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Urgency. Although the basic pathomorphologic features of bone lesion in destructive form of osteomyelitis with latent clinical course (Brodie’s abscess) are known from the literature, the thorough analytical clinical-morphologic studies have not been yet conducted.Purpose of study: Based on the results of the study to establish correlation dependence between clinical, clinical-laboratory indices and morphologic foci parameters.Material and methods. Fragments of pathologic foci tissues from 25 patients with Brodie’s abscess (31 samples) were the study material. The results of clinical, visualizing and clinical-laboratory methods as well as morphometric semi-quantitative indices characterizing the state of foci tissues were used for the gradationfrequency and correlation analysis.Results. In Brodie’s abscess the bone tissue morphologic changes are presented by spongiosa necrosis and resorption. More often the cases with granulation tissue within the internal capsule of a membrane prevailed. The evidence of exudative inflammation corresponded to the low degree of activity, of a productive one — to high activity. In the majority of cases small sequesters within the capsule tissues were detected. Reliable (p<0.05) correlations that corresponded to absolute values of correlation coefficient ra in the range of 0.3 — 0.7 were determined for the following indices: “patient’s age” — “exudative inflammation within the capsule”, “white blood cells” — “pattern of capsule connective tissue”, “white blood cells” — “productive inflammation within the capsule”, “white blood cells” — “presence of sequesters”, “Antistaphylococcal antibodies” — “exudative inflammation within the capsule”.Conclusion. Determined clinical-morphologic correlations could be used to improve both clinical and morphological diagnosis of bone inflammatory lesions.

About the authors

V. V. Grigorovskiy

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics NAMS of Ukraine

Email: val_grigorov@bigmir.net

N. P. Gritsai

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics NAMS of Ukraine

A. S. Gordiy

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics NAMS of Ukraine

O. B. Lyutko

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics NAMS of Ukraine

A. V. Grigorovskaya

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics NAMS of Ukraine


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