Risk factors of bone mineral density deficit and low-energy fractures in primary osteoporosis in men

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Purpose: to evaluate the role of well-known factors on the formation of bone mineral density (BMD) and risk of fractures in primary osteoporosis in men. Patients and methods. The influence of well-known osteoporosis risk factors such as age, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, genetic disorders in genes encoding COL1A1, COL1A2 and VDR-receptor products, history of low-energy fractures in first-line relatives upon the BMD value and risk of fractures was evaluated in 231 patients with primary osteoporosis. All patients were divided into three age groups according to the following forms of osteoporosis: 17-20 years (n=26) - juvenile form, 21-50 (n=103) - idiopathic form, patients over 51 years (n=102). To assess the influence of study factors on the risk of fractures the patients were subdivided into 5 groups according to fracture localization. Results. The relationship between BMD deficit and mutations in homozygous form of gene rs2412298 (encodes collagen), and the tendency to a reliable increase of BMD deficit in L1 - L4 vertebrae under polymorphism in homozygous form of 1800012 gene was noted that might be evidence of their contribution to the development of primary osteoporosis in men. At the same time, smoking, alcohol consumption, age, mutations in homozygous form of gene rs2412298 and a history of low-energy fractures in first-line relatives increased the risk of low-energy fractures of the vertebral bodies and proximal femur.

About the authors

Svetlana S. Rodionova

N.N. Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopaedics

Email: rod06@inbox.ru
Dr. med. sci., Prof., Head of Osteoporosis Center, N.N. Priorov NMRC TO Moscow, Russia

U. R Khakimov

N.N. Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopaedics

аспирант Moscow, Russia


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