnaires after 2 years has revealed no differences between groups.

Conclusion. Using of minimally-invasive decompression and decompression-stabilizing surgical technologies in patients with combined stenosis and deformity of the lumbar spine allow to eliminate the syndromes of neural compression, provide sufficient correction of segmental relationships and improve the quality of life.

About the authors

S. G. Mlyavykh

FSBEI HE 'Privolzhsky Research Medical University' MOH Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6310-4961

Cand. of Sci (Med), Chief of Trauma and Orthopedic

Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod

A. E. Bokov

FSBEI HE 'Privolzhsky Research Medical University' MOH Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5203-0717

Cand. of Sci (Med), Head of Department of Oncology and Neurosurgery Department of Trauma and Orthopedic Institute

Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod

A. Ya. Aleynik

FSBEI HE 'Privolzhsky Research Medical University' MOH Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1761-1022

and. of Sci (Med), Neurosurgeon and Orthopedics of Department of Oncology and Neurosurgery Department of Trauma and Orthopedic

Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod

K. S. Yashin

FSBEI HE 'Privolzhsky Research Medical University' MOH Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5723-7389

Cand. of Sci (Med), Neurosurgeon and Oncologist of Department of Oncology and Neurosurgery Department of Trauma and Orthopedic

Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Distribution of patients by type of surgical intervention performed: MIS LLIF — indirect decompression + anterior interbody fusion from lateral minimally invasive aproach with percutaneous posterior rigid fixation; Tubular Decompression — tubular (mono/bilateral laminotomy) decompression without spinal fusion; Open Decompression — open decompression without fusion; TLIF — open decompression + transforaminal interbody fusion with rigid fixation; PLF — open decompression + posterior lateral fusion with rigid fixation. Absolute number of patients and fractions (%) are indicated.

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