Contribution of Guillaume Dupuytren (1777-1835) to Clinical Surgery and Traumatology (in commemoration of the 240th anniversary of the birth)

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G. Dupuytren was a representative of an anatomic and physiologic direction as he deemed that the surgery should develop on the basis of the achievements of the anatomy and physiology. He rightfully earned a reputation of the best French surgeon that ensured him wealth, fame and titles. Principle theoretic and practical propositions and discoveries of G. Dupuytren are still the background of our knowledge in surgery. General theoretical and methodological principles of scientific cognition that were used by Dupuytren characterize him not only as a great surgeon and traumatologist, but an eminent scientist and thinker as well.

About the authors

Temuri Sh. Morgoshiia

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Cand. med. sci., Assistant Professor, Chair of Intermediate Surgery named after A.A. Rusanova St. Petersburg, Russia


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