Structural features of non-cellular tissues of the human body during ochronosis

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With the help of special methods of dehydration, the features of the structural organization of the solid phase of biological fluids of a patient with a rare genetic disease — ochronosis were revealed. Three biological fluids were taken as material for the study: urine, blood serum, and synovial fluid. For the transfer of biological fluids into a solid phase, the methods of cuneiform and marginal dehydration (technology “Litos-System”) were used. The structure of the solid phase of biological fluids was studied using stereomicroscopy in white and polarized light, as well as in a dark field. It was found that the structures of the solid phase of biological fluids reflect the main clinical signs of ochronosis, and also contains information about concomitant pathological processes. Specific structures of the solid phase of patients with ochronosis can be used as diagnostic markers of this disease.

About the authors

Svetlana N. Shatokhina

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute

Author for correspondence.

PhD, professor, Head of the Department of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Russian Federation, Moscow

Vadim V. Zar

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute


MD, leading researcher of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics, associate professor of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics

Russian Federation, Moscow

Mikhail V. Zar

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute


clinical resident of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics

Russian Federation, Moscow

Vladimir N. Shabalin

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology


PhD, professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief scientific officer of the biocrystallomics laboratory

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig 1. Facies of urine and their fragments of patient X.: a, b — native urine; d, e — urine with Lithos reagent. Arrows: 1 — cascades of dashed cracks; 2 — angular bending of a crack (ureaplasma marker); 3 — light crystals; 4 — gray crystals; 5 — clusters of small black structures; 6 — short arcade cracks; a, c, d, e, f — microscopy in white light. The facies of a healthy person’s urine: c — native; e — with Lithos reagent; a, c, d, f — ×12; b — ×40 (microscopy in polarized light); d — ×80

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3. Fig. 2. Blood serum facies of patient X.: a — initial with fields of fine-grained gray structures; b — in a day (microscopy in a partially dark field). Arrows: 1 — fields of gray granular structures; 2 — boundary of partial facies bifurcation; 3 — toxic plaques. The facies of the blood serum of a healthy person are harmonious structure (c — initial; d — in a day). White light microscopy. ×15

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4. Fig. 3. The facies of the synovial fluid of patients: a — with ochronosis and gonarthrosis; b — with gonarthrosis, c — without joint pathology. Arrows show spindle-shaped formations — markers of gonarthrosis. White light microscopy. ×15

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5. Fig. 4. Fragments of facies of synovial fluid of patients with gonarthrosis: a — in combination with ochronosis; b — without ochronosis. Arrows: 1 — marginal zones of organic substance; 2 — deposits of dark gray granular masses; 3 — fusiform formations with superimposed fine-grained masses of light gray color; 4 — fusiform formations. ×80

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6. Fig. 5. Anisomorphones of blood serum: a — healthy person, ×100; b–e — patient with ochronosis: b, c — ×400; d, e — ×800. Arrow 1 — mesh structures. Serum plate isomorphone: f — patient with ochronosis, ×200. Arrow 2 — gray mass deposits; a–e microscopy in polarized light; f — in a partially dark field

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7. Fig. 6. Isomorphones of synovial fluid: a — fern-like; b — transitional; c — lamellar; d–f — lamellar with the inclusion of gray masses and fragmentation. ×100

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